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Report: 65-Year-Old Jewish Man Dies at Los Angeles ‘Pro-Palestine’ Rally

Report: 65-Year-Old Jewish Man Dies at Los Angeles ‘Pro-Palestine’ Rally

We do not know all the details.

A Jewish man died at an anti-Israel rally in the Los Angeles rally. The situation is still fluid, but some people claim an anti-Israel protestor hit the 65-year-old man over the head with a megaphone.


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I hope they get video of the attack. Without it it will be very difficult to prosecute his killer. They are already in LA which is weak on crime.

People who go to protests need to take cameras with them. Everyone should be recording. Cameras are cheap enough that everyone can buy one. Get a selfie stick, wear it like a body camera, or wear it on a hat.

Record everything.

Phones work too but they are expensive to replace if the other side damages them or steals them which is why I say go buy a cheap camera that can record video.

    TheOldZombie in reply to TheOldZombie. | November 6, 2023 at 10:52 pm

    Just read it’s in Ventura County and not LA so the odds of a good prosecution have gone up.

    Also the victim was recording the incident and police have his phone. Hopefully others also have recordings to back up the victims recording.

    CommoChief in reply to TheOldZombie. | November 7, 2023 at 8:02 am

    Yeah there’s no reason not to have cameras. Especially so for an event where counter protesters are likely to show up. At minimum having several folks with body cameras helps ID troublemakers and might deter some of them. We are in a bad place when we need to worry about security arrangements for a vigil.

There is a picture of the guy and a detailed version from an eyewitness who said the perp basically invaded a pro-Israel gathering.

“abbi Avraham Berkowitz, providing first-hand account details, verified that the 65-year-old Jewish victim was indeed Paul Kessler.

“Paul Kessler a 65 year old Jewish man, who was pro-Israel was beaten to death in Los Angeles by a pro-Palestinian activist with a megaphone. The victim was evacuated to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The LAPD has confirmed this,” Berkowitz wrote.

Berkowitz posted a photo of the suspect, clarifying the scene at the time of the incident.

According to Berkowitz, “Pro-Israel peace activists were holding a vigil for the victims of the October 7th massacre and demanding the release of the innocent people kidnapped by Hamas, when they were approached and attacked by a group of individuals, including the man in this picture. Please share any information about this man for the LAPD’s investigation.””

(Isn’t that the terrible site where one of the contributors here also writes?)

What? No surveillance cameras in that area? There are everywhere else; strange there is no footage from security cameras

No Muslim of this hateful death cult has ever been arrested for a hate crime. The FBI is actually scared of these animals.

BLM: Megaphone
Tennessee House rep: Megaphone
Antifa: Megaphone
Hamas followers: Megaphone

By their megaphones you shall know them. Now here is a dilemma for Newsom… how to avoid commenting on this.

I’ve gotta say — it sounds like it was a mostly peaceful skull crushing that resulted in the death of an American citizen.

Im confident that there will be a sincere, diligent investigation, and that a mostly just justice will just prevail.

In Los Angeles

In California

In 2023

Nothing o be concerned about here

Move along

Move right along

Hey who won the game yesterday

May his memory be a blessing.
Details may still be somewhat fuzzy, I just hope the suspect faces some kind of justice. But, I am really cynical now.

This sound like premeditated murder.

The perp has earned the “needle.”

    Milhouse in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | November 7, 2023 at 8:20 pm

    It doesn’t sound premeditated at all. At most it’s manslaughter, or negligent homicide. And it might not even be that; we need to wait for the facts and the evidence.

E Howard Hunt | November 7, 2023 at 8:10 am

I think we should wait until all the facts come out, and then at that point, stubbornly stick to our preconceived notions.

This is helpful

My preconceived notions are that the msn with megaphone was running to catch a bus so he could attend a COEXISTENCE peace rally but suddenly he had a seizure which caused him to turn around and sprint the other way, straight for the Jew with the Star of David. That man then grabbed the megaphone from the man having the seizure, and commenced to strike himself on his own head many times until he was dead. Then, the dead man stood up, called an ambulance for the man having the seizure, returned the now-bloodied megaphone to its rightful owner, and apologized for bloodying it. That’s my preconceived notion and I’d guess that that’s probably most other people’s as well. But let’s wait until the investigation is completed.

I just saw on cnn that the dead man had “Altercations” with several people before his “Accident”. They never mentioned that he was waving an Israeli flag during a pro-Hamas protest. His altercations consisted of him getting slandered and verbally attacked by the pro-Hamas monsters and then getting hit by the megaphone. I thought cnn had hit bottom but I was wrong!

Steven Brizel | November 7, 2023 at 9:05 am

These thugs should be arrested and tried for homicide and a hate crime