Updates: Over 200 Israelis Killed, Bodies Paraded To Cheering ‘Civilians’ in Gaza, Dozens Abducted
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Updates: Over 200 Israelis Killed, Bodies Paraded To Cheering ‘Civilians’ in Gaza, Dozens Abducted

Updates: Over 200 Israelis Killed, Bodies Paraded To Cheering ‘Civilians’ in Gaza, Dozens Abducted

Groups of Israeli women and children captured in Hamas cross-border invasion, brought to Gaza

As Israeli military and security forces repel Hamas’s cross-border terror offensive and subdue the remaining pockets held by terrorist fighters, horrific details of the biggest terror attack in country’s recent history are emerging.

At least 150 Israelis have been murdered and over 1,000 wounded by terrorist intruders from Gaza. Dozens of Israelis, including women and children, have been captured by Hamas taken into Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed.

“Israeli authorities confirmed Saturday evening that at least 100 people were killed and dozens others were captured in a shock offensive by Hamas on southern and central Israel,” the Israeli news website Ynet reported.

Fighting is still on in isolated pockets in several locations across southern Israel. The Jerusalem Post reported Saturday afternoon:

In addition to the rockets, dozens of terrorists infiltrated numerous border points, the IDF said. There was also a maritime infiltration attempt into Kibbutz Zikim, as well as numerous border fence breaches. (…)

In Kibbutz Be’eri, also in Southern Israel, Hamas took dozens of Israelis hostages, according to media reports.

“We are conducting combat operations in 22 locations,” the IDF said. ” There is no settlement without our forces, in all the communities. Some settlements have been cleared, but additional sweeps are needed before declaring them safe.”



IDF mobilizes to counter the Hamas terror offensive

The IDF is reportedly gearing up for a massive counter-terrorist operation aimed at liberating Israeli hostages and targeting the perpetrators of the dastardly attack. “At this time, the IDF is reinforcing the south and the communities surrounding the Gaza Strip with several operational forces,” IDF Spokesperson, Rear. Admiral Daniel Hagari, said in a statement obtained by the Legal Insurrection. “Operational commanders are arriving to manage the combat in each location. In parallel to this, we have begun a wide mobilization of reservists for all IDF units.”

The reservists are being called to duty for a major offensive. “The Chief of General Staff has announced an extensive mobilization of reserve forces. Numerous IDF soldiers, including special forces, have been dispatched to the area surrounding the Gaza Strip and are operating in a number of different locations in the division in order to protect the residents of southern Israel,” an IDF statement disclosed.

Palestinians celebrate death and suffering in Israel

As Israel mourns its dead, Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank came out on the streets to celebrate the deadly attacks on Israeli civilians.

There are also reports of public celebrations in Iran and Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon.

Iran ‘congratulates’ Hamas

The Iranian regime, which arms and finances Hamas and other Gaza terrorist groups, congratulated them for deadly terror attacks that took lives of innocent Israeli civilians. The Israeli news website Ynet reported:

An adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday congratulated Palestinian fighters for launching the biggest attack on Israel in years, the semi-official ISNA news site reported.

“We congratulate the Palestinian fighters,” it quoted Rahim Safavi as saying. “We will stand by the Palestinian fighters until the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem.” (…)

ISNA later quoted an Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson as saying that Hamas attacks were proof of the Palestinians’ increased confidence in the face of Israel.

Iran’s regime-handpicked parliament also cheered the attacks. “At a parliament session on Saturday, Iranian lawmakers chanted “Down with Israel,” “Down with America,” and “Welcome Palestine,” according to a video published by Tasnim news agency,” The Times of Israel reported.

The Hamas attacks come amid recent Iranian efforts to create an axis of proxy terror groups in the region aimed at encircling Israel. “Over the last four decades, the Iranian regime has built a network of armed groups on Israel’s borders to create instability and foment terrorism. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and a mosaic of other terrorist organizations receive funding, training, and weapons from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Quds Force (IRGC-QF),” Joe Truzman explained in a report recently published by DC-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD).


