Protesters Shut Down Screening of Detransitioner Documentary at U. Utah

The left just won’t allow people to live their lives and make their own choices.

Campus Reform reports:

Protesters halt detransitioner documentary screening at University of UtahEarlier this month, left-wing activists successfully shut down a conservative group’s screening of a documentary intended to showcase the harmful effects of “transgender” care.On Nov. 1, protestors were escorted out of the University of Utah’s Marriott Library after disrupting the playing of The Daily Caller’s Damaged: The Transing of America’s Kids.“Hey, hey, go home, transphobia has got to go,” demonstrators shouted in videos of the protest obtained by The Daily Caller.Hosted by Utah’s Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter, the screening was supposed to highlight the testimonies of “detransitioners” who regret having undergone “gender reassignment” surgeries.Utah YAF Vice Chairman Everett Lopez told The Daily Caller that the protestors were initially calm when YAF introduced the film, but the moment the movie started, the uproar followed.“We tried, you know, fighting through so we shut the lights off, put subtitles on. Since we’re so small, we all go to the front and try to watch it,” he said. “Thankfully campus police gave it five minutes and they started escorting everybody out, anybody who wasn’t supporting the event.”“The event was canceled following the protest out of an abundance of caution. University police officers also escorted attendees of the film screening safely from the building,” according to a statement from the university obtained by The Daily Caller.Campus Reform spoke to a student who was encouraged to embrace a transgender identity as a child. The student, who wishes to remain anonymous, detransitioned after realizing that transitioning didn’t provide the escape she was hoping for.When asked how transitioning impacted her long-term, the student said that it completely broke her.“I’m starting to come to terms with the thought that maybe God meant for this to happen,” she told Campus Reform. “Still, I wish it hadn’t had this much collateral damage.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Transgender, Utah