Thousands of British artists from Artists for Palestine UK signed a letter condemning Israel’s supposed war crimes while ignoring Hamas’s actual war crimes.
I really hope these people are ignorant and not anti-Semitic. I don’t feel good about that, though, because if you ignore what started this war…yeah. I’m going to think you don’t have positive feelings towards Jews.
The letter does not mention Hamas. At all. It does not mention that the terrorist group invaded Israel, killed thousands of Jews, raped women, set kids on fire, and decapitated babies. They demolished small towns, too.
Hamas has over 200 hostages. They killed at least 30 Americans.
Gaza is already a society of refugees and the children of refugees. Now, in their hundreds of thousands, bombarded from air, sea and land, Palestinians whose grandparents were forced out of their homes at the barrel of a gun are again being told to flee – or face collective punishment on an unimaginable scale. Dispossessed of rights, described by Israel’s minister of defence as “human animals”, they have become people to whom almost anything can be done.
Our governments are not only tolerating war crimes but aiding and abetting them. There will come a time when they are held to account for their complicity. But for now, while condemning every act of violence against civilians and every infringement of international law whoever perpetrates them, our obligation is to do all we can to bring an end to the unprecedented cruelty being inflicted on Gaza.
What are they smoking because the attacks and rhetoric have only been aimed at Hamas. Gaza is not made up of refugees, too.
What a bunch of morons.
Some of the more famous names:
- Tilda Swinton
- Charles Dance (He played Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones)
- Miriam Margolyes (She played Professor Sprout in Harry Potter)
- Steve Coogan
Outlander star Sam Heughan claimed he did not understand the letter’s intention:
In a post on Twitter yesterday, the actor wrote: ‘I inadvertently signed something that does not reflect my beliefs. I believed it was a simple call for peace. It wasn’t.
‘I condemn violence in any form. I stand against terrorism and evil and am heartbroken and appalled by the recent horrific actions by Hamas. It’s haunting to the core, my heart goes out to all affected.
‘I don’t know nearly enough and [I am] trying to educate myself on the conflicts in the Middle East. I feel helpless and wish I could help in some way. I pray for compassion, for all the innocent people affected. Peace and love to you all.’
So you signed a letter you didn’t read because it does not mention Hamas or the war crimes it has continued to carry out!

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to the full extent allowed by law.
There’s a shock. Given that Muslims have virtually taken over the Islands, it’s not surprising that they’re touting the Muslim party line – not that they’d disagree anyway. Won’t help. Sooner or later they’re likely to run into an Islamic dagger.
The sooner the better, and I hope they see it at the end and have a little bit of time to regret it.
Orwell wrote this 78 years ago, 3 years before Israel’s independence and half a century before the Muslim influx. The latter didn’t help matters, but English hatred for Jews predates it by centuries.
I just wish these morons would go to Gaza and just try to be their everyday selves.
They would soon feel the hatred of the people living there.
Actors and artists, moral guides lacking morality.
I hope Nick Frost isn’t among these losers.
Or brains. Willing to believe the Pali terrorists rather than their lying eyes.
Yes, we call those empty mouthpieces, which is sadly a requisite for unopposed celebrity status these days in Western society.
Between support for Fauci Fascism of extended lockdown+masks+jab mandate, False Russia Collusion hoax narratives, Denial of Hunter Biden pay to play schemes with a kick up % to Joe, Support for BLM, Support for Trans ideology, Uncritical/seemingly endless support for neocon adventures in Ukraine and now supporting Hamas and the people who put them into power ….our political opposition has made themselves very easy to identify. Anyone can be fooled once or even twice but when the same people get behind all of those and then despite clear evidence they were wrong refuse to recant it becomes very clear who can and who cannot be successfully reasoned with.
Not surprised since 15% of London is now Muslim and the leader of Scotland, a Muslim, has said they are willing to take all the Pali refugees. Looks like Great Britain is about to be conquered for a 1,000 yr reign of terror. Maybe they should have let Hitler have the Islands, at least he was clear on the Muslim threat and wouldn’t let them settle within miles of Germany only using them to try and exterminate Jews in the Middle East. The endpoint for England would have been the same.
Lebanon was a Christian nation.
Then it allowed refugees to enter.
Now Lebanon is no longer Christian.
When will the UK cease to be Christian?
It is now?
Yeah, hasn’t been a Christian Nation for years since it went all in on climate change and blessing gay marriages.
It’s not, even it’s leaders of the Church are not true Christians
Lebanon was never a Christian nation. When it was founded the Maronites were the largest minority, and all Christians together (which they were decidedly not) made up a very small majority. That’s why power had to be shared between Maronites, Sunni, Shiites, and Orthodox.
The admission of refugees did not change that, because the refugees can’t vote. The balance changed because of emigration.
Who’s the albino on the left above ?
Tilda Swinton
The Sorcerer Supreme has a dark secret.
Didn’t she play Michael in “Constantine” and the Witch in “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe”?
