Rashida Tlaib Includes ‘From the River to the Sea’ in Her Anti-Israel Video
Will this finally be the last straw for her colleagues?

Anti-Jew and anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib knows she can get away with her anti-Semitic behavior.
But Tlaib’s latest act might be the last straw for the Democrats.
Tlaib included “From the River to the Sea” in her anti-Israel video.
.@POTUS, the majority of the American people are not with you on this one. #CeasefireNow pic.twitter.com/rV97zrMkad
— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) November 3, 2023

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She’s got her own constituents. It’s up to them to prove that they’re American, not congress.
I like the idea of sweeping the trash out of Palestine from the river to the sea, and moving Jews from hostile places to Palestine. That would be a fitting end.
Not only is this not the “last straw” for Democrats, I would not be surprised to see it played at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next year.
Subotai Bahadur
This is the party of Hamas. The old guard (including liberal Jews) are on the way out as the new guard they created pushes them aside…. they just don’t see it yet.
That is exactly what I am hoping the GOP will say during the election: the Democrats are the party of Hamas, and keep showing clips of Democrat politicians and their followers supporting Hamas. That will help in congressional races.
And what odds would you give that the GOPe would allow any Republican candidate tell that much truth about any of their dear Democrat friends? Not only would it hurt the Democrats’ feelings, it might also cause more Republicans to be elected including some who might try to do what the Republican voter base wants.
Subotai Bahadur
It is worth noting that neither of the Detroit papers have covered this news.
She’s a Nazi, and the disguise is falling away. Americans need to wake up to this Jew hater.
A phrase that is literally a call to exterminate the millions of Jews in Israel. And nothing will happen to her.
“And nothing will happen to her”
There. are only a handfull of real Jews in congress. All the Jews in Name Only support her.
It’s Rashida Tlaib’s call for Arabist Lebensraum.
Palestinian nationalists require living space void of Jews and Infidels. Later, they will import infidel-slaves.
‘From the river to the sea’ is used routinely in public, even by members of Congress without much push-back from mainstream media, if any at all.
Imagine if a Caucasian House member, maybe someone from a Confederate state, created a video of the lawlessness that’s plaguing most of our urban areas and that video included the phrase, ‘Send them back to Africa.’ That guy would correctly get censured, right? Maybe even expelled?
There seems to be a double-standard at play here, per usual.
Remember that decent people in urban areas suffer more from that lawlessness than others. Being really hardnosed with the troublemakers would greatly improve those communities.
People like low information Thad Jarvis have convinced me that we may have to have a new crusade to avoid another dark age.
I hurt Thad Jarvis’ feelings
What does this say about the constituency that would elect and reelect this anti-Semitic garbage? Rather casts them in the same light I think. What the @$# happened to Michigan?
Immigration invasion is what happened
Same thing that happened to Minneapolis, Lewiston Maine and other places. A hoard of people that have nothing in common with America, it’s values and were not interested in assimilating into our “melting pot”were let in and set up little fiefdoms of their home countries. Thank Swimmer Ted Kennedy for this.
It is Dearborn, not only did Henry Ford hate Jews and give Nazi’s lots of money, he imported a lot of Jew hating Arabs-Muslims to work in his factories. They have multiplied. Tlaib is representative of their nature.
Tlaib has bigger goals:
This land is muzzie land, this land is arab land
From California to the New York island
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for Muslimbs like me
And shiria law from sea to shinging sea:
Play Sharia games get Sharia laws. Just how long did it take for jumpers from 9/11 to free fall from the burning Towers? With Islam…. the buildings will remain intact. What are the tallest buildings in Michigan?
They made a tactical mistake, they showed their hand too soon.
She means the majority of Dearbornistan are not with him. She is such trash but faithfully represents the people of her district who hate America and Jews. This is more than most of the out of touch politicians in DC do so there is that.
This whole thing sure is bringing the anti semites out into the open
Direct and public incitement to commit genocide violates the Genocide Convention and is punishable. (Article III (c).) She clearly deserves it.
Absolutely agreed. However, when was the last time an elected Democrat was held to any law? If an elected Republican or any normal non-Leftist citizen said something like that they would be locked up along with the J6 Zeks.
Subotai Bahadur
No, it is not punishable. First of all, the Genocide Convention is not self-executing law. Second, nothing she has said fits the definition of “incitement”. Third, no law can override the first amendment; if the Genocide Convention were to ban anything she has said, it would automatically be unconstitutional and invalid.
Well that seems clear enough. When folks tell you their goals include violence you should believe believe them and stop pretending their statement ‘can’t be what they meant’.
Dems support islamic terrorism??
Hussein obama is smiling.
Dems are rabid America-haters and have been seeking the absolute destruction of America since Barky Hussein illegally slimed into office. Dewms have long before been against America but with Barky their hate got super-charged with a third world thirst for vengeance against us (for having been so creative and wealthy and successful and free and civilized …). Added to this, we have been importing America-hating, anti-Western muslims since the 90s, which got unbelievably thrown into overdrive after 9/11 (for which people deserved to be held for treason). One of America’s greatest advantages since our establishment – that we had pretty much ZERO MUSLIMS and didn’t have to deal with their insanity and violence and barbarity – has been thrown away. We have allowed our nation to bring these people in, who have nothing but antipathy and hate for America, Americanism, or Western culture of any sort.
Tlaib is just indicative of a very dangerous problem that America now has.
Most of the country should not be a huge problem, but Michigan & Minnesota might be messy.
This is not true. The proportion of the USA population that is Moslem has not significantly increased since 2001. Nor has the proportion of immigrants who are Moslem.
Congress had the chance to censure Talib, but they effectively voted it down. 20 republicans refused to censurer her. I haven’t made a deep comparison, but I have glimpsed it Guess what a lot of Representatives who failed to censure Talib also impeded Jim Jordan during the Speaker vote.
Get the point? Or are you going to be like the l;eftists who are shocked that their freinds are now defending Hamas?
We are going to need a Joe McCarthy like operation to properly clean house.
The vile Islamofascist and Muslim supremacist/terrorist apologist, Tlaib — ugly within, and, without.
From the river to the sea no Hamas there will be.
Keep in mind that Tlaib swore her oath to uphold our Constitution on her personal Koran, which shows where her true allegiance lies. Oath taking for Muslims has a different meaning from that taken in the English tradition (https://islamseries.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/what-islam-teaches-about-taking-an-oath-so-help-me-god.pdf )
Muslims, per their religion, mainly support only their Ummah or their Islamic community, and can make pretense (Quran 3:28 and 16:106).