University Centers Funded by the Government are Pushing Anti-Semitism

Do you wonder where all the anti-Israel and pro-Hamas madness on campus is coming from? We’re all helping to pay for it.

Adam Kissel writes at the Daily Signal:

Why Are Federally Funded University Centers Pushing Antisemitism?The federal Department of Education spends $75 million annually on foreign language and culture educational programs in the United States, but much of that funds academic centers that side with America’s antagonists and enemies.Just look at funding to study the Middle East.Beginning Oct. 20, university Middle Eastern studies centers have co-organized a weekly “Gaza in Context” series.The sessions accept the premise of Gaza’s alleged “structural subjugation and apartheid existence” caused by Israel’s “settler colonialism.” The most recent session on Nov. 20 recasts the Hamas-Israel war as a war on the “children of Gaza.”The list of co-organizers has grown and now includes centers or programs at George Mason University, Georgetown, Rutgers, Harvard, Brown, Columbia, the University of Chicago, CUNY, University of Illinois Chicago, George Washington University, New York University, and others.At least five of those universities have recent grants under the Department of Education’s National Resource Centers Program to promote study of the Middle East. The same five—Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Georgetown, and George Washington University—also have recent grants to give fellowships under the Department of Education’s Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships Program.It’s increasingly difficult to see how these federal programs are achieving their mission.The law establishing international and foreign language education programs emphasized the importance of educating American experts in order to protect the “security, stability, and economic vitality of the United States.”That goal does not seem to be in the mission statements of Middle East studies centers.

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel