Emerging Anti-Israel Protest Tactic: Disrupting American Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremonies
Anti-Israel protesters heckled Joe Biden at Christmas Tree Lighting on Nantucket, while ceremony disrupted also in Seattle.

Anti-Israel leftists have now disrupted shopping on Black Friday and the lighting of a town Christmas Tree on Nantucket. Joe Biden was on the island for the Thanksgiving holiday and was at the tree lighting when chanting broke out in the crowd.
These people are incapable of allowing anyone to enjoy anything.
The Daily Mail reported:
‘Free Palestine’ protesters interrupt Nantucket Christmas tree lighting with president and his family: Biden is accused of ‘genocide’ at event with Jill, Hunter and baby Beau
The Nantucket Christmas tree lighting that President Joe Biden was attending Friday evening with his family was interrupted by ‘Free Palestine’ protesters.
The president, first lady Jill Biden and their children and grandchildren were gathered alongside the tree in Nantucket’s town square as the town crier led the countdown to get the tree illuminated.
But after that went off without a hitch – after technical difficulties last year – fewer than 10 protesters at the front of the crowd unveiled ‘free Palestine’ and ‘end apartheid’ signs, directly in the president’s line of sight.
‘Biden, Biden you can’t hide. We charge you with genocide,’ they chanted.
A man went up to the microphone to remind them ‘this is a community tree lighting’ and said that while he ‘respected their right to the First Amendment’ he encouraged them to stop.
Note how infantile the chant is, not to mention the behavior.
Protestors at a Christmas tree lighting in Nantucket chant and accuse Biden of “genocide.” pic.twitter.com/qXmcoYvNgO
— Jeff Mason (@jeffmason1) November 24, 2023
I’m no fan of Biden, but this is completely inappropriate.
This had been going on throughout the day.
As President Biden strolled down Broad Street, protesters yelled “Free Palestine!” before he entered the Brotherhood of Thieves for a late lunch.
He also spotted a “USS Nantucket” hat on the head of an onlooker and stopped to salute on his way into the restaurant. #Nantucket pic.twitter.com/AleQKu0Rg1
— Nantucket Current (@ACKCurrent) November 24, 2023
Disrupting activities like Christmas tree lightings appears to be an emerging tactic for the left. It happened in Seattle too.
KOMO News reported, via CBS Austin:
Pro-Palestine supporters disrupt Seattle Christmas tree lighting
A group of pro-Palestinian supporters congregated Friday during Seattle’s annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony at Westlake Center.
A KOMO photographer traveled to the event, where they captured hundreds of supporters holding signs in support of Palestine. The lighting of the Westlake Center Christmas tree occurred shortly after 5:15 p.m., with the Macy’s Star and fireworks taking place afterward.
One of the many signs that can be seen read, “Stand with Palestine! End the occupation now!” Others read, “Palestine will be free!”
Pro-Palestine protestors have overtaken a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Seattle
— Clown World ™
(@ClownWorld_) November 25, 2023
Does the left want people to hate them?
Featured image via Twitter video.

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IMO the woke/leftists are unconcerned about whether they PO the public. They are solely concerned with gaining power, advancing their agenda and eroding Western Culture. One of their common chants come to mind ‘by any means necessary’.
How about setting up a honey pot event to attract these people, and having honey wagons on hand. Then hose them down with a pig crap slurry in honor of Muslims.? I bet that that would be a memory they never would forget.
What is up with Brandon’s long hair? Is it hiding the scar from where his Soul was removed?
Maybe hiding the part of the ultra accurate mask the replacement is wearing. There was a video where FJB had weird wrinkles at the back of hairline.
Cultivating a donor graft from Fetterman.
These “semi-terrorists” are publicly whores trying to impose their ideas on the rest of us. They cannot succeed!
Yes, the left wants everyone to hate them.
They’ve run into the problem of “choose tactics your drones enjoy” when your drones are hate-filled lunatics.
Mission: Accomplished!
This is as much training as anything else. The public is trained to shrug and let the “protesters” have their way. Meanwhile, (mostly) young “protesters” learn about organization, presentation and taking orders.
The ones who do best, who show the most anger and who are most dissatisfied with such juvenile tactics, will be moved into more advanced terrorist training.
Yes, and the media treats all this as spontaneous. no interest whatsoever in who is organizing all these events and paying for them. They print their name on the placards, media. Google them.
They are only capable of acting out one way, bent on pushing themselves on to eveyone else, and will wear out their welcome, like OWS, because they do not have a righteous cause. Until then, we get to see how obnoxious they are in their beliefs and ways.
Yeah, try that in my hometown!
Ironic. The annual flame war on the corporate netnews was Jews complaining about Christmas decorations in the late 80s early 90s.
Early signs of tearing down statues as a meme.
It might have been mostly engineers vs typing pool workers, of course. The latter tend to be non-Jewish women who liked the decoration ritual.
It’s not for nothing that greeting cards are in the feminine needs aisle.
Passive-aggressive intersectional bigotry illustrated.
I had a BDE Commander who was, to put it politely, overzealous in celebrating Christian Holidays to the point of PO pretty much everyone. Especially so for Christmas. We aren’t taking about a simple Christmas tree or mandatory ‘secret Santa’ or other minor crap. He made it really uncomfortable for many.
The guy just wouldn’t stop. He demanded everyone put up decorations. He was gonna have ‘mandatory participation’ in a religious holiday come hell or high water. Big mistake b/c I was already approved for retirement so I put up a ‘Festivus’ Pole. Dude lost his damn mind and then got destroyed by JAG when he decided to run it past them to find something to to try and charge me with. He was flabbergasted he couldn’t order his BDE to have exclusively Christian events without making room for other Religious observances. This dude and Oliver Cromwell would have been besties.
