Palestinians in ‘West Bank’ Celebrate Terrorists Release By Hanging Alleged Collaborators While Waving Hamas Flags
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Palestinians in ‘West Bank’ Celebrate Terrorists Release By Hanging Alleged Collaborators While Waving Hamas Flags

Palestinians in ‘West Bank’ Celebrate Terrorists Release By Hanging Alleged Collaborators While Waving Hamas Flags

There is a lot of skepticism as to where this will lead, as Hamas will manipuate the U.S. and Israelis to keep the pressure on Israel to extend the ceasefire so Hamas gets more time to rearm and regroup.

We covered earlier the release of 13 Israeli hostages as part of the terrorist-for-hostage exchange.

Some of the precious Palestinian ‘children’ released in the deal were flat out terrorist teenagers who commited heinous acts of violence.

Israeli reaction has been to embrace life.

Palestinian reaction has been a celebration of death, with Hamas banners throughout the ‘West Bank’ (Judea and Samaria), supposedly controlled by the Palestinian Authority.

Two alleged collaborators were publicly hung before a cheering crowd with so many cell phones held high you’d think you were at a rock show. The bodies were mutilated then dismembered, just like Hamas did on a massive scale on October 7.

A third supposed collaborator later was executed.

There is a lot of skepticism as to where this will lead, as Hamas will manipuate the U.S. and Israelis to keep the pressure on Israel to extend the ceasefire so Hamas gets more time to rearm and regroup.


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“Palestinians” are savages. There is nothing redeeming in any part of their culture.

    guyjones in reply to Paddy M. | November 25, 2023 at 7:37 am

    I extend that statement to apply to all Muslim supremacists, terrorists and Islamofascists, worldwide; as well as to their equally vile, evil, water-carrying, non-Muslim, European dhimmi and American Dhimmi-crat enablers, apologists, appeasers and collaborators.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Paddy M. | November 25, 2023 at 10:11 am

    And tell me again why Israel shouldn’t simply eliminate the whole problem that is Gaza once and for all?

Savage, subhuman scum.

I suggest again that any Hamas or collaborator should re released with either implants of be irradiated prior to release, should be walking dead. That would make larger numbers of Pales released palatable. These monsters must face full accountability.

Only dopes, ignoramuses, activists, college academics, Democrats and the US media are surprised when Muslims repeatedly do exactly what they have always done, continue to execute on their deadly promises, and ignore ceasefires while spitting at our faces. And, then Joe Biden takes credit and sends them money.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Ghostrider. | November 25, 2023 at 7:00 am

    The Biden Crime Syndicate is probably being paid. As to the West Bank, when Gaza is completely pacified, the West Bank should receive the same treatment. Both terrorists and those who support them should be liquidated.

Well, the positive side of releasing all of the terrorists in Israeli prisons back to Gaza is, as a state of war now exists, those terrorists are dead men/women walking. They will be hunted down and killed along with the “journalists”.

Maybe the men were gay and had it coming?

Classy. Tolerant. Open-minded. Fully evolved. These are words and terms I would never use to describe these “people”.

Escape from NY coming at you live, but in Arabic.

Easy to solve. Release the terrorist and get your people back. Once they are safe look at the director of Mossad and tell him “You may begin.”

Then leave Mossad alone and cover for any spillover.

Islam is a death cult

So many of the sentiments expressed in the quotes above are sweet and innocent. As if they had never heard of Hamas and as if October 7th was just another day. You can either defend yourself or you can’t. Many of the posters cannot.

There can only be a one state solution. A two state solution adds one more state created to destroy Israel….

These people are nothing but animals–bulldoze Gaza to the ground

BigRosieGreenbaum | November 26, 2023 at 3:31 pm

Serious health condition of that 12yo? Bizarre how he made it 8 yrs in solitary confinement with horrible health. What serious health condition causes you to murder people? Anti social, psychotic personality disorder? Like that kind of serious?