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Updates: IDF Gears up to Eliminate Hamas Targets and Free Hostages; UN Chief ‘Upset’ Over IDF Operation

Updates: IDF Gears up to Eliminate Hamas Targets and Free Hostages; UN Chief ‘Upset’ Over IDF Operation

“Israel’s military said about 1,500 bodies of Hamas militants were found in Israeli territory.”

As counter-terrorism operations against Hamas entered the third day, the IDF is rising up to its full strength amid reports of a possible large-scale ground operation against Hamas and its allies in Gaza.

“The Israeli government approved the recruitment of 360,000 reserve soldiers, many of whom already answered the call to duty within 48 hours,” the Israeli TV channel i24News reported Tuesday. “In addition, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) made special flights to pick up reserve soldiers from different destinations abroad, using Hercules transport planes.”

Meanwhile, the Israeli death toll from Saturday’s terrorist attack has crossed 1000. Among hundreds of wounded 3 were reported to be in critical state, while 126 were in serious condition.

The Israeli military and security forces have taken back control of southern Israel and secured the border with Gaza, the Israeli media reported citing IDF sources. Around 1500 Hamas infiltrators, who crossed into southern Israel on Saturday, have been killed after four days of fighting.

“Israel’s military said about 1,500 bodies of Hamas militants were found in Israeli territory as, as it said it had largely gained control in the country’s south and “restored full control” over the border on the fourth day of fighting following an unprecedented surprise attack,” the Associated Press reported Tuesday.

IDF hits Gaza terror targets as Hamas threatens to start killing hostages

With Hamas threatening to start executing over 100 Israeli civilian hostages, including elderly, women, and toddlers, the Israeli air force hit terrorist targets across Gaza.  The Times of Israel reported.

The Israel Defense Forces says it struck more than 200 targets in the Gaza Strip overnight.

The IDF says the sites include a weapons storage site in a mosque, an apartment used by Hamas’ anti-tank guided missile forces, and a high-rise tower used by the terror group, among other military installations.

The military releases footage showing several of the strikes.

U.S. military support arrives

The IDF has started receiving U.S. military and intelligence support for the ongoing counter-terrorism operation, the Israeli media reported. The news website Ynet reported Tuesday:

IDF spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari said early on Tuesday that the military is receiving assistance from the U.S. CENTCOM including coordination of intelligence and operations. “The Americans stations assets with naval vessels that can help protect Israel,” he said. Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi spoke with his U.S. counterpart for the first time overnight and was assured of total support.


Iran-backed Islamic Jihad terrorists strike Israel on the north

As IDF hits terrorist targets in Gaza, the Palestinian jihadists are trying to open a second front from Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon. On Monday, terrorists belonging to the Iran-sponsored Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a close ally of Hamas in Gaza, tried to infiltrate into northern Israel. The attack was repulsed, but an Israeli military officer was killed in the terrorist incursion.

Ynet reported Tuesday morning:

Israel named 300th Brigade Deputy Commander Lt. Col. Alim Abdullah as the IDF officer who died in a clash with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists at the Lebanon border Monday afternoon. Abdullah, 40, was a resident of the Druze town of Yanuh-Jat and was scheduled to conclude his military service this coming Sunday. Six of his nephews received emergency military call-up orders, but returned home following his fall in battle. Abdullah’s funeral will be held on Tuesday.

His family has been notified of his death and a mourning tent was established in his community Monday night. The IDF said, “We share in the family’s grief and will continue to support them.”

Abdullah and his soldiers responded to an alert about a border breach. They encountered four suspects, engaged in a confrontation and neutralized two, while the third suspect fled back to Lebanon.

Six Israeli soldiers were injured in the ensuing shootout to varying degrees, including Abdullah, who was critically wounded and subsequently succumbed to his injuries. Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah denied involvement in the attack, while Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for it.

In response to the border clash, Israel launched a series of retaliatory strikes on Hezbollah military posts in Southern Lebanon, including airstrikes and artillery shelling, killing three of the organization’s operatives there.

