Walmart Gifting $1 Million to Israeli Medical Emergency Service and Holocaust Museum

Good for Walmart.

The Walmart Foundation condemned the attacks by Hamas in Israel while announcing massive gifts to Magen David Adom and the U.S. Holocaust Museum.

Magen David Adom is the Jewish State’s “national medical emergency, disaster, ambulance and blood service.”

From The Jerusalem Post:

“As you all know, throughout these horrific and inhuman attacks by Hamas, Magen David Adom has played a critical role in providing medical aid to victims. To show support for all persons affected by these tragedies in the region, the Walmart Foundation is committing $1m. in funding to MDA for emergency services to save lives,” the statement read.Walmart’s commitment to aiding those in need extends beyond its contribution to MDA. Last week, the Walmart Foundation pledged an additional $1m. grant to the US Holocaust Museum, showing the company’s dedication to supporting initiatives that promote understanding and commemorate historical atrocities.

Walmart is also asking its employees to donate to charitable causes. The giant superstore promised to match the employee donations up to $3 million in America.

Walmart has strong ties to Israel:

“These attacks have directly and tragically impacted us, our friends, and our families. But Walmart Global Tech Israel is not alone. We are part of a resilient Israeli tech ecosystem that stands strong and proud during these tough times, and we are part of a global Walmart family who share the same values and commitment to our customers, members, and one another. It is these characteristics that strengthen us, even at times of great difficulty,” the statement read.“In these days of heartbreak and uncertainty, I am thankful and proud of our teams in Israel who, despite everything, continue to support each other as one Walmart family. This is who we are and how we will prevail,” the statement continued. “Our hearts go out to colleagues, partners, and the communities in which we serve and live.”Walmart is invested in several Israeli tech companies, including Team8, and has acquired several more in the past five years.

Mike Bloomberg promised to match donations through his Bloomberg Match Program: “Right now, MDA has a long list of needs, from life-saving equipment and mobile intensive care units, to blood testing kits and basic supplies for first responders. Given these and other urgent medical needs now facing the country, I hope you will consider joining me by making a matched contribution to support MDA.”

The Walt Disney Company also donated $1 million to MDA. It also matches donations by employees up to $25,000.

Tags: Gaza, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, Palestinian Terror