Kirby Reminds the Anti-Israel Crowd That Hamas has Engaged in Genocide, Not Israel
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Kirby Reminds the Anti-Israel Crowd That Hamas has Engaged in Genocide, Not Israel

Kirby Reminds the Anti-Israel Crowd That Hamas has Engaged in Genocide, Not Israel

“What Hamas wants, make no mistake about it, is genocide. they want to wipe Israel off the map, they’ve said so, publicly, on more than one occasion, in fact just recently. And they’ve said that they’re not going to stop.”

National Security Counsel spokesman Joh Kirby went off on people misusing the word genocide.

In other words, you anti-Israel people, stop changing the language:

“This word genocide is getting thrown around in a pretty inappropriate way by lots of different folks. What Hamas wants, make no mistake about it, is genocide. they want to wipe Israel off the map, they’ve said so, publicly, on more than one occasion, in fact just recently. And they’ve said that they’re not going to stop. What happened on the 7th of October is going to happen again, and again, and again. And what happened on the 7th of October? Murder, slaughter, of innocent people in their homes, or at a music festival. That’s genocidal intentions. Yes, there are too many civilian casualties in Gaza, yes the numbers are too high, yes too many families are grieving, and yes we continue to urge the Israelis to be as careful and cautious as possible. That’s not gonna stop. From the president and right on down. But Israel is not trying to wipe the Palestinian people off the map, Israel is not trying wipe Gaza off the map. Israel is trying to defend itself against a genocidal terrorist threat. So if we’re going to start using that word, fine, let’s use it appropriately.”


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. Yes, there are too many civilian casualties in Gaza,

No, there aren’t. How many is too many? And how do we know how many there are?

yes the numbers are too high, yes too many families are grieving

Compared to what? We know neither the actual number nor the appropriate number, but it’s a fair guess that the actual number is the lower of the two

and yes we continue to urge the Israelis to be as careful and cautious as possible. That’s not gonna stop. From the president and right on down.

They don’t need any urging; they’re already far more careful than they ought to be, and that’s because of their own internal pressures, not yours.

But Israel is not trying to wipe the Palestinian people off the map

There is no “Palestinian people” on any map.

Israel is not trying wipe Gaza off the map.

If he means the strip, rather than the city, why should it not be erased from the map? It’s not a country, never was. It’s simply a small area on the map that no country claims and no country wants. It would be entirely appropriate for Israel to annex it, and thus wipe it off the map, but it doesn’t want to.

    and no other Middle Eastern country wants anyone from Gaza. But if they can get here, Biden will welcome them with open arms.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Milhouse. | November 20, 2023 at 9:36 pm

    Sorry, down voted by accident, so add one upvote.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Milhouse. | November 20, 2023 at 10:04 pm

    Bang on; point by point. (Try not to fall off your chair.)

    Better still, just like this, the game is to have conclusions reasoned from facts to hand when each sketchy claim gets made.

    One can’t persuade the true believers or activists, merely let them know you are on to their grift. One can persuade the gallery sometimes, and when the adrenaline junkeys spin up an “action” they’ve made an audience for you. Meanwhile, watching the orchestrators glitch when their script gets glitched is just a bonus. Winning!

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Milhouse. | November 20, 2023 at 10:26 pm

    FWIW, I had such fun the other day, w/ near all the positions above, after a self-consciously self-righteous proggy (but I repeat myself) raised the “contentious” topic of this round in the Holy Land.

    “What do you think…”

    “I think it’s hard to make peace with people who are trying to wipe you off the planet.”

    … and we’re off. Came up with that one off the cuff — Winning!

    Mauiobserver in reply to Milhouse. | November 20, 2023 at 11:16 pm

    It will be interesting to see what the real numbers are. After Hamas is destroyed hopefully Israel will do an in-depth investigation to determine the true numbers of dead and wounded and how many were Hamas fighters vs. civilians.

    I suspect the number of civilian casualties is inflated and even some of those who are not actual Hamas fighters were working in concert with Hamas in various support functions. If I were a gambler, I would bet that a large percentage of the actual casualties are Hamas terrorists.

      Virginia42 in reply to Mauiobserver. | November 21, 2023 at 8:56 am

      Paleo reported casualties are *always* inflated, when not fabricated outright. They’ve been doing this since the 70s, if not earlier.

      Dolce Far Niente in reply to Mauiobserver. | November 21, 2023 at 12:10 pm

      The difference between Hamas and the civilian population is almost too small to be seen with the naked eye.

      Palis support, hide and defend Hamas; if they were “oppressed” by their actions, any civilian could pick up one of the freely available guns ( just look under your kid’s bed) and shoot all the active terrorists.

