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Why Are We Paying For Hate on Campuses?

Why Are We Paying For Hate on Campuses?

“the modern American academic institution exists outside the laws of civilized mankind”

Today’s college students constantly claim to be against hate. So why do so many of them seem to support Hamas? And why are we funding schools that allow this?

Sarah Lee writes at the Capital Research Center:

Paying for Hate on College Campuses

If anything could shake a Western champagne socialist to the bone, surely it would be the image of a young hippie woman, fresh from a music festival, with her legs broken behind her back and a bleeding head wound, paraded by armed Hamas militants through the streets of Israel in the back of a truck.

Or perhaps news of massacres on Israel’s kibbutzim, where reporters on the ground choke back throat lumps while relaying IDF soldiers’ discoveries of babies beheaded and whole families slaughtered.

Or maybe pictures of elderly women lying dead at a bus stop. Or a video of a courageous dog shot in front of its home before Iran-backed terrorists upload themselves to social media raiding the refrigerator.

These things should arrest the senses enough to at least give activists in the land of the free pause before shouting their support for the people who could commit such atrocities.

But the modern American academic institution exists outside the laws of civilized mankind, apparently, because schools such as Harvard, Columbia, the University of Virginia, and UC Berkley, among others, could only look on weakly as campus student groups very nearly celebrated the tragedy of this weekend’s slaughter in Israel. The rest of the civilized world is left wondering – again – what kind of environment exists in the hallowed halls of American higher learning if cruel glee in the face of unspeakable horror is so near the surface. And, more to the point, why are we paying for it?…

“The silence from Harvard’s leadership, so far, coupled with a vocal and widely reported student groups’ statement blaming Israel solely, has allowed Harvard to appear at best neutral towards acts of terror against the Jewish state of Israel,” Lawrence Summers, a former Harvard president and longtime Washington economic policy hand, wrote on X.

Was Harvard, which took in $625 million in federal funding in FY21, and a little over $500 million in donations and $500 million in cash gifts to their endowment in FY22, initially neutral? More pointedly, should they have been? They released an official statement condemning the attacks on Tuesday – several days later and on the same day other Harvard students made their own voices heard with a letter of their own.


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If those committing or advocating violence are foreign students, revoke their student visa, deport them immediately, and bar them from reentry for at least five years. If they are so-called refugees or asylum seekers, their quasi-legal status should be immediately revoked, and they should be promptly deported and barred from reentry for at least five years. If they are recipients of government-guaranteed student loans, those guarantees should be immediately revoked, and they should be disqualified from further student loan guarantees for at least five years after they have retired any existing obligations.

Similar actions should be taken against professors, other instructors, or administrators upon conviction of advocating or inciting violence in educational institutions. Educational credits should not be allowed to be used as incentives for participating in political events.

These actions should be pursued immediately upon conviction for advocating or inciting violence and only that conviction should be open to judicial review.

JackinSilverSpring | October 31, 2023 at 4:05 pm

The lachrymose events of 11/7 have ripped off the veneer of pretense of the Left’s claim that it is against hate. The truth is that Leftists indeed hate: they hate Western civilization, they hate Jews, they hate white people, they just hate.

“Why are we paying for hate on campuses?”

Because we’re stupid?

On a more general note “why are we paying?” here’s what happens when it was discovered that a consortium of small colleges would result in layoffs as some of the cost savings: many of the colleges stepped back and said “no way”! If you go to any of these colleges, you’re paying for intentionally bloated staffs, but I doubt they’re special.

ahad haamoratsim | November 2, 2023 at 10:47 am

Outside the law?
“To live outside the law you must be honest,” – Bob Dylan

And they aren’t.