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Bill Maher to Left Wing College Students Supporting Hamas: ‘You’re the Ones With the Tiki Torches Now!’

Bill Maher to Left Wing College Students Supporting Hamas: ‘You’re the Ones With the Tiki Torches Now!’

“What do you make of this level of just gut-wrenching antisemitism?”

Bill Maher has been on a real roll lately. Last week, he slammed Harvard and other top schools over anti-Israel protests on campus, and this week he is back with another zinger.

FOX News reports:

Bill Maher pummels leftwing antisemitism amid Israel-Hamas war: ‘You’re the ones with the tiki torches now!’

“Real Time” host Bill Maher expressed how he was floored by the amount of antisemitism that has erupted in the US since war broke out between Israel and Hamas.

“What do you make of this level of just gut-wrenching antisemitism?” Maher asked during a panel discussion on Friday. “I must admit, I don’t think of myself as a naive person [but] I’ve been surprised. It was like a volcano that blew. I mean, just the people in the United States who [are like] ‘F— Israel!’ You know, the ‘Any means necessary!’ I just, I don’t know where this comes from. I guess it’s ancient. Obviously, the hatred of the Jews goes way back. But I was taken aback by this.”

“You can’t tell me you don’t think social media has made it much worse,” political scientist Ian Bremmer interjected.

“So you think that’s the answer?” Maher replied. “Because it’s got to be something about the Jews themselves because there were other people around the world are oppressed. There are other ‘colonized’ places, not that Israel ‘colonized’ anything, but why this one’s nice. Why does this arouse, especially among young people?”

“I mean, the young people who hated Trump because he wouldn’t condemn the people with the tiki torches talking about Jews- you’re the ones with the tiki torches now!” he exclaimed.

Bill gets one thing wrong here. Trump did denounce the people with tiki torches, repeatedly. Anyway, here’s the clip:

In addition to that, in his ‘New Rule’ segment, Maher stood up for Israel and Western Civilization in general.

Nick Arama writes at RedState:

The panel talked about the bigotry toward Jews and how social media is making things worse, and that’s certainly true. But the reason for such venom is the leftist indoctrination of the college students in question and the painting of Israel as the product of the Western oppressors.

Maher laid it out in a great segment and skewered this liberal mentality, highlighting how Western civilization has been a benefit to the world, which today’s college students seem to have been taught to despise.

He notes it’s Western civilization that has given the world every principle that “liberals are supposed to adore,” such as individual liberty, freedom of speech, religious freedom, human rights, and the rule of law.

“Please, someone stop us before we enlighten again,” he said sarcastically. He noted you can find all those things in Israel and practically nowhere else in the Middle East. The world would be better off if it had more Israels, he said. He added this is lost on the left who reduces things to victims and victimizers, and they make Israel bad because it’s the “toxic fruit of the victimizing West.”

Watch the segment below:

Maher isn’t going to become a conservative any time soon, but it sure is fun to watch him call out the radical left.

Featured image via YouTube.


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 5, 2023 at 3:12 pm

He notes it’s Western civilization that has given the world every principle that “liberals are supposed to adore,” such as individual liberty, freedom of speech, religious freedom, human rights, and the rule of law.

Western civilization has made the world literate, brought advanced culture to the most backward and barbaric spots on the planet, and fed their people when their own governments were completely unable (which was not such a great thing, to be honest, as any government that cannot feed its people deserves to fall).

The world owes the West and the world owes America more than anyone. But the world is still filled with idiot barbarians and savages who would prefer to sink back into the illiterate, violent, stone-age mess that the West found them in. The muslims don’t want to return to the stone age, but merely back to the 7th century, when they were raiders and pirates and deranged abusers of herd animals.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | November 5, 2023 at 3:25 pm

    More to the point, most of the 8 billion people on Earth owe their very existence to the West’s contributions – from agriculture to medicine to industry. Their. Very. Existence.

    Which will very quickly become apparent if they get their wish and kill the West. South Africa is a very clear example of what follows.

    and those values came out of the the Christian Church and that is the sticking point for Bill.

