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Jewish Students at Yale Claim They Were Locked Out of Pro-Hamas Event on Campus

Jewish Students at Yale Claim They Were Locked Out of Pro-Hamas Event on Campus

They heard through the door: ”Israel cannot remain the state of the Jewish people.”

When are Yale donors going to step up and demand an end to this garbage?

Campus Reform reports:

Jewish student says she and friends were locked out of pro-Hamas event, forced to listen through the door

Jewish Yale University student Sahar Tartak says she and her friends were locked out of an anti-Israel event on campus and forced to listen by the door in order to know what was being said.

Tartak posted a picture of herself and her friends listening by the entrance to the event, which she says “was attended by hundreds of students and faculty and co-sponsored by multiple Yale departments/groups.”

Tartak reports that, through the door, her friends recorded quotes including “Israel cannot remain the state of the Jewish people,” a claim that Hamas is “a resistance group,” and the assertion that Israel is “trying to inflict as much harm, damage, and death as possible.”

Today, my friends and I sat outside of an anti-Israel event at Yale (we weren’t let in), listening. Some quotes:  ”Israel cannot remain the state of the Jewish people.” “[Hamas is] a resistance group” “[Israel is] trying to inflict as much harm, damage, and death as possible.”

”Who co-sponsored this event, you ask? Yale’s departments of American Studies, Anthropology, Ethnicity, Race, & Migration, Religious Studies, Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Middle East Studies, AND MORE,” reported Tartak. “University officials normalizing Hamas sympathizers & anti-Jewish hate.


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letmespellitoutforyou | November 8, 2023 at 1:07 pm

Why did the Jewish students have to sit next to the locked door to hear what was going on inside? Why didn’t they just crawl under the door like in the Borat movie?

It appears that Yale now has Dhimmi Class, who must accept they have very few rights.

    artichoke in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | November 8, 2023 at 5:31 pm

    Yale’s president Peter Salovey has been terrible, and he’s over 10 years in the job with no talk of replacement. Is he going for 20? He’ll kill that university.

How many countries are named “Islamic Republic of”? Iran for sure, I believe also Saudi Arabia and Iraq, probably many more. Large countries.

Israel can absolutely remain the Jewish state. What hatred would cause Hamas to want to deny the Jewish people that state? It’s inexcusable.

When they tell you who they are, believe them. (Hillary Clinton, who has been very good on this war since it started.)

Jews lived there before Arabs were even a thing. Jews lived there thousands of years before Moomoo the Pedophile invented Islam. Jews are not the colonizers.

We should honor the work of Sahar Tartak and her friends, for not shying away from the Hamas menace, but staying in contact and pursuing it on the Yale campus, and forcing Hamas’ hand here. Well done!