Switzerland to Ban Hamas as ‘Terrorist Organization’ and Support Israel’s ‘Right to Self-Defense’
Swiss People’s Party, the largest in the country, has been strongly pushing for a ban.

How bad is Hamas?
Consider the last entity that organized the slaughter of Jewish people: Nazi Germany. During World War Two, the ‘neutral’ nation of Switzerland willing engaged in fiscal interactions with the Hitler regime.
Switzerland was the favorite haven for Nazi bank accounts and safe deposit boxes, which often contained property plundered from Jews. Swiss banks did a lucrative business with the German Reichsbank and with individual Nazi officials.
However, in the wake of the October 7th terror attacks on Israelis, the famously neutral country is planning to ban Hamas.
The Swiss government says it will pass a new law by the end of February to ban any “Hamas activities” or “support” for the Palestinian group.
The Swiss Federal Council recently designated Hamas as a “terrorist organisation” and considers this new policy as the “most appropriate response” to the events that have been unfolding in the Middle East since Hamas fighters launched a deadly cross-border raid from inside Gaza to Southern Israel on 7 October.
Switzerland will terminate contracts with three Palestinian NGOs found to have “instances of non-compliance” while maintaining contractual relationships with eight other NGOs.
The government has called for “respect for international humanitarian law and in particular the protection of civilians” stressing the need for humanitarian pauses “to ensure unimpeded humanitarian access”.
Swiss People’s Party, the largest in the country, has been strongly pushing for a ban. The announcement of the plans for the plan also included a statement supporting Israel’s right to defend itself.
…[T]he government called for respect for international humanitarian law and particularly the protection of civilians. It voiced “deep sorrow for the thousands of civilians who have lost their lives in Israel and across the occupied Palestinian territories” and condemned the Hamas attack on October 7 “in the strongest possible terms”.
The statement made no mention of Israel’s actions in Gaza but recognised “Israel’s right to ensure its own defence and security”.
Of course, being “neutral”, Switzerland had to toss in the requisite “two state solution” option.
In view of the dramatic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, the Swiss government called for the need to ensure unimpeded humanitarian access. Humanitarian pauses are necessary for this purpose, it said.
In its statement it also stressed the need to restore the prospect of a political framework in the region, based on the two-state solution.
“This approach is the only viable path towards ensuring that both the Palestinian and Israeli populations can coexist peacefully, securely and with dignity,” it noted.
If one state is devoted to chaos and destruction, there will be no peace. However, the moves are Swiss are directionally correct and perhaps they can inspire more people to deem Hamas a terrorist organization…especially the people who voted to give this organization power in Gaza in the first place.

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The article states that previously “Swiss banks did a lucrative business with the German Reichsbank and with individual Nazi officials.” So Swiss decision-making is heavily influenced by domestic economic factors. Do you think that Switzerland is changing its tune now because Hamas is not doing enough business with Switzerland’s banks?
Maybe, but I suspect all the trouble they are having with Muslims is a big factor. 1st Hamas, then when they find out the nature of others, then more.
As long as the swiss did business with the Nazis they didn’t need to worry about being attacked. If they do business with Hamas the Islamic terrorist will eventually kill them anyway.
Hey, folks. It’s Switzerland. It all comes down to who has the most money.
Agreed. Switzerland’s altruism goes to the highest bidder.
The Nazis defeated and occulpied every country in Europe. Except Switzerland. The Jewish population in Switzerland was not rounded up or handed over to the Germans. It took smart manuevering and some very steep mountain passes to keep Switzerland free. It is easy to critize today, well after the fact and well after the horrors of the death camps have been well publicized. There is even criticism of the United States that we did not do enough to stop the death camps, as opposed to focusing solely on winning the war. As I said, criticism is easy. Switzerland cleverly used both the carrot or the stick to keep German troops at bay.
The Swiss did, however, hand over every Jew they could find who had crossed the border to escape.
Antisemitism in Switzerland has for a very long time been worse than in Germany. The Swiss are open about hating Jews, because they don’t feel guilty about it.
The Nazis defeated and occupied every country in Europe. Except Switzerland. The Jewish population in Switzerland was not rounded up or handed over to the Germans. It took smart manuevering and some very steep mountain passes to keep Switzerland free. It is easy to critize today, well after the fact and well after the horrors of the death camps have been well publicized. There is even criticism of the United States that we did not do enough to stop the death camps, as opposed to focusing solely on winning the war. As I said, criticism is easy. Switzerland cleverly used both the carrot or the stick to keep German troops at bay.
“Switzerland was the favorite haven for Nazi bank accounts …..”
“Switzerland gave Nazi Germany access to hard currency and world markets. Stolen and plundered gold worth SFr1.7bn was laundered by the Swiss National Bank, enabling the Germans to acquire crucial raw materials: …”
“Most of the gold laundered by the Swiss National Bank was stolen from the central banks of occupied Europe. Some was looted by the SS in Eastern and Central Europe and some undoubtedly came from victims of the concentration camps; Treblinka produced eight to ten kilos of gold a week.”
The IBM Geneva office was an important resource for the Germans to acquire and maintain the IBM data processing equipment that facilitated the “smooth running” of the “Final Solution”.
“Most of the gold laundered by the Swiss National Bank was stolen from the central banks of occupied Europe.”
I’m not sure this goes with the others. People getting crushed is one thing. Central banks are creatures of govts — if you don’t want your central bank emptied, don’t lose. That’s pretty much the point of wars of conquest: to take by force what you can’t gain by trade, from funds, to resources, to populations, to land.
The very concept of a “Palestinian” state is ludicrous and needs to be exposed as such and tossed in the trash can. It is time for Arab countries to welcome home the peaceful, innocent Arabs they say they care so much about, who actually descend from Arab countries and not Israel.
. . . based on the two-state solution.
Yep. Everything from the River to the Sea goes to Israel (including all of Jerusalem). And everything from the River on West can be given over to the Gazans to inhabit. Problem solved.
Jordan and every other Middle East country do not want the Arabs claiming to be Palestinians. They would likely kill all of them.
>>Jordan and every other Middle East country do not want the Arabs claiming to be Palestinians. They would likely kill all of them..<<
And given the their uncivilized, savage, and barbaric attitudes and actions that would be a bad thing?
Uh oh…. Looks like some heads are gonna roll in Switzerland pretty soon.
They have had problems with widescale rape of women, much og it by peaceful Muslims. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2015-003081_EN.html
“The Swiss government says it will pass a new law by the end of February to ban any “Hamas activities” or “support” for the Palestinian group.”
Meaning Hamas can maintain their secret Swiss bank accounts but no more hot chocolate?
When you’ve gone so far you’ve lost your Swiss banking…