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Male On Girls’ Field Hockey Team Knocks Out Teeth Of Opposing Female Player

Male On Girls’ Field Hockey Team Knocks Out Teeth Of Opposing Female Player

“The male player, who attends Swampscott, is seen winding back his stick to take a shot on the net but drills the opposing female defender directly in the face.”

In Massachusetts, a high school girls’ field hockey match left one girl seriously injured, including the loss of teeth, following a play by a male player on the all girls’ team.

The New York Post reports:

A Massachusetts high school student-athlete had her teeth knocked out and suffered “significant facial” injuries when an opposing male player shot a field hockey ball at her face during a playoff game on Thursday.

The horrific accident happened during a playoff match between Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School and Swampscott High School.

The male player, who attends Swampscott, is seen winding back his stick to take a shot on the net but drills the opposing female defender directly in the face.

A loud ‘thud’ is heard seconds before the girl drops to the ground, screaming in agonizing pain.

Players on the field were visibly distraught over the injury as Dighton-Rehoboth staff rushed from the sidelines to administer aid to the injured player.

She’s not wrong. This madness has to stop before a girl or woman is killed.

The New York Post continues:

“Last night, a female field hockey player for the Dighton Rehoboth Regional High School girls’ field hockey team sustained significant facial and dental injuries when she was struck in the face by a shot in the third quarter versus Swampscott in an MIAA state playoff contest,” Dighton Rehoboth’s Superintendent Bill Runey wrote in a letter obtained by WCVB.

“This injury required hospitalization. The player, her family, teammates, and coaches remain in my prayers.”

The female athlete lost two teeth and her condition is unclear, according to the outlet.

. . . . Following the on-field horror, Runey is calling for a change in the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) rules that have been in place since the 1970s.

. . . . MIAA states in its handbook that “no student shall be denied in any implied or explicit manner the opportunity to participate in any interscholastic activity because of gender.”

Schools could deny a student to play a sport based on gender if the school “offers a girls’ team and a boys’ team” for the same sport, the association writes in its rules.

But in cases where there is a “single team in a particular sport,” schools must allow a student to join “to ensure that the school’s gendered designation of athletic opportunities complies with Title IX.”

“For any male athlete that’s participating in a female sport, there are zero restrictions. So I’m looking for the MIAA to facilitate some conversations to have some middle ground in terms of player safety,” Runey told the outlet.

He writes that he understands MIAA’s rules but believes they should be reviewed for players’ safety in co-ed competition.

“Seeing the horror in the eyes of our players and coaches upon greeting their bus last night is evidence to me that there has to be a renewed approach by the MIAA to protect the safety of our athletes,” Runey stated in his letter.

There seems to be some confusion in terminology, as many reports are calling this a co-ed sports issue, but it’s clearly an all-girl team except the one guy on the girls’ field hockey team. Apparently, there is no boys’ field hockey team so this guy plays with the girls. With disastrous results.

Newsweek has more:

“In our [Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA)] Tournament field hockey game Thursday, a player on the visiting team suffered an unfortunate injury on a legal play after being struck by a shot that deflected off her teammate’s stick. We are sorry to see any player get hurt and wish the Dighton-Rehoboth player a speedy recovery,” Swampscott High School Athletic Director Kelly Wolff told Newsweek. “The Swampscott player who took the shot is a 4-year varsity player and co-captain who, per MIAA rules, has the exact same right to participate as any player on any team.”

Newsweek could not verify that the athlete is a male who identifies as a female.

. . . . In a statement to Newsweek, a spokesperson for the MIAA further cited the organization’s handbook for rules allowing the specific student to compete on a girl’s team and said, “Massachusetts General Law was originally enacted to protect students from discrimination based on sex, and later expanded to protect students based on gender identification.”

“We respect and understand the complexity and concerns that exist regarding student safety. However, student safety has not been a successful defense to excluding students of one gender from participating on teams of the opposite gender. The arguments generally fail due to the lack of correlation between injuries and mixed-gender teams,” the spokesperson told Newsweek.


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I’ve heard the idea that playing women’s sports as a trans-woman attracts woman-haters, who see it as an opportunity to take revenge on women for whatever their personal reasons might be.

Any hit that results in injury would surely be a foul at least in the normal rules of the game, resulting in some penalty? Fouls are designed to reduce danger on the field, and they must be called very tightly when one player is much stronger than his, excuse me “her”, opponents.

His female teammates seem happy enough with him, because he helps them win. He’s their weapon on the field. Why do we care so much about sports — is it college scholarships? In that case colleges are corrupting our young people in their race for admission and scholarship.

    Not every injury is the result of an illegal move/play. Sometimes you’re just going to get hurt when you’re doing something that is inherently dangerous / risky. Heck, a lot of sports injuries occur without any contact from an opposing player.

    His teammates are happy enough with him you say. Are they really? Or are they afraid of being ‘othered’ or losing their scholarships. Yeah, I’m sure those girls just love that musky di*k swinging around their locker room.

    Why do we care so much about sports? Because they’re a fantastic way for kids to develop both physically and mentally. To learn skills that carry over into all aspects of life, such as how to overcome adversity, how to deal with setbacks, how to lead, how to follow. One of my greatest joys has been watching my daughter in her athletic career. She has developed so much self confidence it’s amazing!

      Milhouse in reply to Paul. | November 4, 2023 at 9:13 pm

      His teammates are happy enough with him you say. Are they really? Or are they afraid of being ‘othered’ or losing their scholarships. Yeah, I’m sure those girls just love that musky di*k swinging around their locker room.

      Why do you assume he shares their locker room? The article says there is no information that he identifies as a girl. Of course that’s possible, but there’s nothing to support it. Far more likely he’s a cis-guy and therefore showers alone. He’s on the girl’s team because he wants to play hockey and there isn’t a boy’s team, and the MA legislature decided that since the state is required to comply with Title 9, if a students who want to play a sport in which the school has no team for their sex, they must be allowed to play on the opposite sex team. If a girl wants to play football and there is only a boy’s team, she must be allowed to play on it. And likewise if a boy wants to play hockey and there’s only a girl’s team. As the article says, the courts have rejected safety as a legitimate excuse for violating this state law, in the absence of scientifically valid studies proving that it’s not safe.

        Because we’ve heard over and over again about how these mentally ill people like to strut around the women’s locker room showing off their junk.

        Anyone who fantasizes about cutting off their own sex organs is mentally ill and needs to be institutionalized, not galavanting around the girls locker room.

        Try to keep up.

          Milhouse in reply to Paul. | November 5, 2023 at 12:38 am

          “These” mentally ill people?! Which mentally ill people are you talking about? What gives you the slightest reason to think that this guy is in any way mentally ill, let alone that he fantasizes about mutilation?! Did you not even bother reading the post before commenting? There is no information that he is anything other than a normal cis-sexual boy.

        ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | November 5, 2023 at 4:53 am

        Far more likely he’s a cis-guy

        “cis”?? Do you mean “normal”?

        He’s on the girl’s team because he wants to play hockey and there isn’t a boy’s team,

        That’s not normal. Normal guys don’t want to play women’s field hockey. Normal guys play ice hockey or just find some other sport to occupy them. No normal guy wants to play on any girls team, unless he is looking to pretend he’s a girl or force girls to be around him.

          “cis”?? Do you mean “normal”?

          Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.

          The English prefix “cis-” is the opposite of “trans-“; it means “on this side” of something rather than “on the other side”. Hence if people whose gender identity is the opposite of their biological sex are referred to as “transsexual” or “transgender”, then people whose gender identity is the same as their biological sex, i.e. normal people, are “cissexual”, or “cisgender”. This is not something that anyone thought we needed a word for, until “trans” became all the rage, and it became a faux pas to point out that “trans” is abnormal.

          That’s not normal. Normal guys don’t want to play women’s field hockey. Normal guys play ice hockey or just find some other sport to occupy them.

          Regular hockey (as opposed to ice hockey) is not a “women’s sport”. Plenty of normal men play it; look at the olympics. It’s not his fault that his school doesn’t have a boy’s team for it.

          ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | November 5, 2023 at 7:23 am

          Reply to Milhouse:

          The English prefix “cis-” is the opposite of “trans-“;

          You don’t need a modifier of any sort to describe what is NORMAL. Only idiots use the ridiculous “cis” junk, which is just a ploy by the deranged leftists to make normal things sound abnormal. They try to do the same with “opposite marriage”, which is just “marriage”, excluding the insanity and laughable non-idea of “homosexual marriage”. There is no reason to say “opposite marriage”, except to make marriage sound abnormal. The same way there is no “cis” anything. If you want to say that something is normal then just say “normal”.

          As to field hockey for men in the Olympics … yes, I have been well aware of that for a long time, but in America men don’t play field hockey. And no normal guy has a hankering to play field hockey on any women’s team.

          It’s not his fault that his school doesn’t have a boy’s team for it.

          Give me a friggin break. That is just retarded.

          Isn’t field hockey for men an Olympic Sport?

          You don’t need a modifier of any sort to describe what is NORMAL.

          The modifier “cis-” is part of the English language. It is not some woke invention; it’s probably as old as “trans-“. So once we have transsexuals, we automatically have cissexuals too, i.e. everyone else, normal people.

          Remember that in most of the world the game we are discussing is just called “hockey”. It’s “ice hockey” that needs the modifier. So it’s completely normal for a boy to want to play it. There’s no reason to suppose he uses the girls’ locker room, or has demanded to do so, or even that he wants to use it.

          ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | November 5, 2023 at 8:56 pm

          So it’s completely normal for a boy to want to play it.


          How many boys did you know who wanted to play field hockey? How many boys did you ever even HEAR of who wanted to play field hockey?

          Completely normal … yeah, right …

          I didn’t know that boys had that option if there’s no boys’ team, to play on a girls’ team under Title IX. Most guys probably didn’t either and so the thought never entered their heads. If it’s their legal right under Title IX, I think they should at least be informed, because for decades now boys’ sports have been forced to suffer for Title IX. It would be good to see a boy here or there take advantage of an opportunity from it.

          And if that leads for pressure to change Title IX, great. I think it should be scaled way down. We have girls’ teams that are practically open-entry, vs. boys’ teams that are very competitive, and the girls need to keep their numbers up or the boys get their sports cut further. This isn’t fairness, it’s a symptom of refusing to recognize persistent differences between the sexes. Boys’ demand is simply higher, and it’s not a sign of discrimination. Little boys drift to the trucks and little girls drift to the dolls. They are different.

          Yes, it is completely normal for boys to want to play hockey, as evidenced by the fact that boys and men do play it everywhere else in the world. Human biology is the same everywhere. That more boys don’t demand to play it in this country is pure suggestion and conformity, so bravo to this boy for defying it.

          ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | November 6, 2023 at 1:12 am

          Yes, it is completely normal for boys to want to play hockey,

          I asked you how many such boys you knew or ever heard of … and you studiously ignored that. Because we all know what the answer is: ZERO!! For most people that would be obvious proof that IN AMERICA it is NOT NORMAL for guys to have a hankering to play field hockey. Just by the numbers the case is open-and-shut.

          as evidenced by the fact that boys and men do play it everywhere else in the world.

          Huh? Is that supposed to be proof of something? ANd I don’t think it’s a top men’s sport in any but maybe a handful of weird places. Personally, I’ve never heard of the male field hockey professional team and their world cup … but you are much more sophisticated than I am, so I’m sure you go every time it’s held.

          Do these normal guys in the rest of the world play field hockey on women’s teams?? Because that is what we’re talking about, here. Right?

          Human biology is the same everywhere. That more boys don’t demand to play it in this country is pure suggestion and conformity, so bravo to this boy for defying it.

          LOL. But you finally got to what you really feel – “bravo to this boy” for playing with a bunch of girls and knocking their teeth out. They deserved it, I’m sure. His parents must be so proud … though I am beginning to suspect that he’s your kid.

          “bravo” … are you demented?

        janitor in reply to Milhouse. | November 6, 2023 at 9:41 am

        “Cis” is a LATIN word meaning “on this side,”

        It does NOT have a long history of usage in any kind of common parlance in the English language.

        It first was used (fairly rarely) on usenet to modify “gender”, meaning “gender matches sex”. It’s a deliberate political machination to make the public think that it’s some kind of crapshoot whether someone is “cis” or “trans”…

        all the while ignoring and never questioning the underlying implicit false assumption. People don’t have “genders”!!!

        Stop promoting this nonsense by being snowed into adopting the language!

          Draaen in reply to janitor. | November 6, 2023 at 11:27 am

          So growing up I played ice hockey, wrestled and did martial arts.

          I liked ice hockey tye most and was not as interested in lacrosse. Field hockey seemed like a great game to play in the hockey off season. No men’s team though so I was out of luck and had to go to a second choice.

          I don’t see the big deal with this story. Someone got hurt playing a sport. I’ve broken bones playing sports. If it was a legit play that went unlucky then I never harborednill will. Saw a buddy get his two front teeth messed up in pick up soccer.

          Not sure of the major difference here.

    Massinsanity in reply to artichoke. | November 6, 2023 at 8:34 am

    It is field hockey and in the USA field hockey is a girls’/womens’ sport. It provides an option for girls who can’t make the soccer team to play a sport and broadens participation options for HS girls. Boys have football, x-country and soccer and girls have field hockey, x-country and soccer in the Fall.

    The best solution to this is to have one of the all boys schools field a team but only play those teams where boys play and give them a little taste of their own medicine. Just do it for a year or two to wring the narcissistic boys and their horrid parents out of the sport.

If I was a coach of a female sport and was matched up against an opponent that had a male on their team I would submit a protest about the man playing. The second he was put on the field I would send my team to the locker room stating a hostile environment and I would not subject my team to that.

    PODKen in reply to Tsquared79. | November 4, 2023 at 9:19 pm

    You’d loose your job …

    Milhouse in reply to Tsquared79. | November 4, 2023 at 9:21 pm

    State law requires the Swampscott team to allow this boy to play, and requires the league to allow the team to play. If your team boycotts their team the league has to penalize you, not just by forfeiting the match but probably beyond that.

      MarkS in reply to Milhouse. | November 5, 2023 at 7:30 am

      Bingo, Milhouse, you nailed it. These clowns keep electing Democrats.

      JackinSilverSpring in reply to Milhouse. | November 5, 2023 at 9:51 am

      Better to be alive than worry about sports. And just because state law has moronic requirements doesn’t make it any less moronic.

      CommoChief in reply to Milhouse. | November 5, 2023 at 10:08 am

      IMO this State law is a flawed understanding of Title 9. Under this interpretation any school that eliminated every female team would remain in compliance b/c the females would have the option to try out/join the male teams. There are lots of examples of male teams being eliminated at the University level and replaced with female teams to bring balance in total athletic scholarships.

That shot took balls, literally.

The Packetman | November 4, 2023 at 8:55 pm

“She’s not wrong. This madness has to stop before a girl or woman is killed.”

Males on womens’ teams will continue until some girls’ dad is on trial for beating the male player to death … and is acquitted.

    Milhouse in reply to The Packetman. | November 4, 2023 at 9:23 pm

    I don’t think that will do it either, until the state legislature changes the law. And since the legislature made this law in order to comply with its understanding of federal law, it’s unlikely to change it unless it can be convinced that Title 9 doesn’t actually require that.

This guy has been possibly identified as Sawyer Groothuis.
It isn’t clear if he is a gender blender.

Look him up for yourselves..

    artichoke in reply to amwick. | November 5, 2023 at 10:37 pm

    He doesn’t look feminine at all. He’s practically oozing testosterone, tall and rangy. I don’t know if he claims to identify as female, but if he says he does, I’d be real skeptical.

      Milhouse in reply to artichoke. | November 6, 2023 at 12:51 am

      As the article says, there’s no indication that he does make any such claim. It’s all in the imaginations of commenters who’ve got transsexuals on the brain.

I am sure most of these guys are there to see the girls, not be one of the girls.
It’s mental illness

I wonder if the woman who had her teeth knocked out will continue to vote woke.

Another reason, one of many, why I fled Massachusetts.

The very category of “transgender” should tell us all we need to know. A transgender person considers themself something opposite of what biology tells them they are. Their “gender identity” is different from their biological sex.

Now, why in the world these governing bodies actually thought it was important to value “gender identity” (a subjective, internal “sense,” by ACTUAL definition) over and above actual physical, measurable biology has always struck me as bizarre. Sports are first about your body. Sex-specific sports are… divided by sex.

Dividing sports up by gender identity is as useful as dividing them up by religion. Your “identity” has nothing to do with sports or competition. A simple swab inside the cheek tells us your chromosomes–and that’s all we need to know.