That’s Tilda Swinton, and she’s not an albino (though she is quite pale). She played the White Witch in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Chronicals of Narnia), and she’s a typical lunatic actress.
She’s played a lot of loony roles like her role in The Beach. She was also in GOT and Dr. Strange, among others.
Honestly the only reason I clicked on the article is because I thought the dude on the left was Micali Culkin.
Oh dear God, Not
Sam Heughan
At least he apologized, thought he was much better than that
Scotland, they can have the Hamas Palestinians,
Dumb fu&!s electing a Muslim
Look at London
Scotland is a welfare state and has been for decades. They’ll vote for whoever promises them the most loot. Most Scots who had any ambition left the country long ago an ended up in America or Australia.
I visited Scotland by car in the summer of 1969. Unlike what I expected, most of the Scots I encountered almost seem to cower like beaten dogs, or were just… there. No life to them that I could see, Just a pathetic, beaten-down people who were not living, but, existing. Folks out in the rural areas still seemed to have some spirit in them, but not a lot.
I say that this was not what I expected. My expectations were heightened by various anecdotes I read in books about World War 2, written by various British people. The bravery, the humor, the toughness, and even their propensity to interesting and useful inventions had me expecting a lot more. What I saw made me very sad, and I was all of 20 years old at the time; not well-versed about the world to say the least.
Our future. Or maybe here now. I’d like to blame the democrats but given the republican performance today, I’ll throw them in too.
I was in Scotland myself in 2019. The Scots made no impression on me, which is odd in my travels. Exdept that we ordered a lunch at a local pub which never arrived! But we left quietly, since it was a small, local business. Then again, a small, very blonde, older Scot couple in woolen tartan made a huge impression while we stood in line years before in England! So you mnay be right …
You know the Scots might have a way to run them off, just offer him some haggis
The English band bagpipes as a weapon of war. I’m surprised they never banned haggis for the same reason.
Seriously, it was not a real apology. This guy who we are supposed to take sage political advice from claims to have signed something he didn’t read or understand? I’m sure he also signs movie contracts the same way.
I don’t believe any of these people who signed or said they support terrorists and the slaughter of Jews only trying to walk it back when the backlash started. If you have a backbone, say what you mean and hold to it.
He signed a letter presented to him that didn’t mention Hamas. He accepted a description that did not turn out to be accurate. I think we can overlook a mistake. I made one myself once … of course, it was a long time ago.
If this was the first ‘open letter’ scenario then sure. It isn’t. There have multiple instances of whacko letters making all sorts of false and/or repulsive claims with celebrity support. Then the public reads the letter, views the signatories and pushes back. That’s when the excuses begin; ‘I didn’t read it’, ‘They told me it was different’. Those shift to weak walk backs ‘I regret my actions caused offense’.
When celebrities choose to use their fame to lend support to anything they must be willing to accept the consequences unflinchingly. This idea that they should receive praise and that’s valid but if criticized the criticism is invalid is bunk. Every time they choose not to ‘shut up and sing’ by wading into contentious issues they are fair game just like every other adult.
Well, one thing that I know happens with some of these letters is that the version circulated for signatures is then changed before publication, and the signatories are not consulted.
The minute Israel responded to being attacked, demonstrations broke out against Israel and support given to the enemy. It spread around the world almost overnight.
When Ukraine responded to being attacked by Russia, everyone came out in support of Ukraine. Zalenky was wined and speeched and honored and everybody shook his hand. He travelled the world as a celebrity and raked in billions of dollars. There have been no demonstrations or protests against Ukranian people.
So what is going on with all this Jewish hatred? Apparently, it was there all along, just needed a little stimulus to bring it to the surface. Some people are so enraged they’ve gone off the deep end. It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with politics. So what is it then?
Demonstration against Israel broke out as early as October 7, will be for Israel‘s responded or even fully knew what it happened.
Kyle Shideler
Notice by the way Biden didn’t say anything about going to Congress for money for the Palestinians. Israel is at the mercy of congress since he
needs to smuggle thru Ukraine aid. But Hamas will get paid regardless.
3 Noah Pollak @NoahPollak • 20h There is perhaps no less deserving place on earth for $100 million in aid than
Gaza and the West Bank. Maybe Biden can send money to Iran too. Oh right….