UN Chief ‘upset’ over IDF operations in Gaza

After a decade of funding Palestinian terrorism and incitement, the United Nations chief is ‘upset’ that Israel was carrying out operations against Hamas targets across Gaza. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that he was “deeply upset” over IDF’s “complete siege of the Gaza Strip” where the perpetrators and masterminds of Saturday’s terrorist attacks are hiding

“I remind Israel that military operations must be carried out in accordance with international humanitarian law,” Guterres warned.

Reuters reported UN chief remarks:

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday he was “deeply distressed” by an announcement that Israel will initiate a complete siege of the Gaza Strip following an attack by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas over the weekend.

“I am deeply distressed by today’s announcement that Israel will initiate a complete siege of the Gaza Strip, nothing allowed in – no electricity, food, or fuel,” Guterres said.

Guterres said the situation in Gaza was “extremely dire” before the surprise assault by the militant group, adding that it will “only deteriorate exponentially.”



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Urging civilians to flee to Egypt avoids tactical constraints from the difference between not trying to kill civilians and trying not to kill civilians, the latter being the requirement and the former the necessity.

    rhhardin in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 10:00 am

    There are still non-combatants. There are people that you have a right to kill and people that you don’t, in state actions.

      guyjones in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 10:05 am

      Obviously. But, in a war such as this, there are practical limits to how much civilian harm can be avoided. Especially against an enemy that readily and gleefully uses civilians as shields to protect weapons caches and other materiel.

        rhhardin in reply to guyjones. | October 10, 2023 at 10:16 am

        That’s what I said at the top. Telling them to leave lets you assume that those left are willing to be identified as combatants.

      CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 10:37 am

      Unfortunately for Hamas they ain’t:
      1. A Nation State
      2. A signatory to the laws of armed conflict

      Even if Hamas were those things the deliberate actions of choosing to directly target civilians in Israel would nullify any presumptive claim to protections under the various agreements about the laws of armed conflict.

      Those ‘rules of war’ are reciprocal. No actor, nation State or otherwise who chooses to kick off a conflict by deliberately targeting civilians can make even a fig leaf assertion of any protections. A Nation State belligerent who is signatory is only required to observe the protections afforded when their co belligerent observed the rules.

      While it is true that in recent decades the US, NATO and Israel have offered these protections to terrorists and other non Nation State actors they are under no obligation under the laws of war to do so. It is only due to the benevolence of these Nation States that they choose to do so. They are not under any outside obligation to continue to limit their actions. If Israel or others choose withdraw their voluntary restraints which terrorists enjoy at the sufferance of these Nations, they are free to do so.

      Of course the usual suspects will whine and moan about restraint and call for de-escalation. Some who are confused on these points will join them through ignorance.

        rhhardin in reply to CommoChief. | October 10, 2023 at 10:58 am

        Those moral inclinations are the operative ones nevertheless. The reason that they’re operative is that they define who you are, so there’s still combatants and non-combatants, from Israel’s point of view and the point of view of its supporters.

          they define who you are
          More progressive malarkey. The morality that is applicable is one of self defense. When someone desires to destroy you, your only limitation in response is to stop when they no longer desire or have the (ongoing) ability to do so.
          Given the cultural bona fides of the Palestinians (savages, in the extreme) the only option is total destruction and dispersal of the survivors. It’s actually a pretty old scenario (Heck, it’s how the 10 northern tribes of Israel disappeared) with conquering nations dispersing the conquered peoples so they couldn’t rise up against the new boss.

          Sorry, but Christian Morality is not a suicide pact. And even Progressive morality is only a suicide pact because it denies human nature.

          CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 8:27 pm

          My morality stops me from inflicting unnecessary destruction and death. When an adversary chooses not to wear a uniform in order to clearly make themselves known, when they use hidden suicide vests, when they have a history of employing the very old, the very young, both sexes and the disabled as combatants then compounds this by choosing to place military assets among non combatants that negates my obligations to a very large extent.

