Presbyterian Chaplain at Rhodes College Planned BDSM Workshop on Campus Featuring a Dominatrix
“As a person of faith on campus, I was appalled to see the chaplain promote such acts that are obviously incongruent with the faith she supposedly represents”

How did this get past the planning phase? Who thought this was a good idea?
The College Fix reports:
Presbyterian chaplain planned BDSM workshop on campus with dominatrix
A BDSM sex workshop to be hosted by a campus chaplain and taught by a dominatrix was canceled this month at Rhodes College in Tennessee after sparking backlash.
The Rev. Beatrix Weil, a Presbyterian Church USA pastor and chaplain at the private college, organized the BDSM 101 workshop to be held on campus, FOX 13 reported. BDSM stands for erotic behavior involving bondage, domination/discipline, sadism, and masochism.
“Chaplain Beatrix will host a local dominatrix to share wisdom on how to safely, sanely and consensually learn about bondage, discipline-domination, sadism-submission and masochism. There will be an opportunity to ask questions anonymously,” according to an event invitation obtained by FOX 13.
But the workshop never took place. In a statement, the college said administrators at the Presbyterian-affiliated school canceled the event after they learned of it. “It was not a college-sanctioned event. No such event is planned for our campus,” the statement reads.
However, Weil did teach a first-year seminar, “Let’s Talk About Sex,” this fall where she welcomed a dominatrix to speak to students, National Review reported.
A Rhodes student who spoke to National Review on condition of anonymity said Weil’s “sex class” is one of the courses first-year students can take to fulfill a mandatory requirement to graduate.
“As a person of faith on campus, I was appalled to see the chaplain promote such acts that are obviously incongruent with the faith she supposedly represents,” the student said.
Another student, Coleman Clay, told FOX 13 said he also was shocked to hear of the BDSM workshop.
“I don’t think anything sexual like that or any seminar like that should be held on a college campus,” Clay said. “Even though this is a private school and they can get away with it, I don’t think that that belongs here, especially at Rhodes where I go. I’m not proud of it.”

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Let’s hope she gets the boot!
My safe word is “tenure.”
Wolves in sheep’s clothing — Mt. 7:15
Decades ago there were two dominant Presbyterian denominations, PCUS and UPCUSA. They both started going more liberal in their doctrines with the result unsurprisingly being a gradual loss of membership. In the early 70s many finally got tired of it and left to form PCA which is decidedly conservative and traditional and their reformed doctrines. PCUS and UPCUSA united to form PC(USA) in the 80s and, mysteriously, their membership continued to decrease. With obviously un-Christian clerics like this, one wonders why they haven’t figured it out yet.
And though we know how things will eventually end, Satan laughs.
… IN their reformed doctrines. All I want for Christmas is an edit function.
Another note: Many Southern Baptists are comfortable with PCA because it was formed in Birmingham, AL, and the doctrines, though presbyterian and reformed, have been somewhat influenced by Baptist doctrine. I can’t imagine a PCA school ever being in the position of Rhodes.
Given the rate of PC(USA) membership decline (it’s lost over 400k congregants since 2016 alone), odds are the denomination will be as dead as the Shakers in less than 20 years.
Music to my ears, given their eager participation in US gun banner movements, including founding and bankrolling at least one major one.