9:16 PM • Oct 19, 2023 • 7,024 Views
A bit of good news, since there is so little
• Texas GOP leadership just voted 58-2 calling for House Speaker @DadePhelan to step down
The tides have completely turned against this backstabbing RINO after his failed attempt to remove AG @KenPaxtonTX
Resolution Asking Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign as Speaker or
WHEREAS, Speaker Dade Pheian voted for the impeachment of Attorney General Watten Kenneth Paston and throogh his leadershup team pressared other House members to vote for the impeachment as well, and continues to defend this action despite the sreaknesses of the case as demonstrated in the Senate trial that resulted in General Paxton’s acquittal,
WHEREAS, Speaker Dade Phielan appoisted nine (9) Democrats to chair important legisiative committees, in direct defiance of the wisbes of Repoblican voters and the Legislatie Prionities of the Republican Party of Texas, and
WHEREAS, Speaker Dade Pheian isnored or actively undermined several GOP priorities
WHEREAS, new leadership is meeded in the House of Representatives for the upcoming special session, and potential subsequent special sessions, to ensure that conservative priorities are achieved and members are no longer pressured to act and vote contrary to the platforms, principles, and priorities of the Party they represent and its toters, not
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls om Speaker Dade Phelan to step down from his leadership role as Speaker of the Texas House of Representaties, and to allow a dew Speaker to be elected after a caucus vote in accordance with the Repoblicar Party of Texas Platform, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should Speaker Dade Phelan fail to step down from the Speaker chair for this upcoming special session, the Repubtican representatives stould rote to vacate the chair and allour for a new Speaker who has pledged to boner and support the priorities and principles of the Republican Party to be elected
219 ReTruths 491 Likes
today at 2:16 PM
Yeah, great.
That’s a month old. They haven’t done anything but talk about it.
Special session just started the 9th
And they’re still just talking about it. Last thing I saw reported was Tinderholt trying to make a parliamentary inquiry about it about 3 days ago and getting shut down.
If only the Brits hgd knowen before signing the letter condemning Israel.
Can’t give you too much good news, not my profile
Is this America? No, it is not America. Not anymore.
Michael P Senger @michaelpsenger
Today, auditors told Congress as much as *$2.5 trillion* of the $5 trillion the US spent on COVID relief went to China and its allies through fraud.
That’s enough to fund the entire Chinese military for 8 years. Keep that in mind when you hear how great our COVID response was.
And Trump was part of that to be clear. Biden and Trump both have grease on their hands from COVID.
To be fair, the Feds under both Trump and Biden Admin in order to get the funds out the door they removed all the normal safeguards. They choose speed over safety. That sense of overwhelming urgency was being demanded by the revolving door ‘experts’ and pushed by the legacy media and the business owners/employees without any customers due to lockdown.
On the other hand if the same Fed Govt under both Trump and Biden Admin hadn’t been pushing for lock downs and school closures we wouldn’t have needed nearly as much funding nor any stimulus to individuals/business b/c they would haven been open with employees getting paid, with customers inside spending $ and our economy still functioning mostly as normal.
That said, $2.5 Trillion ….seems like someone should have noticed the amounts as they accumulated and raised up a flag somewhere along the way.
Apparently everything they know about Jews they learned from the Merchant of Venice.
I was going to add Agatha, Christie, Bulldog Drummond, Dickens, TS Elliot, and quite a few other sources, until I realized their information was probably also derivative from Merchant of Venice.
But before merchant of Venice, there was the Prioress’ Tale & other assorted blood libels.
Actors having garbage opinions isn’t new.
Open borders lefties are turning britain cities into 3rd world ghettos.
Stand back and watch muslims burn it down.
I miss hollywoodhalfwits.com (that became rightnation.com). So sad that they closed shop; was one of my favorite sites.
I don’t believe for a picosecond that those Brits “didn’t know” what they were signing. The majority of Brits I have ever known have been at least moderately anti-Semitic, if not downright near Mosby-esque in their monolithic hatred towards Israel since at least 1949.
Make that Oswald Mosley-esque! Damned spell check!
So basically just a bunch of B list nobodies trying to stay relevant.
Other then showing themselves to be Anti-Semitic trash (No I do not believe they are ignorant.) nothing really to see here.
No those are some well known actors
Yah the top two are actually pretty high profile.
Simple question: why do all these people hate Jews so much? Someone please just tell me why.
They hate Hitler, not because he murdered millions of Jews (they’re okay with that), but because he reneged on being Stalin’s ally
They hate him cause he didn’t finish the job
I just copied and saved the list as it stands today.
I must say that it is nice of them to provide a convenient list of anti-semites so we know who to avoid and who’s work we’re not interested in.
I’m going to convert it to a searchable database so whenever my wife wants to watch a British TV show or movie (she’s big on that stuff), I can check the primary actors to make sure they’re not on the list. If they are…pass.
Intelligence is not a requirement to be either and actor or English. On the other hand, you are accountable for your actions no matter how stupid you might be.
Most of these ‘luvvies’ don’t do thinking as part of their daily routine.
Well, the Israelis did wage a guerrilla war against Britain to gain independence.
Only after the British reneged on their mandate to develop Palestine into a Jewish national home, and banned Jewish immigration just as things were starting to heat up in Germany.
It’s not just the actors. Sadly, the British, like most Europeans, are anti-Semitic. Especially the British foreign service.
Oddly, at one time Poland welcomed Jews.
There’s nothing odd about it. The Jews were good for Poland, and for many centuries the Poles recognized that. The odd thing is that somewhere around 1900 they turned around and became very antisemitic.