New York City faces a citywide student and staff walkout for an anti-Israel rally in Bryant Park today at 3 PM ET.
It looks like the “movement” had a rally in Toronto this morning, along with Michigan and San Diego.
A rally is set for 2 PM PT in San Francisco. Atlanta will face one tonight at 6 PM ET.
The Palestinian Youth Movement and others encouraged people to walk out of school along with picketing Israeli embassies, consulates, and companies that supposedly profit from companies who profit off of Israel’s non-occupation of “Palestine.”
Yes, wear your keffiyehs and black armbands:
We, the Palestinian Youth Movement, along with @nationalsjp, @answercoalition, @peoplesforumnyc, and @peoples.assembly, are calling on movements, trade unions, youth, students, media, healthcare workers, and all members of society to demand an immediate ceasefire, cutting all aid to the Zionist project, and lifting the siege on Gaza NOW!NOW is the moment in history for the world to take action against the genocide of Palestinians and stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people towards our path to liberation. Continue building momentum and increase pressure by joining the national shutdown for Palestine on Thursday, November 9th. Take direct action through walk-outs, sit-ins, speak-outs, and all forms of protest directed at the Zionist institutions which fund, invest, and collaborate with Israel’s genocide and occupation of Palestinians.NO BUSINESS AS USUAL UNTIL PALESTINE IS FREE
“Until Palestine is free.” They’re getting creative with how they say they want to annihilate Israel, Israelis, and Jews.
Chancellor David Banks reminded teachers that the Education Department has political speech rules:
In an email to school staff Wednesday, Banks urged educators to keep their personal political beliefs out of the classroom — and warned that even out-of-school political activity can violate city rules if it “disrupts … the school environment.”“When speech and action — even on one’s personal time — undermines the mission or core functions of NYCPS, we will review and take appropriate action on a case-by-case basis,” he wrote.