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Look at the bright side, Israel can count on a strongly worded condemnation from the Biden US State Department on using the wrong pronouns in this new war!

    LeftWingLock in reply to natdj. | October 7, 2023 at 4:21 pm

    It is worth noting that Biden’s state department first response was to ask Israel not to retaliate.

      Subotai Bahadur in reply to LeftWingLock. | October 7, 2023 at 4:35 pm

      They took that message down so that they could deny it later, but there is no doubt that is what the regime here really wants.

      Subotai Bahadur

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to LeftWingLock. | October 7, 2023 at 6:39 pm

      U.S. Office Of Palestinian Affaris

      We unequivocally condemn the attack of Hamas terrorists and the loss of life that has incurred 9sic). We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.
      3;24 AM – Oct 7, 2023 14.2K Views

      I think that at this point the Israeli government isn’t going to spend much time in further talks with the Hamas terrorist organization. They’ve had decades to negotiate a peace and all they’ve done with the time granted them is re-arm for further attacks against Israel and Israeli citizens.

      And now it seems that Israeli patience is at an end. The Hamas terrorists started this war. And I’m more than sure Israel will end it in their favor.

      I think that was a stock message that is sent out every time. Of course Russia also thinks Israel should de-escalate and negotiate peace. Israel can see Ukraine for themselves and know that’s a bad idea.

Unfortunately Israel, like a lot of westerners, suffer from normalcy bias.

They’ve convinced themselves that the Palestinians don’t AKSHUALLY want to rape, torture and kill every single one of them, and that they can just ignore them and their lives will continue as normal.

Hopefully this will FINALLY disabuse some Westerners of the idiotic and insane notion that the Palestinians are ‘oppressed’ and ‘just want freedom’. But I doubt it.

Maybe Israel as a whole will finally wake up and realize that all of the Arab nations are at war with them, and act accordingly.

No reaction from Jewish Voice for Peace or the New Israel Fund?

Now if Biden will follow through with what he just said.

Hopefully, Israel’s planning is better than the intelligence. Bad guys love to strike when there’s vulnerability, which exists in Israel, in America, and across the globe. Can we get through the next 15 months?

Shame on anyone that pretends in the name of human rights that Israel is the oppressor.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | October 7, 2023 at 3:19 pm

    There are plenty of commenters on this site who will tell us that this is all Israeli propaganda, no one was hurt, no bombs were deployed, not deaths, and no one was kidnapped.

    We will be gaslit that Hamas is only looking out for their territory and Israel provoked this.

      “There are plenty of commenters on this site who will tell us that this is all Israeli propaganda, no one was hurt, no bombs were deployed, not deaths, and no one was kidnapped.”

      Name five.

      Are these the same type of nutcases who think Russia is “liberating” Ukraine?

        DaveGinOly in reply to geronl. | October 7, 2023 at 7:34 pm

        Russia may not be “liberating” Ukraine, but it does have legitimate security concerns in reaction GAE/NATO provocations – a color revolution on Russia’s doorstep and the threat to absorb Ukraine into the GAE fold.

    White House Ritalin Jar in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | October 9, 2023 at 2:54 pm

    They’re too busy at their celebration party. Not a joke.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | October 7, 2023 at 3:17 pm

Thanks Joe Biden. We appreciate the $billions you paid to Iran that was funneled to us. We couldn’t have murdered as many women and children without your help!

Signed, Hamas.

What a feckless administration the United States has been saddled with.

The blood, torture, and death are on your hands, Joe.

    They planned this for many months.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to geronl. | October 8, 2023 at 5:45 am

      Of course they have been planning this for months, if not years.

      Just like the US has war gaming operations that plan offensive and defensive actions in various scenarios. These plans go back decades.

      The difference? Hamas decided to use one of their plans when it had the opportunity, financed by JB.

      Andy in reply to geronl. | October 8, 2023 at 12:22 pm

      You are probably right. This was paid for by the pallets of cash Obama sent. Biden’s payoff will fund a future terror event.

cross posted from my comment on redstate


as an MP in Germany (Hanau area, 61st MP CO) from 1986-1989 we had gangs of young turks that would attack any US person in uniform. MPI and CID confirmed Iran was underwriting them financially.
I voiced an opinion, toss a few of the lance nukes we were tasked to protect into Iran.
got in trouble for saying that.
whatever. my feelings have not changed.

Heard that some civilians were massacred. An obvious war crime, but who cares? Looked for confirmation. Came across this:

“Israel/OPT: Civilian deaths and extensive destruction in latest Gaza offensive highlight human toll of apartheid”


The irony. Do gooders guilt is toxic.

A Munich Massacre times twenty and rising. Make no mistake — the utterly vile Dhimmi-crats’ and their European, Leftist dhimmi counterparts, have actively enabled this savagery and death. I fairly hold them responsible as willing collaborators with, and, dupes of, Fatah, Hamas and Iran.

This is what decades of indefensible and undue funding, coddling, kowtowing to and deference shown to the corrupt and worthless Arab Muslim “Palestinian” terrorist leadership in Fatah and Hamas, as well as playing footsie with Iran’s despots, has led to.

Things are going to change in the middle east after today, I promise you. There will be no more illusions among rational-minded people about the ability of Israel to “make peace” with the goose-stepping, genocide-aspiring, Arab Muslim “Palestinian” supremacists, fanatics and terrorists.

Disband UNRWA, the fake refugee agency!

And, I’ll say that it’s unreal to me that Mossad and the IDF were caught sleeping on this — holy day or not. Israel’s southern border with Gaza and the roads leading to it should be filled to the brim with troops, tanks, etc., 24/7, 365 days per year. Especially given that Hamas attempted to breach the border with an assault, only a few years ago.

    Lots of woke people in Israel, too, including in the military, who pretend that Netanyahu, etc are like Trump and MAGA. No different than Clinton. These enemies not only deserve to be vanquished, but re-educated. The Israeli version is no less corrosive to security.

    mailman in reply to guyjones. | October 7, 2023 at 4:19 pm

    Does seem they took their eye off the ball with this one. Some heads will need to roll at the very least. Hopefully the right lessons will be learned because if they are not this will just happen again in 3 or 4 years.

      guyjones in reply to mailman. | October 7, 2023 at 4:34 pm

      I agree. The attacks coming on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war — which hard-won and costly victory was supposed to have taught the lesson that Israel can never let her guard down — constitutes an unfortunate irony. Israel will win, again, but, the price for this security lapse is going to be steep. The only upside that I see is that Israeli leadership will be freed from foreign pressure to “make peace” with the perpetually belligerent, genocide-aspiring, goose-stepping, bad faith Arab Muslim “Palestinian” terrorists.

        mailman in reply to guyjones. | October 7, 2023 at 5:02 pm

        I can only hope that this time Israel says enough is enough and unleashes the inner mongrel and finishes Hamas once and for all.

        I suspect though we will just get the exact same thing we got last time, with everyone DEMANDING Israel stop killing Hamas and they stop killing Hamas.

          guyjones in reply to mailman. | October 7, 2023 at 6:11 pm

          Yes. No more “Mr. Nice Guy” and whack-a-mole responses. It’s time to go scorched earth, General Sherman-style.

          DaveGinOly in reply to mailman. | October 7, 2023 at 7:42 pm

          It’s time to drive certain inhabitants of Palestine into the sea, and I’m not talking about the Jews.

