Report: U.S. and Western-Funded Palestinian Schools Celebrated October 7 Massacre
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Report: U.S. and Western-Funded Palestinian Schools Celebrated October 7 Massacre 

Report: U.S. and Western-Funded Palestinian Schools Celebrated October 7 Massacre 

In 2022, the Biden admin pledged $344 million for terror-infested Palestinian agencies. This years the funding is set to rise. 

A newly released report by an Israeli education watchdog uncovered that the U.S. and western government-funded Palestinian schools ‘celebrated’ the brutal killing, maiming and raping of hundreds of innocent Israeli in the Hamas’s October 7 massacre.

Palestinian schools, many of them run by the PLO-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA), cheered the Hamas’ terrorist attack that killed more than 1200 Israeli and other nationals—including women, children, and elderly, an investigative report published by IMPACT-se, an Israeli NGO monitors school education, reveals.

“While the civilized world has reacted with horror to the atrocities committed by terrorists on 7 October, who massacred around 1,400 Israelis – mainly civilians – as documented in this report, at least 11 schools in the West Bank which are operated by the PA have openly and publicly celebrated the massacre,” the reported found.

The study concluded “that the next generation of Palestinians are being desensitized to violence and death, to see Jews and Israelis as inhuman creatures, and to perceive their own death in battle as an utmost goal. In light of this, one cannot escape the conclusion that should the status quo of Palestinian education continue, the next atrocity is all but assured.”

These Palestinian schools receive millions of dollars each years from the U.S. and its western allies. President Joe Biden restored the funding for the Palestinians in 2021, reversing a Trump-era decision. In 2022, the Biden administration pledged $344 million for terrorist and jihadist-infested Palestinian agencies. This years the funding is expected to rise again.

Following are some of the disturbing findings of the report (Read the full PDF report here):

The resulting picture is disturbing,” the reported noted. “It appears that many schools across the Palestinian Territories have seized the opportunity of the October 7 attacks to celebrate the massacre,
glorifying Hamas terrorists and lauding their bravery and sacrifice.

The imagery of gliders, used by Hamas militants to carry out the atrocity, is specifically invoked in some instances, including a social media post from one school showing second-grade students coloring in drawings which depicted Hamas terrorists on gliders, made by their art teacher, featuring the words “Glorious Gaza.”

Many schools also took this opportunity to disseminate expressly antisemitic messages in the days after the Hamas attack, wishing for God to “punish the Jews” or calling the Jews “prophet killers” in the tradition of antisemitic deicide accusations, and asking fourth-graders to sing lyrics to the song “Our al-Aqsa” which included the words “place a dagger on your waist,” and “water us with martyrdom. (…)

On November 6, the school posted a video of a class play performed by fourth-graders in solidarity with the children of Gaza. The play takes the form of a silent performance, where the videographer follows the students acting out roles in silence around the classroom. While some students are seen holding placards with messages such as “Has anyone seen my mom?” and “Only God can heal the wounds of Gaza,” others are seen playing out graphic scenes, with a few students lying on the floor representing dead bodies (ostensibly those of children), some drenched in red paint representing blood. (…)

On October 17, the school’s Facebook page posted a notice informing of a school strike in solidarity with Gaza. The school’s post refers to Israel as “the Nazi Occupation,” and ends with a wish for God to “punish the Jews and those who support them.” (…)

On October 26, a video posted from a rally in the courtyard of this UNRWA school shows a young boy accompanied by what appears to be an UNRWA administrator from the school, who asks God to support the “Jihad warriors” in Gaza against “the enemies of religion” (i.e., Israel). He evokes traditional Islamic references to Muhammad’s forces defeating enemies in Mecca, and the Jews of Khaybar. The boy supplicates God to grant victory to the Muslim jihad warriors like the victories of “the Battle of Badr,” “Khaybar,” and enable them to take “war spoils like in the Battle of Hunayn.” The crowd of boys collectively responds “Amen” to each line

The indoctrination of Palestinian youth is the first step towards recruiting them into the terrorist fighting forces being amassed by Hamas and its allied terrorist groups.

Ahead of the October 7 massacre, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad held large-scale terrorist summer camps in Gaza. In hindsight, these youth camps were holding mock drills for a October 7-style assault. As I wrote in a post dated June 15, 2023, the camp “training includes mock-drills on killing Israeli civilians and taking IDF soldiers hostage.”

