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Israel to Restore Gaza Evacuation Route Despite Hamas Attack on IDF Troops Securing the Corridor

Israel to Restore Gaza Evacuation Route Despite Hamas Attack on IDF Troops Securing the Corridor

During the prior humanitarian window, Hamas fired mortars and anti-tank missiles at IDF troops who arrived and operated to open the route.

As President Joe Biden’s administration is pressuring Israel for a “pause” in its ongoing ground offensive in Gaza, Hamas is using humanitarian concessions to target Israeli soldiers.

On Saturday, Hamas fired mortars and anti-tank missiles at Israeli troops helping civilians to evacuate the battle zone. The Israeli news website Arutz Sheva reported:

Hamas exploited the humanitarian window between 1 pm and 4 pm that the IDF provided to residents of Gaza to allow them to move southwards: During the humanitarian window, the terrorists fired mortars and anti-tank missiles at IDF troops who arrived and operated to open the route.

“This incident further proves that Hamas exploits the Gazan population and prevents them from acting in the interest of their own safety,” the IDF said in a statement.

Despite Hamas ambush, the IDF on Sunday will restore the corridor allowing Gaza residents to leave the northern part of the terrorist-infested territory. “The Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) Arabic spokesperson Avichay Adraee announced that Israel will reopen an evacuation corridor for the Gazan civilians on Sunday. The military is said to allow southward movement via the Salah-al-Din Street between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.,” the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported.

As Israeli tanks and infantry venture deep into the terrorist-controlled area in northern Gaza, destroying terror infrasture and evacuating civilians, they face sneak attacks from Hamas terrorists dug in for urban warfare. Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported “28 Israeli soldiers and officers killed in Gaza ground offensive.”

According to reports in Hebrew media, Israeli troops operating in one locations in northern Gaza found up to 80 percent of home either booby-trapped or connected to error tunnels, highlighting the extent of Hamas’s penetration of Gaza society.

IDF foils Hamas infiltration attempt, strikes Gaza terror targets

The IDF targeted Hamas’s leadership, terror tunnels and weapons cache as part of the ground offensive which began last Friday. “Since the beginning of ground operations in the Gaza Strip, the IDF has struck over 2,500 terror targets,” the Israeli military revealed Sunday.

“IDF troops are continuing to eliminate terrorists in close quarter combat and direct aircraft to strike Hamas terrorist infrastructure, weapons depots, observation posts, and command and control centers in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF disclosed. “Overnight, IDF troops directed aircraft to strike a Hamas military compound containing command and control centers, observation posts, and additional terrorist infrastructure.”

On Saturday night, a Hamas killing squad tried to infiltrate into southern Israel. The terrorists were eliminated by the IDF as they approached the border fence. The Israeli news website Arutz Sheva reported Sunday:

Overnight, two terrorists attempted to infiltrate into Israel near Kibbutz Kissufim in the northwestern Negev, The infiltrators were spotted and eliminated by security forces before they could breach the Gaza border fence.

Prior to the infiltration attempt, terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired an anti-tank missile at IDF forces in the same area. There were no casualties among the security forces, which returned fire.

IDF releases on Intel on Hamas use of Gaza hospitals for terror

IDF on Sunday afternoon releases new intelligence on Hamas’s use of Gaza hospitals for terrorist operation.

The new evidence shows Hamas terrorists used a hospital to launch mortars at IDF ground troops. Speaking at a live-streamed press briefing, IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel “Hagari showed photo evidence of Hamas launchpads adjacent to hospitals across Gaza, with the knowledge the IDF could not strike the launchpads due to collateral damage that would be done to the hospital,” the Jerusalem Post reported.

The Times of Israel reported:

In a briefing to international media outlets, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari reveals new intelligence information and evidence showing Hamas’s use of medical facilities in the Gaza Strip for terror purposes.

Hagari presents a video showing an underground entrance from Sheikh Hamad Hospital, which he says connects to Hamas tunnel networks.

Another video shows Hamas gunmen opening fire at Israeli forces from the hospital.

“If it weren’t enough that we exposed a tunnel under the hospital, the terrorists also shot at our soldiers from within the hospital,” Hagari says.

Iran-backed Hezbollah, Houthi terror groups fire missiles at Israel

Lebanon-based Hezbollah is stepping up missile strikes on Israel after Friday’s threats by its chief Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah renewed rocket barrage over northern Israel on Sunday morning, the Times of Israel reported:

The Israel Defense Forces says incoming rocket sirens that sounded in the northern community of Mattat a short while ago were caused by an Iron Dome interceptor launch.

The IDF says the Iron Dome missile was fired at a suspicious target that entered Israeli airspace from Lebanon. It is unclear what the target was, and whether it was actually intercepted.

The latest Hezbollah attack highlights intensified terrorist activities by Iran-sponsored terrorist groups against Israel. Iran-backed Houthi terrorist militia also continued firing missiles at Israel from its bases in Yemen. Saturday might, Saudi Arabia intercepted a missile fired by the Islamic terrorist group.

Earlier this week, Houthi launched several drones and missiles towards Israel — all of them missing the targets. IDF “fighter jets and its new Arrow missile defense system shot down two salvos of incoming fire hours apart as it approached the country’s key Red Sea shipping port of Eilat,” the Associated Press reported Tuesday.

