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The DEI Complex in Higher Education is Rife With Anti-Semitism

The DEI Complex in Higher Education is Rife With Anti-Semitism

“opponents of Israel seek to racialise what is a religious and national conflict to put together coalitions of students ‘of colour’ versus ‘white’ Israel and Jews”

Professor Jacobson is quoted in this story and talks about what’s happening at Cornell.

Laurel Duggan writes at Unherd:

The DEI industry has an antisemitism problem

The diversity, equity and inclusion industry has been dented by several recent antisemitism disputes. George Washington University postponed a diversity summit last week over concerns about the “current climate”, after a student group projected messages onto a campus building reading “glory to our martyrs”, “free Palestine from the river to the sea” and “GWU is complicit in genocide in Gaza”. The university wrote that the postponement was related to campus safety as well as the “pain” felt by students.

Institutions across the country — and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) departments in particular — appear to be reckoning with the same problem. The advocacy group StopAntisemitism found in its 2022 report that the majority of universities it evaluated did not include Jews in their DEI programs.

Speaking to UnHerd, Cornell law professor William A. Jacobson claimed that at his university “opponents of Israel seek to racialise what is a religious and national conflict to put together coalitions of students ‘of colour’ versus ‘white’ Israel and Jews”. He suggested that this process has accelerated since the university announced an anti-racism initiative in early June 2020, following the killing of George Floyd.

Cornell came under scrutiny after history professor Russell Rickford said he was “exhilarated” by the 7 October Hamas attacks, and the FBI is currently investigating recent antisemitic threats made against its Jewish student centre.

“I’ve not seen any response from feminist and women’s rights groups, which overlap significantly with the pro-Palestinian groups, to the use of rape and sexual abuse by Hamas, including rape of dead Israeli women,” Jacobson said. “It may be old fashioned Jew-hatred, but I think more likely it is because campus ‘social justice’ movements, including at Cornell, have been conditioned by the DEI obsession with race to view Israeli Jews as so uniquely evil that resistance ‘by any means necessary’ is promoted, embraced, and excused.”


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It’ll neva happen I realize

But wouldn’t it be something if every Jew in the U.S. somehow some way found their testicles for once

Just one time

One freaking time

Just. One. Freaking. Time.

And took the year off from college

Just took one f*coming year off from their little self-centered sheltered reform deconstructionist holier than you and me lives and just took one freaking year off

Get a job omg
Volunteer in Israel
Learn a language
Learn self defense
Learn to handle a firearm
Learn a trade
Learn to paint

But don’t pay tuition at any of these Hamas-tolerating colleges


Just stop it. For one blessed year.

Is that too much to ask of you??

Surely you have not allll lost every single nanogram of testosterone yet

Is this too much to ask of you, you
whiny %#?%+’s

    Urologist in reply to Urologist. | November 1, 2023 at 11:29 am

    The one-year economic impact on the corrupt, hypocritical US Higher Educational Industrial Complex would be about a Billion US Dollars

    That’s assuming less than half American Jews stopped paying tuition room board etc. for a year

    You can run the numbers yourself if you don’t believe me. Only requires a few clicks and some basic arithmetic

    If every single American Jewish college student just sat it out for a year , then the total one-year economic loss to the American Higher Education Enterprise would be more like $2,000,000,000-$5,000,000,000.

    Anybody paying attention?

We have been warned for many years that this was our destiny and we would wallow in this pigsty of identity politics. We have become one huge social quagmire because we give voice to the absurd and most radical among us. We are now scared to confront the beast head on and attempt a resetting of our society. This ideology has roots in Marxism and has infiltrated our universities for years. There is a huge disconnect between the elite university class and the mainstream middle America class. What scares me is the young impressionable students that are indoctrinated and will be in charge of this country in the very near future

If you host conferences and hire instructors that normalize killing me and my nieces, well shame on you.

If I pay for you to host such conferences, and to hire such instructors, well shame on me.

Not gonna lie. I feel kindalike Bluto “Who’s WITH me!?!”

Well, best wishes

Imho if American Jewish college students cannot find something else to do with themselves for one year , then imho there really is no hope, our fate is sealed. And that of Christianity and the West as well.

Go ahead keep on paying tens of thousands at a time to the Penns and Harvards and the Michigans and Stanfords and the rest.

You people are idiots, and your OCTOBER 7TH will come.

F#cking idiots..