          Every Palestinian should be forced to the shore of the Mediterranean, put on boats, and sent to Iran. If they want to style themselves as “refugees,” let them be refugees elsewhere from which they can pine all they want for the land “taken” from them by their Israeli “oppressors.” They can’t complain that they were driven from their homes, because their own narrative says the Jews already did that to them.

      gonzotx in reply to mailman. | October 7, 2023 at 8:00 pm


    rebelgirl in reply to guyjones. | October 7, 2023 at 6:07 pm

    Agree…especially knowing how the terrorism regimes ascribe so much importance to calendar anniversaries…50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, anniversary of Anwar Saddat’s assasination and so forth…

      guyjones in reply to rebelgirl. | October 7, 2023 at 6:13 pm

      Exactly. One would figure that Mossad would have anticipated something happening around the anniversary date, especially with the Iranian regime eager to undermine the eventual and seemingly inevitable Saudi Arabia-Israel peace deal.

    gonzotx in reply to guyjones. | October 7, 2023 at 7:59 pm

    It is awfully weird

Sad- I thought Israel was a little quicker on the draw for these things.

Oh, and the drooling dementia patient let slip when he finally got around to giving a statement, that they let him know ‘as soon as he woke up’ at around 730-8.

Let that sink in.

One of our allies is suffering the worst terror attack in decades, and THEY DON’T EVEN BOTHER TO WAKE THIS DROOLING JACKASS UP.

Of course any actual leader would go insane if he found out that his subordinates didn’t bother to tell him about an event this big.

Biden is not in charge and never has been.

    mailman in reply to Olinser. | October 7, 2023 at 5:03 pm

    I suspect Biden is not capable of being woken once he’s asleep.

      Olinser in reply to mailman. | October 7, 2023 at 5:17 pm

      Probably. But the sheer, insane STUPIDITY to just casually announce this demonstrates how far gone this incompetent moron is. He’s not even capable of comprehending how bad it makes him look.

The posters here are all convinced that Israel will win. I am not so sure. Support for Israel in the US has been seriously undermined by years of pro-Palestinian advocacy in academia. On top of that, I believe American Jews have lost a lot of support on the right because they generally did not support Trump in 2020. And there is no doubt, no doubt at all, that the Biden Administration is anti-Israel. It does not look to me as if Israel can assume American support. Also, it is shocking to me that Mossad was caught flat-footed. None of this looks good to me.

    DaveGinOly in reply to CincyJan. | October 7, 2023 at 7:50 pm

    The GAE regime will look duplicitous if it supports Ukraine against an invasion and refuses to do the same for Israel. But then again, that’s never been a problem for this administration. It considers the border of Ukraine inviolate, and likely considers Israel’s border similarly to our own.

Time to invoke Article 51 and lay waste to Iran’s nuclear ambitions? They can show the video of the Parliament calling for death to Israel, not to mention America.

A horrible video I saw was of a young Israeli lady, I believe her name is Noe, being taken away by terrorists on a motorcycle screaming while her boyfriend (I believe) is paraded away on foot by other terrorists. They were attending a “peace concert.”

Subotai Bahadur | October 7, 2023 at 5:43 pm

I have been given to understand that PM Netanyahu has declared that this is not just an “ongoing military operation” but in fact that it is war. And it needs to be treated as such in the traditional sense, Wars used to end with the destruction of the losers, not with a truce till next time. We know that if the Palestinians win they will impose their own version of Hitler’s die Endlösung. Israeli operations need to keep that in mind.

From what I understand so far, the military attacks have been largely from Gaza with the West Bank primarily cheering them on. Strategically from an Israeli point of view; Gaza needs to be removed as a threat, permanently. That means its depopulation. I more than suspect that attacks will come from the West Bank soon. Which will mean the same imperative for them. Those who survive will need to become Egyptian or Jordanian in Egyptian or Jordanian territory. Salted earth is an option.

The current hostilities have a slightly different aspect than previous ones. In earlier wars, Israel could depend on [and received] the support of the United States when things became critical. Things are very much the opposite now.

Ideologically, our current regime would have no problem with another die Endlösung destroying Israel and its people. Its actions and words since taking power make it undeniable. And Israel would be risking their own survival if they depended on our help in any way. Those days are gone. And indeed, the current regime has weakened us enough that we may not have the ability to help Israel even if there was a will to do so.

