‘They Control Everything’: North Carolina Democrat Unleashes Antisemitic Rant Against Jewish Caucus
“If the Democratic Party caves to it, that’s the end of the Democratic Party. We’re not Democrats, we’re the Jewish Caucus. We’re a Zionist group. Because they control everything.”

When they show you who they are, then you better believe them. There’s a disturbing pattern among these so-called “progressives.”
Ryan Jenkins, president of the Progressive Caucus within the North Carolina Democratic Party, spewed numerous antisemitic tropes on the Jewish Caucus, which wanted the party to recognize them formally.
Jews control everything. The Jewish Caucus would lead to a takeover of the state’s Democrat Party. The Jews threaten and bully to get their way.
The state’s Democrat Party voted not to recognize the Jewish Caucus. Seventeen voted no, 16 voted yes, and 17 abstained from the vote.
Sounds like Jenkins and his pals would get along well with the progressives in DC. From WFAE:
He said many progressives are adamant that the caucus not be included. He said there is talk they would boycott the 2024 election if the state party reverses course.
“If the Democratic Party caves to it, that’s the end of the Democratic Party. We’re not Democrats, we’re the Jewish Caucus. We’re a Zionist group. Because they control everything. (If we approve the caucus) We’re telling them very clearly they are allowed to threaten and bully us and they will get their way every single time and that our rules don’t apply.”
“What you are seeing is basically a very small group of rich white people who have never been held accountable for anything, who have never faced consequences for anything, throwing a temper tantrum because they are facing consequences for once,” Jenkins said. “And their only mode is, ‘Oh well you must be antisemitic — because I’ve never done anything wrong.’”
Jenkins also questioned the need for a Jewish Caucus when the party already has an “Interfaith Caucus.”
Holy crap. I reread Jenkins’ comments at least five times.
North Carolina’s Democrat Party has numerous overlapping caucuses! It has a Young Democrats Caucus, a Teenagers Caucus, and a College Students Caucus.
Why does it need an LGBTQ Community Caucus and a Transgender Community Caucus?
I demand a Ginger Caucus within all political parties.
Jenkins eventually apologized for his remarks:
Update: Jenkins apologized Saturday morning “to anyone who misinterpreted (his comments) as playing to antisemitic tropes about secret cabals and other racist nonsense. Seeing it in print, I realize that I chose my words poorly and should have been more exact.”
Jenkins had to read his comments to realize he repeated some of the most well-known antisemitic tropes.
“Jews controlling everything” is probably the one antisemitic trope that everyone knows!

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The solution for the Jews — make it rain on this guy’s house for 40 days and 40 nights. (I heard the Jews can control the weather [per Trayon White] so this should be easy for them.)
F that.
Release the Space Lasers!
Bro… hahaha
The heck with the rain….send the frogs, lice and boils!
A visit from Soros checks all three boxes.
Announcing antisemitic tropes is a stereotype too. You could counter it by donating some amount to a charity for each time it’s done, like a swearing fund.
A swearing fund? That’s a great idea. I’d be fu*king rich.
Um, the money goes in the OTHER direction.
This guy says that upon seeing what he wrote in print, he realizes that he chose his words poorly and should have been more exact. That’s it? An insincere apology to those who misinterpreted his words?
He got caught and smacked in the face with criticism. He knew what he was saying and meant every word of it.
Honesty from a Democrat today. Bless his heart….
‘I hate Jews. That’s better.’ — Ryan Jenkins, typical Democrat
Jenkins added, “Don’t be sore, I hate white people and America, too.’
Let’s all mail him a pointy hood.
One with a big blue Ⓓ on the front!!
Jews should wise up, recognize that Dems no longer deserve their support, that Trump had their back. Many people recognize that Dems have turned to the dark side, and that the Republican party is the lessor evil at this time. That is the nature of politics. RINOs have warts, MAGA is the best choice today.
I didn’t misinterpret anything, I understood exactly what he meant. What an asshat and anti-semite. This Hamas slaughter attack sure has brought the cockroaches out of the cellar.
For anyone curious, this is what he looks like.
I’m actually surprised. That is not what I was expecting.
I’m not as I live in the state. Dem “leaders” here from Cooper on down all think like this but most are smart enough to not let people hear it.
Comic Book Guy?!
Wow. This is next level.
Dems aren’t just dog whistling to the crazies. Dems are the crazies.
Enough with “tropes”. I don’t care about “antisemitic tropes”. I barely even know what they are. What I care about is actual antisemitism, and that is what this guy has displayed, tropes or no tropes.
For instance, apparently one is not allowed to say that George Soros manipulates elected officials from the shadows, or to depict him as a puppeteer doing so, because that is how antisemites have for over a century falsely depicted the Rothschilds. Well, screw that. When it’s said about the Rothschilds it’s antisemitic, because it isn’t true. When it’s said about Soros it’s the literal truth, so it’s not antisemitic.
“They control everything” is antisemitic, and it would be just as antisemitic if it were a completely original idea that nobody had ever expressed before. But if it were true it wouldn’t be antisemitic.
Oh I just can’t wait to see how Jenkins will get on board with AG Josh Stein’s campaign for governor next year. Pass the popcorn.
Jenkins is a classical progressive intersectional anti Semite
Jenkins is just cranky because he is late to the all you can eat buffet.