Thousands of British Artists, Actors Condemn Israel, Ignore Hamas War Crimes

Thousands of British artists from Artists for Palestine UK signed a letter condemning Israel’s supposed war crimes while ignoring Hamas’s actual war crimes.

I really hope these people are ignorant and not anti-Semitic. I don’t feel good about that, though, because if you ignore what started this war…yeah. I’m going to think you don’t have positive feelings towards Jews.

The letter does not mention Hamas. At all. It does not mention that the terrorist group invaded Israel, killed thousands of Jews, raped women, set kids on fire, and decapitated babies. They demolished small towns, too.

Hamas has over 200 hostages. They killed at least 30 Americans.

No biggie because Israel:

Gaza is already a society of refugees and the children of refugees. Now, in their hundreds of thousands, bombarded from air, sea and land, Palestinians whose grandparents were forced out of their homes at the barrel of a gun are again being told to flee – or face collective punishment on an unimaginable scale. Dispossessed of rights, described by Israel’s minister of defence as “human animals”, they have become people to whom almost anything can be done.Our governments are not only tolerating war crimes but aiding and abetting them. There will come a time when they are held to account for their complicity. But for now, while condemning every act of violence against civilians and every infringement of international law whoever perpetrates them, our obligation is to do all we can to bring an end to the unprecedented cruelty being inflicted on Gaza.

What are they smoking because the attacks and rhetoric have only been aimed at Hamas. Gaza is not made up of refugees, too.

What a bunch of morons.

Some of the more famous names:

Outlander star Sam Heughan claimed he did not understand the letter’s intention:

In a post on Twitter yesterday, the actor wrote: ‘I inadvertently signed something that does not reflect my beliefs. I believed it was a simple call for peace. It wasn’t.’I condemn violence in any form. I stand against terrorism and evil and am heartbroken and appalled by the recent horrific actions by Hamas. It’s haunting to the core, my heart goes out to all affected.’I don’t know nearly enough and [I am] trying to educate myself on the conflicts in the Middle East. I feel helpless and wish I could help in some way. I pray for compassion, for all the innocent people affected. Peace and love to you all.’

So you signed a letter you didn’t read because it does not mention Hamas or the war crimes it has continued to carry out!

Tags: Britain, Gaza, Gaza - 2023 War, Hollywood, Israel