NYPD Arrest Four Hillcrest Students for Allegedly Assaulting School Safety Officers a Week Before Anti-Israel Riot
But did the NYPD also know about the assault and said nothing? The fight injured three officers. Did the officers not report it?
Police arrested four students at Hillcrest High School for allegedly assaulting NYPD school safety officers a week before an anti-Israel riot broke out.
NYC Councilwoman Vickie Paladino posted the video on Twitter. She said someone from the city’s education department sent it to her.
I’m guessing the source sent it to her after the anti-Israel riot.
“The event apparently happened a week before the riot,” wrote Paladino. “The school administration tried to cover this up in the same way they tried to cover up the riot.”
An anonymous source within the DOE shared video with my office of students at Hillcrest High School brutally attacking a uniformed school safety officer.
This event apparently happened a week before the riot.
The school administration tried to cover this up in the same way… pic.twitter.com/AzSMmXkk75
— Councilwoman Vickie Paladino (@VickieforNYC) November 27, 2023
From The New York Post:
The brawl broke out around noon on Nov. 15 when three students were fighting another two students.
School safety agents attempted to break up the fight but became the target of several blows themselves, police said.
In total, three NYPD school officers were injured as they tried to separate the students during the melee, cops said.
Four of the students, two 15-year-old boys and two 16-year-old boys, were arrested and issued juvenile reports, according to the NYPD.
The department gives out juvenile reports in lieu of a misdemeanor or felony charge when the suspects are young minors.
Juveniles. Do not tell me a 15-year-old and a 16-year-old don’t know right from wrong.
I also want to know if the NYPD also knew about the assault. The school safety officers belong to the NYPD. The kids injured three of the officers.
Did the safety school officers not report it?
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Forget about it, Jake. It’s the usual suspects.
Obsolete farm machinery.
It’s not safe being a safety officer any more.
If you will attack a cop like that, you’ll attack anyone, for any reason. These savages walking around in public are just rapes, aggravated assaults, car-jackings and murders waiting to happen. The inconvenient truth no one in politics wants to address is urban America is routinely turning feral humans lose on society.
San Carlos. Many years ago a car was blocking an alley next to our warehouse – summer job driving truck. We walked over and told the man to move the car. He pulled a gun. I walked to the office and called CHP. They spot him on 101hwy heading to the Dumbarton bridge. Chase story. He wrecks his car and fires on CHP. They take him alive. He had kidnapped two black girls, stripped them naked, robbed them at their house and then left. No rape. I end up testifying, the girls were terrified. Cops told me I was lucky he didn’t shoot me – cause he happily shot at CHP. He was hispanic and went away for a very long time.
A zoological question
Oh right because black people are animals that’s right!! Oh man you’re on a roll!
Why do you try to include all black people in your rant? Everyone knows that black teens are out of control and every riot or mass chaos shows it. The FBO numbers are so low that we all know they have manipulated them to make black teens look better than they are. Carjackings, fast food fights, gang shootings, school fights, shoplifting, hate crimes, and many other crimes are mostly done by black youths. This is all thanks to obama.
Who’s the one who used the term “zoological” in their comment, again?
“we all know they have manipulated them”
Oh do we.
“many other crimes are mostly done by black youths”
I live in Philadelphia, Professor. I don’t need a demographics lesson from comments section rando.
“This is all thanks to obama.”
This comment belongs in a museum of the stupid.
Race has nothing to do with it. It’s culture, the ghetto gangster culture. This culture was created by LBJ’s war on the poor.
The blame racism on blacks failure to succeed, but the truth is that problem is that the make poor life choice and that is responsible for their failures.
Watch and understand why the police no longer protect , unfortunately, they all need to walk away
We are on our own
I wonder if these black kids realize that supporting terrorist Arabs by bum-rushing into a conflict outside their understanding will lead them back into chains worse than any of their ancestors ever experienced?
No of course not
It’s get Whitey and it’s been full throttle since Saint George Floyd
I guess you’d better get on that repatriate to Africa movement!
Don’t bother. The blacks who took advantage of the first one wrote a constitution forbidding slavery forever, then reinstituted slavery that persists into this day.
I experienced this after MLK was murdered in 1968.
Unfortunately, you used the word “realize” and when talking about black teens it is a nonstarter.
