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Protestors Clash with San Francisco Riot Police Outside the APEC Summit

Protestors Clash with San Francisco Riot Police Outside the APEC Summit

Biden meets China’s Xi Jinping to talk about AI, climate change, and other issues….so not only will the SF police be busy, but White House staffers and media minions, too.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Bay Area political leaders expended a great deal of resources and funds to clean up San Francisco ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in the poop-laden, fentanyl-infused city.

However, not everything is turning out sunshine and photo-ops for the governor.

Hundreds of anti-oil, pro-Palestine protesters clashed with riot police outside the APEC summit in San Francisco ahead of president Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s widely anticipated meeting on Wednesday.

A motorcade of around ten vehicles was stuck in front of a human barricade as police officers in riot gear tried to control the crowd of demonstrators on Fifth Street near Mission.

The demonstrators, wearing yellow vests, tried to block people from attending the CEO summit at the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum but were unsuccessful as attendees entered through an alleyway.

‘We won’t allow genocide to be normalized,’ an organizer with the No APEC Coalition told the the San Francisco Standard.

The protesters chanted: ‘Biden, Biden telling lies, you don’t care if the planet dies’ and ‘Shut down APEC.’

A portion of the protestors were demonstrating for the Hamas goal of a cease-fire. It appears the antics will continue all week.

After hundreds marched down Market Street Tuesday, demanding an immediate cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war, more protesters from multiple groups gathered Wednesday morning.

More protests are expected throughout the day and the rest of the week.

…Things mainly remained peaceful, but there were multiple tense moments where protesters booed and attempted to confront APEC attendees in suits. Protesters were swarming and even putting hands on delegates as they tried to walk in to the Moscone Center.

Police did step in to break up confrontations, but no arrests were made.

Other intersections around the Moscone Center may close down on Wednesday and the rest of the week due to other demonstrations.

Opponents of Xi and China also marched through downtown around noon, following a route line with hundreds of Chinese flags.

Hundreds moved through the city’s center near the San Francisco convention center, chanting “free Tibet” and “free Hong Kong.”

Headed by a police escort, the peaceful group – which stretched for multiple city blocks – blocked one of the main downtown thoroughfares, as it moved in a slow circle around the convention center’s perimeter.

“We can say beyond a reasonable doubt that this will be the largest anti-Xi protest during the bilateral talks hosted here in the United States in the history of Xi Jinping’s time as a dictator of China,” Pema Doma, executive director of Students for a Free Tibet, said early in the day.

A smaller group of Xi supporters gave thumbs-down gestures to protesters downtown, and local television showed crowds welcoming Xi, waving huge Chinese and American flags, as well as posters of the two flags together, along a highway south of San Francisco where the presidents were scheduled to meet. Some protesters also lined that route.

I have to admit I am extremely sympathetic to the demonstrators’ demands to shut down another globalist conference, where bureaucrats and politicos endeavor to find more ways to line their pockets and increase their power over vast swaths of humanity.

I suspect my reasons, however, are more about limiting Big Government than allowing it to go hog wild using pseudoscience.

From Biden’s opening remarks at the summit:

‘We have a responsibility to our people and the world to work together when we see it in our interests to do so. The critical global changes we face from climate change, narcotics to artificial intelligence demand us to work together.’

Not only will the San Francisco riot police be busy, but Biden’s staffers and media minions will also be putting in overtime.

I suspect this conference’s results will not be suitable for most Americans or anyone else who isn’t among the politically connected and their bureaucratic supporters.


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Judging by the look of things, most of the standby DNC street performers have been given their ‘walking around money’.

Brief scuffle between anti-CCP Chinese and pro-CCP Chinese. Twitter link.

Another one of these?

Democrats protest Democrats for supporting Democrat issues.

What is the point?

Covid, fentanyl, chinese dictators… what else does china export nowadays? Newscum with photo opp on the stage with dementia joe selling out to Xi.

Hunter got his extra 10%.

I wonder what the world would look like if Clinton hadn’t sold out to China? I suppose someone else would have done it if he hadn’t.

I wonder what the Left finds to chant in countries where “lie” and “die” don’t rhyme in their language?