Another Billionaire Donor Deserts Columbia University Over Anti-Semitism

This is the second billionaire donor to drop the school in recent weeks.

FOX News reports:

Jewish billionaire resigns from Columbia board citing ‘moral cowardice,’ making Jews feel unsafe on campusA Jewish billionaire and philanthropist has resigned from the Board of Columbia Business School, claiming the Ivy League institution has expressed a “moral cowardice” that has left Jews feeling unsafe on campus.In an Oct. 30 letter posted to social media one week later, Henry Swieca wrote that he needed to resign to “make a principled stand regarding recent events.””To my deep regret, the reputation and integrity of Columbia University, and by extension Columbia Business School, have been significantly compromised by a moral cowardice that appears beyond repair,” he wrote.Swieca called the recent Hamas attacks against Israel “revolting” and said that statements from the school are “meaningless” when “pro-Hamas students” are allowed to march on campus yelling slogans that call for the destruction of the Jewish state.”This is abhorrent,” he added. “Any other minority group on campus would never have to face anything close to this level of intimidation and hatred of Jewish and pro-Israel students experience.”Citing a quote from Abraham Lincoln, “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men,” Swieca said the entire Columbia administration has failed to take a firm stance condemning Hamas.”With blatantly anti-Jewish student groups and professors allowed to operate with complete impunity, it sends a clear and distressing message that Jews are not just unwelcome, but also unsafe on campus,” he continued.Swieca concluded the letter by noting his resignation from the school was an expression of “deep concern” for the direction the university appeared to be heading.

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Columbia University, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel