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U. Tennessee Rebranding DEI Department as ‘Division of Access and Engagement’ to Fool Public and Lawmakers

U. Tennessee Rebranding DEI Department as ‘Division of Access and Engagement’ to Fool Public and Lawmakers

“The university’s commitment to the Board of Trustees’ Diversity Statement has not changed.”

This is so typical of the left. Don’t change the policy, just change the words.

From the UT Daily Beacon:

UT system to rename Division of Diversity and Engagement as Access and Engagement

The UT System’s Division of Diversity and Engagement, which is tasked with promoting diversity, equity and inclusion across all campuses, will soon be renamed as the “Division of Access and Engagement” in an effort to better reflect the division’s mission, as well as move away from some potentially divisive terminology.

Those who work within the division are responsible for ensuring that campus environments remain inclusive and accessible for all students, faculty and staff of the university. This work is meant to promote “diversity, equity and inclusion” and is more often referred to simply as DEI. In the past, DEI has been instrumental in the uplifting of minority groups, who may otherwise lack a voice.

In a statement from the university regarding the name change, it was revealed that the UT system hopes to move towards prioritizing blanket access to higher education across the state.

“UT System President Randy Boyd has charged all campuses in the system with prioritizing access to a UT degree for Tennesseans, and to better reflect the socioeconomic demographics of our state,” the university said in a statement to the Beacon. “As part of this effort … the division will change its name to the Division of Access and Engagement. The university’s commitment to the Board of Trustees’ Diversity Statement has not changed.”

The name change will advance gradually throughout the university system and will rename the Knoxville campus’s Office of Diversity and Engagement, while also changing the titles of the DEI offices, committees and divisions within colleges and schools.


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…move away from some potentially divisive terminology

Get it?

It’s the terminology that’s divisive, not the ideology.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 26, 2023 at 2:19 pm

to better reflect the socioeconomic demographics of our state

“socioeconomic demographics”?? Somehow that phrase sounds tortured and used incorrectly. Marxist-speak overload, maybe?

Maybe they should call the department “The Office of Global Warming”? That label is free, now.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 26, 2023 at 2:23 pm

In the past, DEI has been instrumental in the uplifting of minority groups, who may otherwise lack a voice.

College is about “a voice”? That’s a new one on me. Are we sure this isn’t a music school??

If the DIE crap was so instrumental in “uplifting” the poor, widdle voiceless minority groups, why do they need even more help, now? Frankly, I’ve heard more than enough from these people. They have big voices without brains. Not a great combination. Fatal to civilized society.

Access refers to handicap access, like wheelchair ramp or parking space.

So they are going to remove the CRT, BLM, LGBT component to their policies, right??

    Milhouse in reply to smooth. | November 28, 2023 at 6:48 am

    Access refers to handicap access, like wheelchair ramp or parking space.

    Why do you think it refers to that?

Marxists continuously rebrand their “popular front” groups. Islamist militia fronts constantly rebrand; ISIS, ISIL, IS, Daesh.

Obama helped in the process when he played the ISIS to ISIL rebranding game.

    Milhouse in reply to Tiki. | November 28, 2023 at 7:07 am

    There was only one re-brand there. ISIS and ISIL are the same thing; the difference is only in how you choose to translate “ash-Sham” into English. It means “Syria”, but it doesn’t only refer to the current Republic of Syria, but to Greater Syria as it was before the French and British removed Lebanon and Palestine from it, i.e. the entire Levant. That became irrelevant when it rebranded as not just the Islamic State of a specific country or region but the Islamic State of the whole world. “Da’ish” is simply the same acronym spelled in Arabic letters.

Stop sending your children to these places of hate

They lower everyone and slightly narrow the gap in the process. They are the opposite of excellence, which a google shows to be: inferiority. insignificance. worthlessness. unimportance. All four seem to working equally, for me.

Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?: The Case for Helping Them Leave, Chart Their Own Paths, and Prepare for Adulthood
Author: Blake Boles
Year: 2020

The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
Author: Bryan Caplan
Year: 2018

The Teenage Liberation Handbook (Third Edition): How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
Author: Grace Llewelyn
Year: 2021

Inside American Education: The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas
Author: Thomas Sowell, PhD
Year: 1992


The job of college presidents first and foremost is to bring in the money.

People too often seem to get distracted from this reality.

The Duke d’Escargot | November 26, 2023 at 7:16 pm

Because of the outstanding work that they’ve done at U Tenn, I am going to propose that these same people got to work for the US Olympic Committee , helping with the selection process for the next Olympics.

This is why you don’t remove the government from everything. If we surrender the role of having influence over public institutions the Democrats are glad to take over that roll.

    henrybowman in reply to Danny. | November 27, 2023 at 2:47 am

    Absolutely to the contrary. Remove the government entirely from their funding, and their delegation of authority over anybody else, and then I don’t give a s* what divisions they want to create or what they want to call them.

      I will laugh in your face if you suggest Harvard is less woke than your average community college.

        Milhouse in reply to Danny. | November 28, 2023 at 7:13 am

        I think Harvard would probably be a lot less woke if it weren’t getting a steady stream of government money in direct and indirect subsidies.

          Danny in reply to Milhouse. | November 28, 2023 at 8:30 am

          Community colleges get all of their money from the government yet…….no anti-Semitic marches……student body not a hotbed of radicalism……less woke in every single particular.

          Harvard doesn’t get nothing, but if you took away government funds it would continue being exactly the same Harvard.

          Yale, Oberlin….private colleges are with one or two exceptions super woke.

Access is a worthwhile endeavor if it means recruiting students from low income families, without regard to race or gender. Public universities should serve students from all economic categories, but many poor families do not understand the financial aid process.

    henrybowman in reply to lawgrad. | November 27, 2023 at 2:48 am

    That’s exactly why they don’t have drivers’ licenses or other government issued ID cards when it comes time for them to cast their all-holy ballot.

“The university’s commitment to the Board of Trustees’ Diversity Statement has not changed.”

Literally correct.