      But they do not, and its because they approve. And this is why NOT ONE SINGLE mohammedan nation will accept Palis across their borders.

    geronl in reply to Milhouse. | November 21, 2023 at 12:04 pm

    You are making too much sense.

Israel goes way out of their way to not harm so called civilians, personally I think that 75% of Gazans are not really civilians and that no effort should be made to save them.

Israel has suffered enough, none of those pseudo civilians, all of them, are not worth one Israeli life.

Why is an administration spokes thing saying this? It isn’t like supporting Israel is consistent with the prior two terms.

They must be truly worried about the upcoming election. Can’t abuse n lose any constituencies they need votes from — that’s for after.

Re: Wiping the Gaza Strip off the map, if those of us older than about 30 cast our minds back to our school-days’ geography we will remember that there used to be a “Neutral Zone” on the map between Saudi Arabia and Iraq, just west of Kuwait. That zone is not there any more. Apparently some time back in the 1980s the two neighboring countries agreed to divide it up between them, and just like that it was wiped off the map. Nobody thought this was a bad thing. Erasing the Gaza Strip would be exactly the same thing.

    gibbie in reply to Milhouse. | November 20, 2023 at 11:10 pm

    Poor analogy. One would have to figure out what to do with the people who live there.

      Milhouse in reply to gibbie. | November 20, 2023 at 11:57 pm

      Just talking about the “wiping it off the map” part. Its existence on the map in the first place is exactly analogous to the neutral zone; it’s only there because it isn’t part of any country.

Off topic:

Trump’s reply brief on the gag order is worth reading.

Genocide is a politcal term. There are obvious cases and then there’s what you can call genocide, hoping to transfer the opprobation of the obvious case to the other one. “This deserves the same feeling as that.” A stupid argument.

    Milhouse in reply to rhhardin. | November 21, 2023 at 7:53 am

    This is a favorite tactic of the left, due to their conviction that words define reality rather than vice versa, so we can change reality by merely changing how we talk about it. Hence calling a man a woman makes him a woman. And calling something racist makes it evil.

    They get you to agree that X is bad, then they define X so as to include something else, and argue that you must therefore agree that this other thing is also bad. The correct response to this is to say, “I’m sorry, if that’s your definition of X then I was mistaken, X isn’t bad after all; all the instances of X I was aware of are bad, but this one isn’t, so X as a category is not bad. Or we can go with my old definition, under which all X is bad but this isn’t X. But you can’t have it both ways.”

      rhhardin in reply to Milhouse. | November 21, 2023 at 8:24 am

      Words produce doctrines owing to conflicts between their dictionary head meaning, the chief meaning in use and the meaning brought out by context. Three things fighting.

      “You can’t take Amanda for long walks, Mr. Jones. She’s delicate.”

      The meaning conflict produces the doctrine “Refined girls are sickly,” with “as you ought to know” brought out by the gnomic way of saying it.

      “The natives are restless” vs “A man is native where he walks.” One naturally subservient person and the other a sturdy patriot.

      It’s not leftism, it’s lit crit.

      rhhardin in reply to Milhouse. | November 21, 2023 at 8:32 am

      Consider why “Might is right” and “Right is might” are practically opposites. It’s because the first word is taken broadly and the second narrowly, the narrow one being “the right handle to take hold of the bunch.” That handle is the transference of feelings from the second to the first.

      Peabody in reply to Milhouse. | November 21, 2023 at 8:53 am

      It’s not just about the definition of words, but false statements are claimed to be statements of fact:

      The economy is doing great
      The border is secure
      Islamophobia is the problem (not Anti-semitism)
      Voting is secure.
      There are too many policepeople
      White consevative parents are the cause of trouble in schools
      Men are women


      Virginia42 in reply to Milhouse. | November 21, 2023 at 8:57 am

      Just like their repeated and false use of “illegal occupation” whenver they discuss Judea, Samaria or Gaza. Never ends.

caseoftheblues | November 21, 2023 at 7:10 am

Kirby seems oblivious to the fact the youth of his party are the new Nazi Youth… and the elders of the Dem party are just fine with that although they would have preferred it stay secret for awhile longer.

Kirby is being occasionally trotted out to the podium to act as the ‘Joe Minchin’ of the Biden Admin. As if having one SR individual in the admin getting the basic definitions correct somehow negates the bat crap Cray Cray of a large swath of d/prog and in particular the bizarre ramblings of KJP as the usual voice of the admin.

Does he use Just for Men?

It is reported that 75% of those called Palestinians support Hamas therefore 75% are not innocent and deserve the consequences of their actions. I do not recall trucks of humanitarian aid for Germany or Japan prior to their unconditional surrender. Hopefully 80 years of this conflict will end soon, the Palestinians will be vanquished and no longer be a thorn in the side of the middle east.