Indiana U. Student Govt. Members Resign Due to Student Body President’s Anti-Semitism

It’s amazing how widespread this problem is in higher education.

Twitter user Ethan Fine posted this:

From the tweet:

2 members of IU’s student government exec branch resigned yesterday due to antisemitism from Aaliyah Raji, the student body president.From their resignation letter: “it is clear the lUSG President’s rhetoric is blatantly antisemitic, intentionally neglecting the experience of Jewish students on campus.”“I can no longer be part of this administration due to its failure to address the rise in antisemitism on campus.”After 1000-1500 pro-Israel students gathered in solidarity for Israel (the largest gathering of any group on campus this year), they chose to ignore the needs of Jewish students.When I met with the president following the events of October 7th (as a rep of the Jewish community) to share the concerns of Jewish students, she openly admitted that I was the first Jewish student she spoke with. After October 7th, she didn’t actively reach out to any Jewish student groups, but she did find the time to reach out to the Palestine Solidarity Committee, the Muslim Student Association, and the Middle Eastern Student Association (in which Israelis are apparently not welcome).She said Jews are playing the victim, she ignored calls to address antisemitism, and she refused to work on projects to combat antisemitism.It’s time for IUSG President Aaliyah Raji and Vice President Marsha Koda to resign. They have failed the student body.

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Indiana