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IDF Found Hamas Weapons, Including Rockets, Hidden in a Child’s Bed

IDF Found Hamas Weapons, Including Rockets, Hidden in a Child’s Bed

Hagari also included audio of terrorists discussing how to transfer weapons in baby strollers.

A new IDF video reveals Hamas weapons hidden inside a child’s bed.

“During the operational activity, the troops uncovered a significant amount of weapons including rockets, explosive devices, and dozens of kilos of explosives,” IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari wrote on Twitter/X. “The weapons were subsequently destroyed by the forces.”

Hagari also included audio of terrorists discussing how to transfer weapons in baby strollers.


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Lullabies must be epic

A little note is we should all thank Trump for not being MAGA. I am sick to death of people insisting that being pro-Israel and anti-Hamas makes you an Israel firster, America laster.

I still think Trump is by far the most likely to lose the next election but stories like this makes me thank god he is not the MAGA type.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to Danny. | November 16, 2023 at 10:38 am

    Only someone who has stage 4 TDS would make an article about Hamas’ inhumanity into a post about Trump.

    Rent free.

      Only an illiterate would confuse praise for Trump with attacking him.

      I have been debating real MAGA types and they believe being against Hamas is disloyalty to America, which is where being grateful Trump is not among them and is on the pro-Israel side came from.

      Hope you get the remedial reading lesson you need.

        WTPuck in reply to Danny. | November 16, 2023 at 10:59 am

        Being against hamas is being for all that is good and holy. No one except nazis believes being against hamas is disloyalty to America.

          Danny in reply to WTPuck. | November 16, 2023 at 11:08 am

          I would agree that it should be considered a given, but in light of how many people are loudly proclaiming that being MAGA means being pro-Hamas………

          At the risk of seeming like an only Trumper I do think this is a good place to express gratitude and appreciation that Trump is a man with the total moral clarity on this and that he is with us.

      Furthermore stage 4 TDS includes praising Trump?

      Please pretend you have something called good faith I highly doubt that you do.

The outrage isn’t hidden weapons, it’s the civilian shields.

I”d expect tunnels under hospitals with or without entrances there because hospitals protect what’s under them, for example.

This is another Israeli war crime – stealing toys from Palestinian children!