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British Museum Claims Elagabalus, a 3rd Century Roman Emperor, was a Trans Woman

British Museum Claims Elagabalus, a 3rd Century Roman Emperor, was a Trans Woman

“We try to be sensitive to identifying pronouns for people in the past, as we are for people in the present”

Now we have to rewrite history to include the trans agenda?

The College Fix reports:

British museum claims 3rd century Roman emperor was trans

A teenage male Roman emperor actually identified as a woman, a British museum now claims.

“We know that Elagabalus identified as a woman and was explicit about which pronouns to use, which shows that pronouns are not a new thing,” Keith Hoskins, a member of the council that runs the North Hertfordshire Museum told The Telegraph. The emperor ruled from 218 to 222.

“We try to be sensitive to identifying pronouns for people in the past, as we are for people in the present,” Hoskins said.

But scholars question the basis for these claims of transgenderism, noting a history of wild stories being told about the teenage emperor. Furthermore, the claims that Elagabalus (bust pictured) used female pronouns comes from Cassius Dio, a chronicler who worked for Elagabalus’ successor and rival.

The New York Post reported:

The idea that Elagabalus identified as a woman comes from the writings of Roman chronicler Cassius Dio, who claimed that that emperor was “termed wife, mistress and queen,” and told one lover, “Call me not Lord, for I am a Lady.”

According to ancient texts, Elagabalus married multiple women, but only for the purpose of learning their bedroom habits, and also tied the knot with a male chariot driver.

Elagabalus also known to have often worn wigs and makeup, allegedly moonlighted as a female prostitute in Rome’s brothels, and offered large sums of money to any doctor who could perform a gender reassignment surgery by creating a vagina.

But being called a woman was meant as an insult, according to a University of Cambridge classicist. “The Romans didn’t have our idea of ‘trans’ as a category, but they used accusations of sexual behavior ‘as a woman’ as one of the worst insults against men,” Andrew Wallace-Hadrill told The Telegraph.

Professor Christian Laes, a University of Manchester classics professor, also urged cautioned when it came to stories about the former emperor.


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retiredcantbefired | November 29, 2023 at 12:19 pm

It does seem anachronistic, trying to attach labels that are all the rage today to a hyperdecadent Roman emperor who died 1800 years ago.

Elagabalus was indeed a man who wanted to be a woman.
He did offer a fortune to anyone who could give him a vagina.

He was from the Roman East and was a priest of the sun god, El Gabal.
He did some crazy stuff and was murdered along with his mother.
Mostly for violating all customary Roman values
He even married a Vestal Virgin!
That would be as much a shock as if the US President had sex with an animal on national t v

Such outrages could not be tolerated

Without any real evidence except insulting writings of people who hated him… why are we supposed to take people seriously anymore?

    Gremlin1974 in reply to geronl. | November 29, 2023 at 6:00 pm

    Apparently, it was only one person’s writings, lol. Just in case you were wondering, no these are not serious thinking people.

Oh, No! He wore wigs and makeup! Wait till this dude gets a load of the Egyptians!

Please fix the headline. It’s Elagabalus, not Elagabus. And his sexual issues are very well known and pretty much the only thing he’s famous for.

    His mother, Julia Soaemias, was thought to be a loose woman. Elagabalus’ birth name was Varius Avitus Bassianus, and wags of the day said he was named ‘Varius’ because his paternity was ‘various’. He was married three times: Julia Cornelis Paula, married 219, divorced 220; Julia Aquilia Severa, married 220, divorced 221; Annia Faustina, married and divorced in 221.

    Elagabalus and his mother were murdered in the Praetorian camp, their bodies dragged through the city and tossed into the Tiber on 6 March 222.

Nero also took on the role of bride and married a man. Will the British Museum claim he was trans? Or does his later marriage to a castrated boy negate his ‘transhood’?

Oh, yes, geniuses living 2023 are better able to interpret the psyches of the ancient dead better than anyone else. This is because we have cell phones and AI. Any reading of history without reference to the latest Wikipedia revision is obviousloy a waste of time.

Free tip for the British Museum: Roman “historians” were less concerned about writing objective history than with telling a good story.

Note to George Kaplan and MarkJ, this is not the British Museum we’re talking about. It’s a British museum. North Hertfordshire Museum, to be specific. If you’d read the post you’d know that.

Historical accounts written by contemporary detractors must be taken with a few grains of salt. Having said that, it is true that perversion is nothing new.

Joan of Arc will be next.