I assume that the fight and assaults were concealed. In today’s “defund the police” world, if a law enforcement officer in any way gets physical with a protected class for any reason [including self defense] it is automatically assumed by the media and government that it is an illegitimate use of force. The officer(s) will be suspended at the very least.
Expect a lot more of this. Right now the only reasonably safe course of conduct for cops is to show up after whatever incident and write reports.
Subotai Bahadur
We get traction on events and crimes when the PR wind blows in the right direction. The board responded to social pressure because it got out.
Conveniently, “actions” constructed for propaganda only work if they get out. Now, if only there were only an opposition political operation to use that fodder. Sigh.
Even when no officer in involved, leftist administrators have great incentive to conceal the incident. Witness the documented rape of a schoolgirl in Loudoun County that “did not occur,” according to the school superintendent.
Where’s the local police union steward? Woke co-opted? And rank and file put up with it?
Top to bottom this is very weird.
So a bunch of Rent-A-Cop “Resource Officers” got injured during a fight between students and then failed to report the incident/injuries to the actual authorities. Not surprising since these “Resource Officers” are employed by school districts to specifically prevent all the violence from being reported to the proper law enforcement authorities. They’re strictly school district employees that are required to do as they are told by the administration (ie Principal) or school board or face the chance of losing their over-paid, cushy job at the school. And if they are told not to report any incidents then that’s exactly what they will do. Not report any serious incidents.
“”The school safety officers belong to the NYPD.””
In most cities, the School Resource Officers are indeed employees of the school district. Some, however [and I think that they include NYC, Chicago, and Wash. DC] send them to the normal police academy and upon graduation they are regular Commissioned Peace Officers. In the last few days I remember encountering that one city was graduating a class of SRO’s from the academy but they were not going to be able to report for work because of the Defund The Police movement.
Subotai Bahadur
The popularity of each approach seems to be regionally determined. The first-on-the-scene cops who didn’t do nuffin in Uvalde were employees of the school system. Their cowardly brethren in Broward County were county LEOs.
In our fair city code enforcement officers and building inspectors are sworn* police officers, they just don’t carry guns. Sworn after completing and graduating – at minimum – an accredited two year community college police academy course and local building code regs.
There are for-hire contracted building inspectors who aren’t sworn police officers, but that doesn’t matter since they aren’t school cops.
This is an enormous problem and none of our leaders will address it in real terms. This isn’t a teen problem. It is a black teen problem but no politician will say it out of fear that blacks will not vote for them. They are rapidly turning big cities into no-go zones for most people. So what do the big cities do? Elect black mayors to solve the problem and yet not one black mayor has come close to solving anything. For more info on this just check out any big city run by a black mayor and you will find runaway crime.
Mayor Johnson exhibit A for leftists enabling crime. Gangs of black teens driving around with guns robbing pedestrians and he compares them with his son playing on the stairs.
Forgot to mention Chicago. It’s nuts but the Cook County Jail doesn’t have as many black men living there.
There’s a couple of parallel issues here. First is the rampant coddling of incivility and criminality by politicians, judges, K-12 school admin, Univ admin all cheered on by lapdog legacy media and the very concerned karens who all seem to agree that applying any negative consequences is out of bounds b/c that would require judgement by objective standards. Can’t have that b./c feelings and emotions trump facts and evidence in the age of entitled karen.
Then there’s the lack of parental involvement and providing structure, discipline. Not a new problem. Rates of family formation are historically low and divorce rates sky high. Both of those are reinforced by deliberate policy choices which create the conditions for the rampant rise of single mother households. Getting worse each year and the social disruption has now spread to dating pool. Many men are unwilling to date modern women who have very unrealistic expectations and demands. Not all women, there are a few traditional women out there, but unfortunately it seems to be a growing majority of entitled brats.
It’s no wonder there are entire corners of the internet devoted to videos of ‘you can’t arrest me’. These folks have no self discipline and display extreme narcissism and entitlement. They do so b/c they haven’t been confronted and made to understand the world does not revolve around them. Go on YouTube and look for ‘entitled can’t arrest me’ and see for yourself.
All this creates a self reinforcing, perpetual wheel of not very good people. The Parents failed to apply discipline at home. The schools and politicians refuse to apply discipline outside the home. These entitled people enter adulthood and either have children out of wedlock or choose to self destruct their marriage which creates fatherless homes. The % population in the next cohort of entitled brats grows larger, on and on and here we are.