RFK Jr. Running for President as Independent
Will RFK Jr. spoil it for Biden?

In Philadelphia, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced he would run as an Independent candidate in the 2024 presidential election.
RFK wanted to challenge President Joe Biden in the Democratic primary, but we all knew he wouldn’t win.
From Fox News:
“Something is stirring in us, saying it doesn’t have to be this way,” Kennedy said, adding that Americans are “ready to reclaim their freedom and independence.”
“But that’s not all, I’m here to join you and make a new Declaration of Independence for our entire nation,” Kennedy said. “We declare independence from the corporations that have hijacked our government.”
Kennedy also said that he and the crowd assembled declared independence from both political parties as well as the “mercenary media.”
Kennedy called for unity in the country and said that politicians getting “all of us to hate each other is all a part of their scam.”
“It’s painful for me to part ways with the Democratic Party, the Party of my father and my uncles and cousins,” RFK wrote in an op-ed published on the Fox News website.
Democrats fear third-party candidates in this election because they could take away votes from Biden. They blame Ralph Nader for 2000 and 2004 and that Green Party lady in 2016.
Of course, Ross Perot likely caused Republican President George H. W. Bush to lose the 1992 election. I doubt Perot had a hand in the 1996 election.
I don’t know how many Republican voters will vote for RFK Jr. He’s not a conservative.
Activist Cornell West also will run as an independent. The No Labels group might run a candidate, too.

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More the merrier.. bring it
Getting on the ballot in all states won’t be easy for him.
Very true. The major political parties make it difficult for a 3rd party to get ballot access by design.
“I didn’t leave the Democratic party, the Democratic party left me.”
Sounds familiar.
Seems his family left him too. With family like this, who needs enemies??
Kerry Kennedy
Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment. Today’s announcement is deeply saddening for us. We denounce his candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country. @roryekennedy @joekennedy @KKT_Kennedy
I don’t think he splits from Biden. Biden left all or almost all of the moderates behind with these 4 years IMO.
That’s exactly why he does. A lot of moderate Ds would rather die before voting for any Republican. RFKJ gives them a way to shrug off Biden while feeling good about it.
The math in swing states is bad enough.
He’ll hurt the GOP more than dems.
Thanks for electing President Kamala D*** H***
I honestly don’t think so. On a net basis he’s gonna draw more d/prog/lean votes dissatisfied with Biden who won’t vote Trump than GoP/lean votes who don’t like Trump but don’t wanna vote for Biden. IMO as the economic reckoning plays out in ’24 along with disastrous border policies and totally incompetent energy and foreign policy of the Biden Admin we are looking at lots of dissatisfied d/prog/lean voters who may stay home.
RFK Jr. wasn’t simply to going to lose in the primaries; he was not going to be allowed to compete in Democratic Party primaries. Those who control the party aren’t hesitant about rigging them.
The idea that he is a threat to the Republican nominee is absurd.
The man is a Kennedy with a hard-left background. He will take away—from whomever the part leadership anoints—those who have voted for Democrats but aren’t down with censorship and have begun to realize that the party stands for perpetual rule by the Deep State.
I think he will hurt the Dems far more than the GOP.
His appeal is to young liberals who may not be totally woke or disgusted with the Biden/Dem party blatant corruption and destruction of American cities and the Federal Justice system. Those voters in 2020 and 2022 voted overwhelming Democrat.
He might appeal to liberal GOPe types in blue states or enclaves in swing or red states but those people would never vote for Trump. They would either vote for Biden or sit the election out.
RFK’s positions on climate change and the second amendment make him unpalatable for conservative or populist voters. Thus I don’t see any appeal to the conservative/populist base of the GOP.
His name will also appeal to many traditional Democrat/liberal types because the family legacy. Both JFK and RFK for whatever other faults they had were American patriots, staunch anti communists and JFK’s economic plan was a populist low tax growth plan. That sells well in blue areas that would never consider voting GOP.
Poll just out: If Trump, Joe and Jr are the candidates, 24% of Dems 28% