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Liat Beinin, Dual Israeli-American Citizen, One of 16 Hamas Hostages Released Tonight

Liat Beinin, Dual Israeli-American Citizen, One of 16 Hamas Hostages Released Tonight

Hamas still has American hostages.

Liat Beinin, a dual Israeli-American citizen, is now free from Hamas, along with 16 other hostages.

Hamas kidnapped Beinin from Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7.

Beinin is a high school teacher and a guide at Israel’s Holocaust Museum Yad Vashem.

Beinin has three children, but Hamas is still holding her husband, Aviv, hostage.

Before Beinin’s release, the U.S. said that Hamas had seven to nine Americans in Gaza.

Abigail Edan, 4, became the first American hostage released on Monday.

Hamas murdered Edan’s parents in front of her on October 7. She saw her aunt and grandmother at the Hatzerim air force base.


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Their condition? Especially children?

I see Raaya Rotem listed. That would be the mother of Hila Rotem-Shoshani, the friend with whom Emily Hand was staying when they were taken.

Emily, Hila, and Raaya, Hila’s mother, survived, but Hamas took them hostage. Raaya treated both girls like her daughters and did as much as possible to look after them. Hamas separated the girls from Raaya two days before they were released a few days ago. Both girls came home. Hamas is still holding Raaya.

Subotai Bahadur | November 29, 2023 at 9:09 pm

1) I am surprised at the release of an American. By now I had figured that HAMAS had killed all they had captured. This release may be an attempt to pressure the US to pressure Israel to extend the ceasefire while HAMAS readies itself for their next murderous rampage.

2) And there is the question of whether the ceasefire will be extended or not.

Subotai Bahadur

    It should not extend. Israel needs to understand the world hates them what ever they do so they might as well do the right thing for Israel, hold all the terrorists who planned and conducted the attacks responsible where ever they can find them.

    Whether those terrorists remain alive is neither here nor there to me.

    Shouldn’t be. This props up Biden… the ally of Iran. Now he owes them even more.

      CincyJan in reply to alaskabob. | November 30, 2023 at 6:09 pm

      Biden should mimic Iran on this – accept the release of Americans as his due and spit in Iran’s face. That’s what they do.