          Under those circumstances there is hugely expanded definition of what destruction and death is now necessary to cause. It sucks all around for everyone but lets be very clear we cannot allow our sense of morality to be used as lever to preclude militarily necessary actions. We many not like having to do these things but when they become necessary that is our duty. If employing a thermobaric munition prevents loss of Israeli Soldiers that’s what should be used. Anyone arguing against their use should sign up for the house to house fighting that not using them will entail or STFU until they are prepared to demonstrate their own physical and moral courage. Some of us know exactly what an urban house to house fight is all about b/c we’ve done it multiple times on multiple deployments. Some don’t have a clue only an inexperienced, theoretical view they express as if if this was a sterile academic debate.

          DSHornet in reply to rhhardin. | October 11, 2023 at 10:39 am

          Responding to Commo Chief:

          My son was in Iraq twice, Afghanistan once, and described the house-to-house fighting he was part of. He will suffer from PTSD for a very long time, probably the rest of his life, because some memories never die. Many, many times I have gotten a call from him when he was heavily self medicating in an effort to deal with that terrible problem. He said things I can never repeat because it would be a violation of his privacy and I’m sure he talked classified. With counseling and patience from the VA concerning medication, he is finally able to function well. I have often thought about what a conversation between him and my late father who was in North Africa and Italy in World War 2 would sound like.

          A thermobaric weapon was mentioned. If it’s used, the savages will bring it on themselves. Urban combat is an unimaginably brutal environment. I must conclude that anyone, myself included, cannot imagine what it’s like if they haven’t been there, done that. If that is your experience then may God bless you.

          venril in reply to rhhardin. | October 12, 2023 at 7:02 am

          An avowed and active enemy is killing my family and friends.
          They have in their midst members of their community who are not armed or actively shooting but are indeed cheering their guys on (non-coms).

          The moral quandary is: Do I allow them to continue to kill my family and friends for fear of killing noncoms by accident or do I shoot at and kill the enemy and accept that some of the noncoms may end up dead, stopping them from killing my family and friends.

          It’s really not that hard of a moral choice.

        It is only due to the benevolence of these Nation States that they choose to do so.
        That and their idiotic Progressive concepts about how the world works.

        And almost all of those joining the usual suspects have no right to claim ignorance in doing so. It’s not ignorance so much as a lack of desire to apply reason and morality to the situation.

        rhhardin in reply to CommoChief. | October 10, 2023 at 11:23 am

        “they define who you are. . More progressive malarkey”

        Defining who you are is what makes something moral.

        rhhardin in reply to CommoChief. | October 10, 2023 at 11:26 am

        “Christian morality is not a suicide pact.”

        Actually it’s Judaic morality. It accounts for why Palestinian sick are treated in Israeli hospitals, for example.

        If they want to keep being Jews, they have to take into account the welfare of everybody.

          You’re defining Judaic morality as Progressive Judaic morality.
          Because you’re leaving out the idea of self-preservation.

          Sorry, but true morality in this case is to destroy it all and drive the survivors into the desert of Sinai. Then rebuild Gaza as part of Israel proper – without Palestinians.

        rhhardin in reply to CommoChief. | October 10, 2023 at 12:16 pm

        “You’re defining Judaic morality as Progressive Judaic morality.”

        Commentary on Sanhedrin 98b-99a

        “R. Nahman said: If he [the Messiah] is of those living [today], it might be one like myself, as it is written, and their nobles shall be of themselves , and their governors shall proceed from the midst of them. Jeremiah 30:21”

        “We have just seen that the Messiah is the just man who suffers, who has taken on the suffering of others. Who finally takes on the suffering of others, if not the being who says “Me”?

        – Levinas, Difficult Freedom: Essays on Judaism p.89

        CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | October 10, 2023 at 1:40 pm

        ‘Fraid not. Morality doesn’t come into it. That’s a straw man. The rules of warfare ain’t about morality they are a prearranged set reciprocal protocols binding the signatories of the agreements to observe certain restraints in their conduct. That’s all these agreements are a contract. While any belligerent is free to voluntarily apply them to non signatory co-belligerent adversary they are not required to. Not legally, not morally.

        Any implied morality that some folks incorrectly ascribe to these agreements, b/c there isn’t any explicit morality, is utterly forfeit when a belligerent chooses to reject the constraints of those agreements from their own conduct. This is especially so for a Non State belligerent which isn’t signatory to the agreements and has opted to refuse any reciprocal restrictions as a matter of deliberate policy and as is easily observed in their actions.

