Islamist and Leftist Mobs Run Wild, In NYC Tear Down American Flag and Raise Palestinian Flag

I am so over the shockingly historically-illiterate pro-terrorist lunatics standing for baby killers, rapists, torturers, and beheaders. Who even does that? How do you come out for “yay, rape! torture! beheading!” of innocent people just going about their lives? I can’t wrap my mind around that level of hate.

Hamas invaded Israel, effectively declared war on the Jewish state, and slaughtered over a thousand people. They were heartless and evil: killing family and friends and then raping the young girls and women next to the dead bodies of their loved ones. They broke the legs of young women . . . to manage them, for easier access, for what sick purpose? They slaughtered infants and kidnapped the elderly and infirm. This is pure, walking evil.

Israel, of course, is told by the world to just deal. War was declared by this invasion, but Israel should turn the other cheek. Yeah, no. Fury, wrath, and vengeance is the only way to ensure that this never happens again.

Meanwhile, stupid people who identify as Democrats are singing the praises of the Palestinian terrorists. Because they are (quite literally, historically) stupid.

They have no clue what they are actually supporting, but on the bright side, those who learn reject it.

But too few are exposed to the facts, too few just mindlessly climb on the bandwagon of lies, deception, and smoke and mirrors.

The antisemitic lawlessness, the chaos, the crime taking place in this century shock the soul.

There is a double-standard here for Jews. It is unacceptable and indefensible.

As Christians, we know that Jews, and eventually Christians, will be hated the world over, persecuted, attacked, and slaughtered, but we also know, because it is God’s Word, that Israel and her people are protected, that God Himself will defend and protect His Chosen. This doesn’t mean we allow the gross and barbaric hatred for the Jewish people to take root in our midst. We know what is right and who prevails.

In the meantime, we adamantly reject the lies of the Enemy and stand firmly for Israel and the Jewish people.

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Israel