Biden Border Crisis: Chinese Nationals Flooding Across Our Borders In Record Numbers
“More than 24,000 Chinese citizens have been apprehended crossing into the United States from Mexico in the past year. That is more than in the preceding 10 years combined”

So who’s up for some commie Chinese persons flooding across our border in record numbers? Yeah, me, either, but here we are in Biden’s brave new world in which importing actual enemies of our nation is totes cool. After all, to the FJB administration, the true threats to national security are American parents and grandmas. Go figure.
The New York Times reports (archive link):
More than 24,000 Chinese citizens have been apprehended crossing into the United States from Mexico in the past year. That is more than in the preceding 10 years combined.
The surge of migrants entering the United States across the southern border increasingly includes people from a surprising place: China.
Despite the distances involved and the difficulties of the journey, more than 24,000 Chinese citizens have been apprehended crossing into the United States from Mexico in the past year. That is more than in the preceding 10 years combined, according to government data.
They typically fly into Ecuador, where they do not need a visa. Then, like hundreds of thousands of other migrants from Central and South America and more distant locations, they pay smugglers to guide their travel through the dangerous jungle between Colombia and Panama en route to the United States. Once there, they turn themselves in to border officials and many seek asylum.
And most succeed, in turn fueling further attempts. Chinese citizens are more successful than people from other countries with their asylum claims in immigration court. And those who are not end up staying anyway because China usually will not take them back.
Won’t take them back? How did they get out in the first place?
One expert warned this dramatic upswing was a potential national security risk, telling Newsweek: “It kind of goes to the question of: are any of these here on China’s orders?”
. . . . Undocumented migration from China has been steadily rising from around 18,400 in 2020. However, this year’s figures show encounters increased significantly from March to April and remained high throughout May and June, before rising again in July—with 6,158 encounters nationwide in a single month.
“We know that China is using everything that they have, every bit of espionage, to spy on our military and our high technology,” said Rebecca Grant, Ph.D., a national security analyst at IRIS Independent Research. “And we know China’s government is not our friend, so this dramatic upswing, I think it could definitely present a potential national security risk.”
. . . . “Where are these Chinese nationals going? And what is Homeland Security or whoever else doing to keep track and to answer this? Are they all economic migrants, or are there other reasons?” she asked.
Newsweek approached the Department of Homeland Security and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs via email for comment on Tuesday.
In 2022, there were just over 55,000 individuals from China who entered the U.S. on work visas—a number that has been rising steadily from around 34,500 in 2017, according to the Department of Homeland Security.
Between 2015 and 2019, 4.8 percent of the 3.7 million naturalized U.S. citizens—or around 178,000—originated from China, the agency said.
The southern land border has been a hot political topic because of its apparent porousness; CBP figures show that after a lull during the pandemic, total crossings rose to nearly 2.4 million in 2022—and have tipped over 2.2 million so far in 2023.
So there was an alarming uptick of Chinese nationals entering our country during the Trump administration, but it’s truly exploded under Biden.
In October, 2023, ABC News reported:
The pandemic and China’s COVID-19 policies, which included tight border controls, temporarily stemmed the exodus that rose dramatically in 2018 when President Xi Jinping amended the constitution to scrap the presidential term limit. Now emigration has resumed, with China’s economy struggling to rebound and youth unemployment high. The United Nations has projected China will lose 310,000 people through emigration this year, compared with 120,000 in 2012.
. . . . The popular route to the U.S. is through Ecuador, which has no visa requirements for Chinese nationals. Migrants from China join Latin Americans there to trek north through the once-impenetrable Darién and across several Central American countries before reaching the U.S. border. The journey is well-known enough it has its own name in Chinese: walk the line, or “zouxian.”
China has a very tight control over its population. What are the odds that all of these people are legit amnesty seekers (and on what grounds)?
This trend is nearly as disturbing as the influx of Middle Eastern and other terrorists (actual terrorists, not the Biden DHS/DOJ definition that focuses on normal Americans, parents, Trump voters, et al.).
And we can expect the same level of scrutiny applied to actual threats from CCP nationals flooding our border that’s been applied to the J6 political prisoners and to parents objecting to their children being taught to hate and that they are the “wrong” gender. Just kidding. These infiltrators are being welcomed with open arms, while actual Americans are being routinely demonized by the president of these United States.
Obviously, the question is: Why is the federal government laser-focused on Americans as supposed national security threats while people who hate America—are possible (likely?) foreign and/or terrorist agents—are welcomed with open arms in their vast numbers into our great country?

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Yeah, President Xi said he was happy to visit with Biden and listen to him read a few sentences from note cards, but was disappointed he couldn’t meet the person running the country.
24,000 to set up all those labs to murder us all
Very painfully
24,000 to
set upstaff all those labs to murder us allFTFY as the labs already exist in strategic cities across the United States. They just need the staff to carry out the CCP’s orders when the time is right.
Here’s someone that needs our help
Rittenhouse needs our help
“The surge of migrants entering the United States across the southern border increasingly includes people from a surprising place: China.”
I’m not surprised. Anyone else here surprised?
This is the bright line. This is the line that separates politicians from domestic enemies.
America is clearly under the control of enemies domestic and foreign… either that, or people so incredibly stupid as to be indistinguishable from foreign patsies, which is too hard to believe. I believe it may be time for the citizenry to use all the tools in the Bill of Rights to restore the Republic.
I doubt they’re coming to establish restaurants.
……or laundries
The first Chinese president is NOT going to do anything to stop Chinese nationals from entering the country.
As a regular user of the Chinese language, and having worked as a US Consular Officer, and having translated at a deposition and for lawyers working on asylum claims for Chinese nationals who entered the US illegally, I have a few suggestions.
Anyone connected with Fuzhou, Changle, or Lianjiang in Fujian should be automatically suspect. They claim to have “shouted slogans” in 1989 (but can’t say exactly what), but the Fujian-American Association which they support is notoriously pro-Communist. Can you imagine the refugees from Europe in the 1930’s and 1940’s saying anything good about Hitler? “Ve dit nodt neet him to make die trains run on time: ve are an organizated pipple to begin vit! Himmel!” The only exceptions to this rule would be nationals of Taiwan who are from Mazu (the portion of Lianjiang County, Fujian, that remained in ROD hands after 1949) and immigrating through legal channels.
Press every claimant on where, exactly, he falls afoul of the CCP Party Line and government policy. Ask a lot about what he understands about the USA.
Press on exactly who or what organization helped him cross the border and start creating a database.
When coyote and snakeheads are caught, throw the book at them for human trafficking and enslavement. If any were involved in the sexual trafficking of minors, throw in rape, registry as sexual offenders, and the rest. If some can be proven to have had people murdered for non-payment, invoke the death penalty and use it.
There probably are some bonafide refugees in this number. But I would urge the authorities to make full use of trained Americans to question, question, question. and make the vetting process tough; also publicize tougher vetting policies on VOA and other channels. Even Tik Tok.
I agree, but the presumption is that the Biden regime wants to do any of this.
They don’t.
Here’s a better idea. NO CHINESE. NONE. ZERO.
Lovely protocol, if they wanted to administer the border: evidence says they want no borders, at least none for the US.
1) Presumes countries may administer their own territories, or who comes in or out. Brandon’s handlers presume it’s the world’s turf, n they’re just comin to get some of theirs. Like looting Chanel shoes because bread.
2) The Brandon admin’s only coherent policy is “the opposite of whatever The Bad Orange Man did “
How many are PLA?
And yet, people still don’t believe that China owns Joe.
Godless, communist, gambling, chain smoking spies. What could possibly go wrong?
“Apprehended”. Such a funny word to use.