        Are the so called non combatants in Gaza distinguishable and distinct from combatants? What is the standard uniform of the combatants? Have the combatants clearly segregated their military assets of all types from any non combatants, as they are required to do under the same agreements?

        If Hamas can’t be bothered to clearly distinguish and separate combatants from non combatants, as they are required to do under the same agreements their apologists are waving around, despite Hamas failure to sign much less abide by them, then no one else is under any obligation to do it for them. See Dresden and Hiroshima among many other examples.

        You want morality then I suggest you go to the religious service of your choice.

        rhhardin in reply to CommoChief. | October 10, 2023 at 1:45 pm

        Israel is a nation of Jews. They can do what they want but they will no longer be Jews and it will no longer be a nation of Jews.

        That’s where morality comes in.

      rhhardin in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 10:55 am

      They’re complicit, as all citizens are, but not guilty.

      This morning it was reported on TV that in just one kibbutz 40 babies were butchered, many beheaded.

      rebelgirl in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 1:47 pm

      And how can you tell non-combatants from the terrorists? You can’t therefore many terrorists and future terrorists will flee to Egypt in preparation for their next assignment. .Good for Egypt!

    I am sick and tired of “praying for peace.” I want them to have victory. That’s the only real way to have peace.

    MarkS in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 12:48 pm

    What survivors?

    guyjones in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 12:49 pm

    I agree this would be ideal in theory, but, logistically, there’s millions of civilians in Gaza, and, I’m not sure where they’d go. Egypt definitely doesn’t want them.

    Let’s face it — Israel is going to be criticized by dhimmis and Dhimmi-crats for its tactics, no matter what it does — as has always been the case, since its founding.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to guyjones. | October 10, 2023 at 1:57 pm

      >>Let’s face it — Israel is going to be criticized by dhimmis and Dhimmi-crats for its tactics, no matter what it does — as has always been the case, since its founding.<<

      So they might as well take the expedient course of action and eliminate the threat once and for all. No more “negotiations”. No more “peace accords”. No more “cease fires” so that Hamas might regroup for more terrorist violence against Israel.

      Scorched Earth. Nothing less.

    WTPuck in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 2:40 pm

    They didn’t want them when they kicked them out of those countries. Hence, the genesis of “Palestinians.”

    WTPuck in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    Guterres, and the UN in general, are about as useful as teats on a bull. Unless you’re laundering money. That’s about the only thing it’s good for.

    Mauiobserver in reply to rhhardin. | October 10, 2023 at 3:04 pm

    Not Egypt, they have a peace treaty with Israel and face their threat from remnants of the Muslim Brotherhood which almost seized power with help from Obama when he was President.

    A better option is an international boatlift to send the Gaza residents to their allies in Iran. A win win for all parties.

    iconotastic in reply to rhhardin. | October 11, 2023 at 1:44 am

    If illegal combatants are hiding among the enemy non-combatants (war has been declared so all of Gaza is enemy territory) then the non-combatant deaths are the fault and responsibility of the illegal combatants.

      randian in reply to iconotastic. | October 11, 2023 at 2:24 am

      They are not non-combatants. Providing shelter, concealment, and succor to combatants makes you a combatant.

        iconotastic in reply to randian. | October 11, 2023 at 4:25 am

        For the sake of argument, let us assume there there exist in mosques, schools, hospitals, and apartment buildings some people who are not willingly providing any help to the illegal combatants. They are the quintessential human shields.

        The death of those human shields is the responsibility of those combatants that chose to use non-combatants as shields. Furthermore, the use of those human shields in no way precludes a legal combatant like Israel from destroying the enemy–human shields and all.

UN chief upset? Grab hold of this useless bag of lice and drop him in the middle of the newly arrived ‘migrants’ who are over whelming NYC sidewalks and open spaces.

I am skeptical that any reductions in financial aid to the Gaza terrorist government will last very long.

The Gentle Grizzly | October 10, 2023 at 9:38 am

Both Israel and the USA should walk out of the UN, cancel the membership, and in the USA’s case, give the “diplomats” 48 hours to go home. Got cars? Appliances? Other things that you can’t take? Get your embassies or consulates to handle that stuff. Be gone!