The Jerusalem Post reported Sunday morning:

Saudi air defenses intercepted a missile fired by the Iran-backed Houthi militia from Yemen on Saturday night, according to initial reports on Saudi social media.

Footage reportedly from the village of Alqan in the Tabuk region of northwestern Saudi Arabia showed an explosion in the sky in the distance. No official source has confirmed the report as of yet.


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Underscores the extent the Muslim will go to in order to win the media war and ground war.

    Halcyon Daze in reply to Whitewall. | November 5, 2023 at 9:34 am

    Fourth-generation warfare . . . is characterized by a post-modern return to decentralized forms of warfare, blurring of the lines between war and politics, combatants, and civilians due to states’ loss of their near-monopoly on combat forces, returning to modes of conflict common in pre-modern times. Guerrilla groups, private military contractors, and paramilitary organisations play a prominent role in fourth-generation warfare.

    Fifth-generation warfare is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, and cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth generation warfare has been described . . . as a war of “information and perception.”

Sucks for the assigned troops but this is a good PR strategy IMO. Every time Israel chooses to accede to the BS demands on them to have a ‘local pause’ for evac Hamas uses it as an opportunity to attack the IDF and block civilians from departing. Eventually the less committed Hamas apologists gonna be forced to STFU about it as Hamas continues to harm the civilians they, and they alone, are responsible for. The die hard kool aid drinking anti Israel folks won’t but why any reasonable person gives a hoot what they say, other than very crass domestic politics, is beyond me.

Not going to end well
For Israel to do this I believe

Any concessions will only prolong this conflict, which is what the pig terrorists want. Israel may not really have a choice though considering the way these animals use their own population, although I wonder if this would have stopped the allies in WWII? I’m thinking no.

Michael Gilson | November 5, 2023 at 11:26 am

So if the press of WW2 was like today’s press, the suicide cliffs of Saipan would be the US fault, and a war crime. How soon are the history books going to be rewritten that way?

I hope the IDF terminated these Hamas jerks with extreme prejudice!

Islamofascism and the intrinsic and immutable pathologies of the supremacist, totalitarian and belligerent ideology of “Submission” are the problem. Anyone blaming anyone or anything else is engaged in contemptible misdirection and obfuscation.

“Hagari showed photo evidence of Hamas launchpads adjacent to hospitals across Gaza, with the knowledge the IDF could not strike the launchpads due to collateral damage that would be done to the hospital,”

“Could not”?! It certainly could and should. But it won’t, because the political echelon are being stupid and trying to appease “world opinion” which is impossible. The US founders wrote of “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind”, but they meant civilized mankind, fair-minded mankind. That’s not what Israel is dealing with here.

“If it weren’t enough that we exposed a tunnel under the hospital, the terrorists also shot at our soldiers from within the hospital,” Hagari says.

So why is the hospital still standing?

Translation of the tweet by Doron Kadosh (I think it’s the third tweet down in this post), and its follow-ups

Impressions from the visit to Gaza:

1. The great challenge — the underground tunnel system. When you see with your own eyes the shaft of the broad, well concreted tunnel that comes out inside a Hamas operative’s home, it’s impossible not to be impressed that Hamas built a mighty system underground. Only when you see it with your own eyes do you understand to what extent

2. Every cubic meter of concrete that was sunk into this system was sunk for the purpose of murdering Jews, instead of building schools for children in Gaza, and hospitals for the population. The tunnels are the biggest operational challenge, because despite the fact that the area where we were is under a certain operational control by the IDF, at any moment a terrorist or a squad of terrorists could surprise the forces

3. 80% of the houses that the Negev Brigade fighters located in the space were booby-trapped, or had shafts of Hamas tunnels. Hamas was well-organized, and invested tremendous efforts to booby-trap everything. The fighters did not find any civilian population this region — they all fled — and all they found was booby-trap after booby-trap, which they had to neutralize intelligently and carefully.

4. I’ve been to Beit Hanoun before. This is no longer the Gazan city that used to be there. Today Beit Hanoun is a heap of ruins and parts of houses. There is no trace of roads or sidewalks. You walk between the houses on sand, dunes, and broken concrete. This is the preparation work that the air force did there in the weeks before the exercise, and this is the destruction that Hamas brought upon Gaza.’

5. Finally, the spirit. The only officer in the room who was career military was the brigade commander, Col. Ivri Elbaz (who was himself wounded in Gaza 15 years ago in Operation Hot Winter, and returned to fight there again and again). All the rest were reservists in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, who left their families and children, and have no doubts at all that they are doing the right thing.

6. I met with readiness to sacrifice, fire in the eyes, a fighting spirit, boldness — and only there is it possible to understand that these are not empty slogans. “Even if there are losses, we will win”, they wanted to emphasize. A fighting spirit is the strongest weapon on the battlefield — stronger than any tank, APC, or fighter jet.

7. Or as one of them defined it well, “Spirit determines the victory; professionalism determines the price. The more professional we are the fewer casualties we will take, but in the end the victory is [from] the spirit. And in that there is no nation on earth that can take us.”