Germany Pulls Funding to U.N. Palestinian Aid Group After Review Finds It Handed Out Antisemitic Material
It gets worse. One Israeli child hostage said a teacher with the aid group held him in his attic for almost 50 days in Gaza.

Germany, the largest donor to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) operations in Gaza, stopped funding after an internal review found its learning materials glorify jihad and teach antisemitism.
UNRWAR’s $1.6 billion budget mostly comes from Western countries. America pledged $344 million to UNRWA in 2022. Germany pledged $122 million.
President Donald Trump’s administration pulled funding from UNRWA. President Joe Biden’s administration restarted it. Will they pull it again?
The German Development Ministry will freeze the entire budget. From i24News:
“With these conditions that urgently need to be changed, UNRWA is not making a contribution to a peaceful solution,” Human rights-focused politician Max Lucks, from the Greens party, stated, adding “Not a single cent from Germany should reach teachers who glorify the terror of Hamas.”
IMPACT-se led multiple policy meetings with the German government and legislature to raise this issue, presenting reports which showed Palestinian Authority (PA) schools celebrating the October 7 massacres, including UNRWA teachers and staff, in addition to learning material branded with the agency’s logo that glorifies violent jihad, antisemitism and violence against Jews.
“The UNRWA system has ultimately failed because too little help reaches the people and too much terror against the Palestinians and Israel has become possible. We urgently need other ways to ensure that the help reaches those who deserve it for a better life prospect,” the human rights policy spokesman for Germany’s second largest party, Christian Democrat Union (CDU, Michael Brand said in the press release statement.
The European Union already took steps to freeze 39 million euros from UNRWA and other Palestinian non-profits.
The EU said it would hold the money until the non-profits instill “procedures and tools used to enforce the contractual obligations stemming from the restrictive measures and anti-incitement clauses.”
Switzerland stopped the flow of 600,000 euros to Palestinian non-profits for the same reasons.
IMPACT-se and U.N. Watch released a report earlier this month, citing UNRWA teachers celebrating the October 7 massacre. Here are only a few examples:
- UNRWA Gaza teacher Osama Ahmed posted “Allah is Great, Allah is Great, reality surpasses our wildest dreams” as the massacre was unfolding.
- UNRWA school principal Iman Hassan justified the massacre as “restoring rights” and “redressing” Palestinian “grievances.”
- Director of the UNRWA Khan Younis Training Center Rawia Helles, who is featured in and UNRWA campaign, glorified one of the terrorists as a “hero,” “raider,” and “prince of Khan Younis.”
- UNRWA English teacher Asmaa Raffia Kuheil excitedly posted “7th, October, 2023! Sculpture the date!” adding a heart emoji.
- UNRWA school administrator Hmada Ahmed posted “welcome the great October.”
It gets worse.
One Israeli child hostage said a UNRWA teacher held him in his attic for almost 50 days.
Another hostage said a UNRWA doctor did not help the Israelis, only those from Gaza.
This is insane!
One of the released Israeli kidnapped kids, who was held for almost 50 days in the attic of a house, says he was held by an UNRWA teacher.
This teacher is a father of 10 children, who locked the hostage in the attic, didn’t provided him with any food or his…
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) November 29, 2023
Source is channel 13’s Almog Boker:
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) November 29, 2023

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“We are shocked, shocked to discover that the Palestinian school materials we paid for over the last 5 years were full of hate, jihad, and antisemitism.”
Un huh. Funny how that happens.
“Your winnings, sir.” Yeeesh.
Think about how half of Pales are children, all raised to be homicidal. That they are not salvageable, about 3.5 million. Furthermore, their parents are the same. Furthermore, there are a bunch of them in America and other countries. They are poison to our way of life.
They are salvageable but would take a lot more effort from the West to stop seeing them as the oppressed victims they wish they were.
The Wests guilt complex is the biggest roadblock to peace in the Middle East, well that and Muslim racism towards TeH jUiCes.
Better late than never. It’s been going on a lot longer than 5 years.
No. This is all propaganda by Israel. Nobody on Earth has known for years that the UN in Gaza was a total front for Hamas and knew what was going on, even helping them out in their terror campaign.
“Germany, the largest donor to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) operations in Gaza, stopped funding after an internal review found its learning materials glorify jihad and teach antisemitism.”
This has been widely known for decades. But I’m sure this little misunderstanding will be cleared up immediately.
I’m glad Germany acted, even it if is late. Every time the Jihadis attack Israel, there’s a new crop of people that will support them, right up to the time they learn what these Islamists want to do to all of us.
Nothing new.
Everybody knows, everybody has known forever about how these organizations spend the money. That includes the Germans, and it includes the US government.
Why are the Germans acting now? Good question.
Maybe it is becoming harder and harder to pretend that they don’t know.
America should either leave the UN, maybe creating a new entity of actual allies. or find a way to start kicking out undesirables.
I’m for the US leaving and for the UN to be expelled from US soil. All those UN buildings in NYC can be used to house thousands of the illegals that are in the city. The UN has become good for nothing, just like the League of Nations.
The League of Nations was well=meaning but ineffectual, mostly because the USA refused to join. That’s why people thought the UN would be different. With the USA in it, it would be able to take action and make a difference. Well, it certainly can act; the trouble is it’s not well-meaning, and that’s been so from the beginning but has got worse over time.
Leave the UN, and stop participating in any of the “international community” bullshit.
Is it my imagination, or are Danny & Thad Jarvis one and the same?
Better late than never, especially because this will have influence outside of Germany.
Brandon will just make up the difference. He loves borrowing money we taxpayers will have to pay back to give to terrorists.
You are betting on the influence of leftist recent college grads over Germany.
With Biden I wouldn’t be betting very much but I would still bet on Germany.
“Welcome to the party, pal!”