Feel free to DV me all day but for the record this dude didn’t believe Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, Episcopalian or Lutheran denominations were ‘fully Christian’. His view on Judaism was ‘Jews killed Jesus’ and that Islam and Mormonism were ‘made up’. Basically if you were not a Baptist you were probably not a good person, though he did tolerate Methodists as ‘salvageable’ but considered all others to be ‘irredeemable’. Every use of quotes here was crap that came out this crackpots mouth.
Self loathing jews who have renounced their faith are the most shrill woke progressive lefties. They would sell their own grandmother to hamas.
Kamala says there are fine people on both sides?
Antifa now sports kafiya.
What’s truly surprising is that a commie crap hole like Seattle allows any type of public Christmas celebrations.
They think that the red Fourbucks cups are an homage to Marx.
Notice how starting with the George Floyd fraud trial and the BLM scum movement it all involves the destruction of America and its values. Our laws are now being openly defied with no consequences and all of our culture and traditions are being assaulted and removed. There are two elements at play here. One is Islam and its horrific tenets and the other is Marism with its “All men are equal” BS. The young in our country are buying both. It is shocking to an older person like myself to see so many pro-Palestinian demonstrations. This is an indication that our education system has failed badly and the next generation of leaders is going to be a catastrophe. How we reclaim our heritage is unknown to me.
Palestinian islamist usurpers always hate, defile and desecrate the host’s cultural and ceremonial traditions.
Yesterday the Palestinian Legion of the Hamas SS knelt and prayed next to Winston Churchill’s statue in London.
Um, a “protest” “holding signs” doesn’t disrupt what other people are doing. Takes force to move them out. “Claiming space” by force is something else.
I can’t decide what’s more ironic. The issue of protest is claiming that Israel, the Jews or both *claimed space by force* from people who were already there. And Seattle was fine with their (in)famous “autonomous zone.” Are we having a tree autonomous zone, declaring a tree-free zone, or what?
Exactly. Deciding to show up to the location where another group is voluntarily gathering to celebrate some form of religious expression with the intent to disrupt is not a protest.
Whether folks choose to show up to tree lighting and sing Christmas carols or not shouldn’t be grounds for a fight. Its a free country and we still, mostly respect freedom of religion. It’s when folks go too far in their zeal and either disrupt some other group’s event or demand everyone mist participate in a particular event that things go sideways.
Surely I can’t be the only one amused by the irony of disrupting celebration of a Christian tradition to protest Jews.
The ignorance is strong in those protestors…
Or perhaps it’s a none-too-subtle warning that the distinction between Christians and Jews is not a large on to Muslim radicals and their “college-educated” fellow travelers…
If anything, it is building an alliance between Christians and Jews along the lines of an ememy of my enemy is a friend.
What? The enemy of my friend is my enemy. Remember … after Saturday comes Sunday on the Islam hit parade.
Islamists have always been very open about the fact that once they finish with the Jews the Christians are next.
Western libertarians are playing by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules. They refuse to acknowledge the ruleset change. They will probably continue to do so on the tumbril ride to the gibbets.
“We can’t oppose protests no matter how vile the message.”
You know who recently walked away from the free speech ideal? The new ACLU. Woke revolutionaries strangled the Old ACLU in hospice care.
The death of 1977.
A libertarian would not view the disruption of or interference with the 1A right of any particular group/individual as worthy of defense. The basic tenet of libertarian thought is the belief that no one individual or group should have any greater or lesser right than than anyone else. IOW protect everyone’s rights.
You lecturing about libertarianism is laughable. Oh, that’s right, you’ve made neighborhood alliances and armed up for the coming hot civil war.
It a popular fetish.
What’s laughable is your suggestion that libertarians would sign off in approval of the hecklers veto. You seem to be conflating traditional liberals with libertarians. The traditional liberals in power during the late ’60s and ’70s definitely effed up by allowing radicals ‘space to demonstrate’ and by allowing them into our institutions to the point the radicals took over.
Do you know something we don’t about an upcoming ‘hot civil.war’? Personally I would suggest we go very far to avoid that. Having served in several locations where an insurgency and/or civil war/sectarian conflict was taking place I have zero wish to see that in the USA.
“… as worthy of defense.” I presume you mean by the State?
As for the folks being disrupted, I would hope they present a vigorous kinetic defense.
“Western libertarians are playing by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules.”
Yes, and no. “The non-aggression principle.” is standard libertarian polic. They haven’t figured out how to respond when someone else violates. They’re often stuck in their theoretical world that would work if everybody had their values and behavior.
The perennial problem is how to deal with people with different values n behavior than you would have.
Recall that these evil Muslim supremacists, terrorists and Islamofascists also possess the despicable and brazen gall to peddle the obnoxious propaganda lie alleging that Jesus was a “Palestinian.” When the Islamonazis aren’t killing Jews and Christians, they’re exploiting the latter religion for their evil and fascistic aims.
Islam tends to appeal to low IQ people, as does the Dem party.
Jesus was a Galilean born in Judaea. In his day there was no such place as “Palestine”.
For the duration of the holiday season, please make an attempt to prioritize the red and green colors for your defensive paintballs. That is all.
The President is the Commander In Chief, he only salutes a person who earned the Medal Of Honor.
First we couldn’t say Christmas.
Then we couldn’t say Christmas tree.
What’s next?
Well, so long as the Palestinians are only terrorizing atheist/fake-Xian sh1t-libs in blue cities…