Mr. 10% reversed Trump’s decision to stop funding Hamas.

Because of Mr. 10%’s actions, the USA has been funding Terriots.

Why does Mr. 10% hate Israel?

    JohnSmith100 in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | October 10, 2023 at 11:21 am

    10% has probably been bribed to do so.

    He’s always been a bigot.

    Milhouse in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | October 11, 2023 at 8:45 am

    Mr. 10% reversed Trump’s decision to stop funding Hamas.

    No, he didn’t. At least, not officially. The US aid to the Territories is not supposed to go to either Hamas or the PA. That’s why it’s not illegal. But that doesn’t take into account how things work on the ground over there. I don’t think it’s possible to do anything in the Gaza Strip without Hamas taking a cut. So, like it or not, every operation there, whether it’s humanitarian aid, the news industry, or just plain tourism or business, ends up indirectly funding terrorism.

    Cf US attempts in Somalia to deliver humanitarian aid without cutting in the warlords. It didn’t work.

If ever there was a reason to stop funding the UN, this is it–they do nothing but support terrorists and despots, and whine about the US and climate change–they’re good for absolutely nothing

And the UN guy can sit on it and rotate, as far as I’m concerned.

The UN out of the US and the US out of the UN.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Perhaps we should include Harvard?

    david7134 in reply to jb4. | October 10, 2023 at 11:36 am

    Harvard grads should be barred from government jobs. Maybe that would help with their attitude.

Godspeed to the men and women of the IDF.

Out of the people who live in Gaza, there is Hamas, pre-Hamas, and post-Hamas.

They have one thing in common: they are Muslims. And Muslims hate Jews. While there may have been a few who did not hate Israel before this war started, there are probably none now.

    Milhouse in reply to Peabody. | October 11, 2023 at 8:49 am

    Got news for you: In the Middle East, Christians hate Jews too. The philosemitism that has characterized much of Christianity in the West for most of the last century has bypassed the Middle East.

    Old Christian proverb in that area: “The only worse thing than a Turk is a Jew”.

    Old Moslem proverb in that area: “First we go after the Saturday people and then the Sunday people”.

In the ONE WORLD ORDER, Israel must negotiate with the Muslims!

NOTHWITHSANDING THE FACT that the allies demanded unconditional surrender to end WW II, Israel is just plain evil for demanding unconditional surrender.

    NOTHWITHSANDING THE FACT that the allies demanded unconditional surrender to end WW II, Israel is just plain evil for seeking justice for the barbaric murder of over 1000 of her citizens.

    There. FTFY.

    The U.N. is basically requesting that Israel not do anything about an unprovoked, brutal, inhuman attack on her civilian population. The craziest part is, Hamas/Gaza/”Palestine” is NOT a member of the U.N., but Israel IS.

    This is one way the U.N. beclowns itself: First it utterly fails to assist in the defense of its member states, and then urges undue restrictions and restraints on those same member states when they act in their own defense.

I wish my former lawyer were alive. I’d get him to employ his usual response which is sending an email to Guterres containing “FU, strong letter to follow.”

    ugottabekiddinme in reply to MajorWood. | October 10, 2023 at 8:43 pm

    Gotta love it. A lawyer after my own heart. Once heard of a spate of unanswered letters (before email) to some big shot, whose attention was finally obtained by a letter that opened “Dear F**kface,” Heh.

It might take intellectual effort to recognize evil. It goes where it will.

Israelis should slaughter Guterres just as they did Count Bernadotte, who was also trying to tie their hands and let them die.

IMO Gutierrez friends in Gaza gave up any rights to decency.
And see where our Leftists took Marxists Seminaries

Steven Brizel | October 11, 2023 at 8:39 am

No war, including the war that led to the birth of the UN was ever won decisively without destroying the war fighting , and economic capacity of the opponent and the civilian population sufffering for supporting that opponent-Blockades ,unrestricted warfare by land, sea and air with collateral civilan damage such as in WW2 and before that the total war waged by the North against the South wins wars-not adherence to any so called legal niceties that require an army to fight with its arms tied behind its back