Howard Jacobson has a more powerful message for them, and the others, about their humanity.

“We ask ourselves how ordinary Germans could stand idly by in the 1940s. Today, we must ask: How can so many stand idly by and applaud?”

E Howard Hunt | November 5, 2023 at 3:50 pm

Who cares what this smarmy schmo thinks?

Subotai Bahadur | November 5, 2023 at 4:13 pm

Agreeing with PrimordialOrderedPair above, we have to note that Western Civilization is in a state of collapse and is doing everything to avoid resisting the barbarians. Last night there were massive pro-Palestinian demonstrations all over DC, paint balloons and spray paint tossed at government buildings including the Capitol, and an attempt to storm the gates of the White House [and smearing red paint on the gate]. Given that this was in support of barbarians and against the Western ethos, it was not deemed an insurrection like citizens demanding an honest election; so there was nothing like the government resistance to J6.

Living through and actually feeling the weltanschauung brings a lifetime of reading about the collapse 0f the Roman Empire and various Chinese dynasties into focus in a less than pleasant way.

I seem to remember that Odoacer, the barbaric Germanic leader was invited in and took over Rome in 476, ending the Western Roman Empire,

Subotai Bahadur

They have one purpose-to give their power and authority to the beast. They will go to war against the lamb. The lamb will conquer them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings. Those who are called, chosen, and faithful are with him.” (Rev 17:13-14 GW)

The lines are pretty clear. There’s one side that wants tolerance and one side that is intolerant To the surprise of a great many on left they have discovered that the woke/leftists who hijacked the d/prog party and many of our institutions is extremely intolerant. What they ultimately decide to do with this knowledge is debatable.

Conservative Beaner | November 5, 2023 at 7:28 pm

Current events do not surprise me. Corrupt media coupled with corrupt goverment allowing barbaric behavior and encouraging hate between all, ethnicities, races, sexes and religions.

The powder keg has been lit and now we wait to see the extent of destruction.

Just this Friday, while interviewing Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN), Maher stated ingenuously that “We like Joe Biden, right? And we think he’s done a good job.”
Let no man mistake him for a rational political player. He’s entirely incapable of seeing the inevitable linkages between “his team” and the monstrous evils inherent in their goals and in corollaries to their goals..

thalesofmiletus | November 6, 2023 at 8:22 am

Hold up — Israelis and Palestinians both have been arguing “blood and soil” for decades. They ALL have the Tiki torches.

The only people who are condemned for having Tiki torches — the only people denied their own nation — are White Europeans for some mysterious reason.

William Downey | November 6, 2023 at 8:47 am

For all of those who support the elimination of Israel and genocide against Jews, no matter how you dress it, you are barbarians. You carry the torch of Nazi hate.

You should remember this:” First, they came for Israel. Then, they took up global genocide against the Jews. Then they came for the Christians. Then, they came for the conservatives, and then the “progressive” left.

What you sow is what you shall reap.

They were ALWAYS the ones with the tiki torches.

Spencer and his crew supported Biden, just like the rest of the left.

Hang on, how did tiki torches become a symbol of hatred? I know the neo-nazi march in Charlottesville on Aug-11-2017 (the one on Friday night, not the rally on Saturday afternoon that turned into a mêlée, and that Trump correctly said was attended by both good and bad people) deliberately emulated the old KKK torchlight parades, and the torches they carried happened to be of the tiki variety. How did that turn that particular kind of torch into some kind of neo-nazi symbol? I mean, they could have used anything.

Yet self loathing jews like maher will continue to vote dem.


    Milhouse in reply to smooth. | November 7, 2023 at 8:12 am

    Jews?! Since when is . . . Huh. How about that? Turns out Bill Maher’s mother was a Jew, and therefore so is he. But it doesn’t mean anything to him.

“You’re the ones with the tiki torches now!”. What does he mean? They’re FBI shills?

Bill Maher doesn’t believe in Freedom of Speech. The Youtube channel for Real Time, shadow bans anyone who doesn’t tow the leftist line.