Oversight Chairman Comer Shoots Down Hunter Biden’s Offer to Publicly Testify

Hunter Biden told Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer he would testify before the entire Oversight Committee instead of a closed-door deposition.

The committee served Hunter with a subpoena to appear at a deposition on December 13.

If I recall correctly, the other witnesses in the Biden family dealings investigations have testified behind closed doors.

The entire deposition will have a transcript. I know the Republicans and Democrats will cherry-pick which parts they release, but don’t we always receive the entire transcript?

Hunter’s lawyer sent a letter to Comer with her client’s request.

You have to get to the last page, though, to read the official request.

Instead, Abbe Lowell, a supposed professional lawyer, takes up two pages to lob insults at Comer and President Donald Trump with a few rainbow-colored sprinkles to make her client sound like an upstanding citizen.

Is Lowell 12? Sheesh:

Your fishing expedition has become Captain Ahab chasing the great white whale. It is no wonder so many news articles report your own Republican colleagues criticizing your proceedings and commenting that your time would be better spent on critical issues facing the country.However, with the likelihood that you will not listen to the many trying to end your partisan crusade, we respond specifically to your subpoena to Hunter Biden. We have seen you use closed door sessions to manipulate, even distort the facts and misinform the public.

“Unlike members of the Trump family, Hunter is a private person who has never worked in any family business nor ever served in the White House or in any public office,” Lowell tried to claim.

OK, lady.

Private? He served on the Ukraine energy board, has gone on numerous talk shows, brags about his “paintings,” and puts on public “art” shows. He is almost always with his daddy.

When I think of a private person, I think of Tiffany Trump or Sasha and Malia Obama. I’d say Barron, but he’s a minor, so it’s obvious why he’s not putting himself in the public eye.

We know why Hunter wants to appear in public. The man is a narcissist. We also know the hearings in front of committees become a clown show, a theater where politicians can hear themselves talk and publish talking points for their campaigns.

Tags: Biden China, Corruption, House of Representatives, Hunter Biden, Republicans