With Israel being on their own, that brings other things into play. Israel has nukes. And they have the means of delivery. They have launched satellites of sufficient mass into orbits of sufficient height with sufficient precision that work out into the ability to place at least a countervalue warhead anywhere in ICBM range. And if it looks like they are going to be defeated, Israeli forbearance will end and they will not go down alone.

Long, long ago when the world was new and I was writing for defense publications, I once sold a piece showing how with 8 warheads Islam could be wiped out more thoroughly than any medieval Crusader could have dreamed of. While I got paid for it, it was never published, but I believe it would be still true. Israel is believed to have at least 80 nuclear weapons and maybe multiples of that. Plenty left over to deal with those who try to punish them for surviving.

Finally, there is something mentioned elsewhere here. Since we unilaterally decided that we no longer had enforceable national borders [We have had 7-8 million invaders in the last few years. In passing in 1941 Germany invaded Russia with just 3.8 million troops.] it is a necessary working assumption that a significant part of that number are those who wish us ill from all over the world. WE are targets too, in our own country.

There are rumors that I am not a “nice” person. They are true. Put I am pragmatic.

Subotai Bahadur

    LeftWingLock in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | October 7, 2023 at 6:29 pm

    (1) If you have any friends in the IDF, recommend they save 3 or 4 nukes for a certain country 4 countries due east of Jerusalem.
    (2) “Nice” is a term that should be applied only to family and friends. “Nice” is giving your spouse flowers for no reason at all. “Nice” is remembering your aunts and uncles (and nieces and nephews) on their birthday. “Nice” should never apply in foreign relations.

    Tsquared79 in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | October 7, 2023 at 7:06 pm

    Good points, but I would like to point out the Palestinians are looked down upon by every other Arab nation. Muslim countries do not accept refugees

    DaveGinOly in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | October 7, 2023 at 7:55 pm

    Even if the GAE were inclined to assist Israel, it’s given Ukraine all its stocks of ammunition and surplus hardware (and by “surplus,” I don’t mean “second rate,” I mean that equipment that has been judged not strictly necessary for the GAE’s current demands).

    It’s unfortunate but may be inevitable

    Israel will not be murdered by monsters again

Time for Israel to regain the Gaza Strip and all of the West Bank and rid itself of the terrorists within this area! Israel is a small country, and it was intended for Israel to inhabit!

Meanwhile Russia wants Israel to de-escalate and negotiate peace. They can read about Ukraine and know not to listen to Moscow.

White House Ritalin Jar | October 7, 2023 at 7:13 pm

I may be missing some context and don’t expect this comment to be well received…
… but photos so far seem show Israelis allowing themselves to be taken hostage without fight, as if it’s a temporary inconvenience or an adventure, or as if they have flushed any notion of who their neighbor is out of mind.
They either know or have willfully ignored the rules of the Jihad. Either way they knew that they’ve allowed themselves to become weapons against their own people.
In their circumstance, any attempt to take a hostage should end with a dead terrorist, a dead hostage, or both. Of course it won’t always work out that way and fights are not wholly predictable, but the unready always lose. G_d punishes weakness. He may eventually punish an aggressor, but that will take place long after weak have ben fed to the dogs of war.

Every Israeli near the border lives in a war zone, whether they like that or not. They need to be targets too expensive to take, not plump rabbits fit for a snack.

    It was 6:30 am Israeli time on the Sabbath…what is more surprising is that they were dressed in streeet clothes. I don’t think armed men invading your home translates well into ‘allowing themselves to be taken hostage”..

      White House Ritalin Jar in reply to rebelgirl. | October 7, 2023 at 9:24 pm

      When armed men invade your home (in that part of Israel it’s when, not if), every member of the house should have a plan and readiness to change the plan, at least one weapon, and at least middling ability to use it. If you live in a war zone you can’t live the same way we do in the USA.

      I’m not a tough guy, a wizard or a gun expert but I can read a bit of history. History treats the unready with unflinching cruelty.

