Student Groups at Cornell Blame Israel for Hamas Terrorist Attacks

Are these students paying attention to what’s happening at Harvard? They might want to rethink this.

The Cornell Review reports:

BREAKING | Cornell student groups blame Israel for Hamas attacksWednesday afternoon, following the deaths of hundreds at the hands of Hamas terrorists, Cornell’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Arab Graduate Students Association (AGSA) issued a “Statement of Solidarity” on the ongoing conflict.In addition to SJP and AGSA, the Review can confirm that the Cornell Progressives – a left-of-center group with a history of activism on campus – has also endorsed the statement.SJP “hold[s] the Israeli state accountable for both sides’ ongoing tragic loss of life,” claiming this event is another in a long line of “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians. SJP has a long history of activism on Cornell’s campus, including rallies earlier this year to end Cornell’s ties with Israel and the defense industry.SJP does not speak for all Cornellians, as many – especially in the campus Jewish community – repudiated their statement. Zoe Bernstein ‘24, the president of Cornellians for Israel, said: “Israel has made it clear that it is fighting against Hamas, an internationally recognized terrorist organization. … it is unrealistic for them to stand idly by and watch these atrocities happen without responding.”Bernstein, in response to the whole statement, commented: “It is absolutely appropriate to condemn violence but inappropriate to justify terrorism, war crimes, and anti-semitism.” Responding to the many pro-Palestinian agitators who have demanded “contextualization” of the Hamas attacks, Bernstein said: “the violence unfolding in the region is unprecedented and thus should not be compared to anything that has preceded it.”SJP’s statement only mentions Hamas by name once, accusing the international community of “rush[ing] to condemn the attacks by Hamas” while “silently watching the Israeli government conduct one of the largest massacres of our time.”SJP included several demands after stating its position, beginning with two demands for new Cornell statements. SJP wants Cornell to “acknowledge the Palestinian people’s existence” and condemn the “siege” of Gaza. The group also cited the free expression theme year, asking Cornell to provide a platform for Palestinian advocates.This demand likely comes in response to a DEI official at the Johnson graduate business school speaking in defense of Hamas on social media. Cornell quickly distanced itself from the official’s remarks, which characterized the attacks as part of the “right to resist” occupation.

Tags: College Insurrection, Cornell, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, Palestinian Terror, Terrorism