If you have a Disorder of Sexual Development then we can have some actual physical/scientific observations about which category you’re most likely to fall into. Adolescent development, testosterone levels, bone density, bone and muscle structure–all are measurable things for these exceptions to the rule–and fairness demands that they be used to determine the exceptions, if at all.

Biologists can easily tell a male Cardinal bird from a female–and they can do the same with dolphins, mice, and… humans. Let’s use the science we have. If we want to come to some agreement that the divisions of male and female aren’t helpful or useful, then by all means, let’s just have entirely mixed, not separate, sports. Women will lose–but at least the Left will be consistent in their assertion that biological sex isn’t as important as gender identity.

JackinSilverSpring | November 5, 2023 at 9:58 am

Transgender individuals suffer from gender dysphoria or can’t compete in their own sex sport. In the first case, they need therapy, and in the second case they are sore losers in their own sex sport and want unattainable medals they can’t get in their own sex sport. In either case, they should not be allowed to compete in opposite sex sports.

It’s hard to work up any sympathy when, as evidenced by the picture, the girls don’t seem to care. Ok. Fine. I’m sure they’ll all look great without their teeth.

I assume that boys who play field hockey do not have strong fathers in the home. Somerset-Berkeley was another school that had boys playing field hockey (a truly dreadful sport btw) for several years. It was the son of the female coach and one of his buddies. They won several state championships and the 2 boys scored almost every goal. Clearly no sense of shame or embarrassment in either of those homes and certainly no strong male role model either.

Not sure if it was in the story but Swampscot won this game 2-0. Guess who scored both goals?

    Milhouse in reply to Massinsanity. | November 6, 2023 at 12:50 am

    I assume that boys who play field hockey do not have strong fathers in the home.

    What a stupid assumption. Talk about parochial assumptions.

      Massinsanity in reply to Milhouse. | November 6, 2023 at 8:25 am

      From you I take the insult as a compliment. Any father who would let his son compete against girls in sports, when there so many choices for boys themselves, should be ashamed.

If real female hockey players are waiting to be saved by those who agree with allowing men to invade their sports domain they are in deep trouble. Their hockey sticks are an ideal solution and if applied correctly will soon correct the situation. I have heard that violence solves nothing but I think it solves just about everything which is why it is used frequently.

The Title of this piece is sensationalistic and misleading. I imagined the girls jaw shattered, her entire gum line messed up, her entire set of chompers possibly a distant memory.
Instead she loses two teeth, something that is actually remarkably easy to do in just about any competitive sport for girls OR boys.
The hysteria in the comments section is hilarious too. To be fair “Girls are gonna be KILLED!” and similarly hysterical tweets and assertions made as part of the problem. As is conflating the ‘trans athlete’ issue (which usually is full grown adults, often with years of training and skill in their chosen male sport) with this particular case even though in this case there’s no indication the teen male athlete in question identifies as trans, wants to use the “Girls locker room” or any of that stuff, but we got plenty of hateful loons here imagining it.

Primarily the real issue is the misuse of the Federal Title IX law that treats both men and women as interchangeable objects, each equally interested in sports and the fact it requires equal funding for both the sexes. This has resulted in the almost total destruction of smaller sports for boys over the past 30 years (and the destruction of the Olympic gold medals, scholarships and everything those smaller sports still sometimes brought to the table) though none of the most vitrolic ‘manly men’ on this thread seems to give a crap. Thus SOME states like Massachusetts require that all teams be open to both sexes. Perhaps it’s COMMON SENSE (and hence not many of the nightmarish scenarios like girls on a male football team or boys on a female softball team occur) that most student athletes, esp once they hit puberty do NOT try out for the opposite sex’s teams. In other words, it seems that for 30 years this policy has been in effect and it hasn’t led to any ‘nightmare scenarios’ unlike lots of the trans stuff. I hardly call this some ‘serious’ injury, and I’m not about to condemn the boy who obviously did this accidentally and wasn’t even (as far as I can tell) ‘swinging for the fences’.

The real solution is to let funding be determined by the interest the various sexes show in sports and if that leads to far more male scholarships or whatever then so be it. It’s not like they ever demand that anything females have an advantage in be taken away or even ‘shared equitably’. Until such time, I’m for equal enforcement of the law. If a few more female athletes lose some teeth well as they say and I have heard all my 52 years : “That’s the price we pay for progress”.