    It’s not hard to understand. Israel has “gun control” for civilians. No 2nd amendment rights.

      White House Ritalin Jar in reply to paul1. | October 7, 2023 at 9:26 pm

      OK I did not know that. At one time every kibbutz worker was armed, as were teachers etc. They also had training, which preps them to respond to an attack rather than freeze in the first critical seconds.

      guyjones in reply to paul1. | October 7, 2023 at 9:38 pm

      Unless I’m mistaken, the Netanyahu Administration did expand the ability of Israeli citizens to own firearms for anti-terrorism protection, as a tactic to have civilians be able to quickly respond to and deter terrorist threats in the streets, on public transportation, etc.

      Andy in reply to paul1. | October 8, 2023 at 12:29 pm

      My understanding is different than that. Given the very real danger there was a clear path to packing and not full of this/that BS preventions like in the US.

      The reality is (speaking from experience) packing is a pain and nuisance to living your daily life. As is training. Your average gun owner in the US might have 36 different guns, but he doesn’t even hit the range 4 times a year.

    I have found it difficult to understand why Israeel does not go all out and bring this to the point that people in Palistine find it far too expensive to continue.

      rebelgirl in reply to JohnSmith100. | October 8, 2023 at 8:37 am

      Israel has never had the full support of the Western community (which it makes a good case for needing) and, also, they consider themselves a ‘moral army’ and they are certainly a defensive army, not an offensive one.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall while the Biden administration develops its talking points.

I’ve never been keen on the idea of an ethnostate. I’m a mixed breed, and the idea of “a state for elbonians” and “a state for nelbonians” has always seemed gauche to me.

But despite my firm distaste for the zionists, every time these “palestinians” resort to terrorism, I find myself more and more aligned with the Israelis. They’ve lost any and all empathy I may have had for their cause, all because they chose the most evil means to try and achieve their ends.

If the IDF decides to bulldoze every building in Gaza, I won’t shed a tear.

Some of the videos show armed men walking on the streets and shooting people as well as taking them hostage. The one video showing the woman being moved from the back of the SUV to the middle seat and the anger and violence of her captors seems to suggest that the woman will be gang raped and killed.

Compare this activity to the violence that we see with the BLM and Antifa violence and add the pictures of the groups of young men coming over the border. Because we are not taking action against the invasion of foreigners, it is not hard to imagine a street war here in America, similar to Red Dawn movie?

    CincyJan in reply to Liz. | October 7, 2023 at 10:20 pm

    Speaking of future violence on US streets, I personally believe that will more likely cone from the cartels. If the cartels actually control the border on the Mexican side, then I assume they are salting the US with their own operatives and with illegals who owe them. IMO, the cartels own Mexico. They do not care about roads or sewers or hospitals, so they allow the government to exist. But I believe the government exists at the pleasure of the cartels. And some day, our cowardly FBI will have to interrupt their persecution of Republicans in order to face the cartels. But this will be the next generation’s problem, not mine.

    Olinser in reply to Liz. | October 8, 2023 at 3:05 am

    She was already gang raped. The entire back butt of her sweatpants didn’t get covered in blood from being captured.

Conservative Beaner | October 7, 2023 at 8:38 pm

Hopefully Israel will show Hamas the true meaning of FAFO.

Kill them all and send them straight to hell.

MoeHowardwasright | October 7, 2023 at 8:53 pm

The best thing Israel can do is lay waste to Gaza. You’re not going to win over the LSM anyway. Just do it. Flatten Gaza, kick the rest out of the West Bank and into Lebanon. Go Mid-evil on their ass! They started it, you finish it! FJB

The Laird of Hilltucky | October 8, 2023 at 2:38 pm

The “religion of peace” strikes again!

The Laird of Hilltucky | October 8, 2023 at 2:41 pm

El Elyon has said, “I will bless those who bless Israel, and I will curse those who curse Israel.” So be it. Amen and Amen.