The latest findings once again bust the myth of the ‘moderate’ PLO-led PA as a possible alternative to the Hamas-rule in Gaza. The report is based on a sample of 11 school, representing the cross-section of the Palestinian society. “Schools were selected to cover as diverse a sample as possible, and include 8 schools run by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in six different governorates (districts) of the West Bank – one private West Bank school, one UNRWA-run West Bank school, and one Hamas-run Gaza Strip school,” the education watchdog explained.

If any doubt persisted, a senior PLO-Fatah leader declared that October 7 massacre was part of a “defensive war” against Israel, and terrorist group Hamas is “part of our political and social fabric,” the Israeli media reported Sunday.

The Times of Israel reported Fatah operative Jibril Rajoub’s comments:

Jibril Rajoub, secretary general of Fatah’s Central Committee, justifies the October 7 massacre by Hamas as an act “in the context of the defensive war our people are waging.”

In a speech he delivers in a meeting with journalists in Kuwait, Rajoub also says that Israel is responsible for causing October 7, due to its “aggression on all the Palestinian lands.”

He also says that the Hamas onslaught “thwarted the goal of the Israeli right to integrate Israel into the region without resolving the Palestinian issue, based on the principle of peace in exchange for peace,” referencing the Abraham Accords that Israel signed in recent years with several Arab nations, and ongoing talks to normalize relations with other Middle East countries, including Saudi Arabia.

Rajoub, who is also head of the Palestinian Football Association, adds in his speech that “Hamas is part of our political and social fabric and of our struggle, and their involvement is important,” but reiterates that the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people is the Palestinian Authority.


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Our tax money at work

We have taxation without representation

Yep, Biden is still paying them and they still hold as many as 200 hostages.

No wonder they have no respect for us.

H: Father! A rebellion has begun.
J: By whom?
H: A designated terrorist army called hamas.
J: You will embrace this rebellion with our university youth, while I condemn it with our ‘Israel is our greatest ally’ oldsters.
H: Aw, gee, Pops. Perhaps it’s time to snort more coke off a hookers butt.
J: It’s time to get richer with another failed trillion dollar Pentagon audit in order to launder more $$$ through Raytheon, Bechtel, Halliburton, Boeing, etc.
H: Play both sides against each other with 10% for the big guy?
J: Oldest trick in the book. Now, find me some lil girls to fondle!

It’s giving a bloody nose to the hated smart people who stole our stuff which is why we don’t have anything, something to celebrate. It’s more or less the US take in general with regard to smart people and brown people.

It’s completely the wrong approach but it’s based in denial of smartness differences.

The right approach is teaching good character. Even stupid white people wind up with a place in society provided they have good character. That place is available to everybody.

There’s no return on investment by pouring money into these backwards holes–I’d rather send the money to Israel and let them wipe out these terrorists and their sympathizers–that is money that is well spent

Ever notice how the reporting n analysis slides off into BigThink and epic tales? Climate, immigration, the rona, why’s all the banks failing, the invasion du jour, and so on.

What they actually do breaks things, again it seems “always.” I wonder what happens when there’s no more surplus to skim? I wonder who realizes first that there’s no more extra?

Somebody has to feed the hate bots being programmed up. When they don’t get fed, they know only one response.

Interesting times.

“ the next atrocity is all but assured.”

Indeed it is. Seems most of the Palestinian population is fully invested in he destruction of Israel. So, are there really very many so-called Palestinian “civilians”? Maybe young children who have not attained the age of reason, maybe a small percentage of the adult population that does not support Hamas, A culture whose rai·son d’ê·tre is the destruction of another really can’t be reasoned with, negotiated with, or otherwise mollified. This doesn’t leave Israel with any good options.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | November 26, 2023 at 11:24 pm

Nice picture of a future resident of 72 Virgin Street.

Any bets the little darling will blow itself up with a failed vest, or be eliminated by the IDF before it reaches 25?

I was not aware of the US funding those Palestinian Schools. We are funding Schools that will be turning out future MURDERERS ! These Schools are revolting places of HATE, and I don’t agree with funding any of them. The Palestinians teach their children HATE from the time they are babies, and the Schools continue that poison. Hate for Jews, and Hate for the West. That is why the Palestinians were celebrating 9/11 when 3000 Americans were killed !

Anyone who celebrates a massacre cannot legitimately claim to be an innocent civilian.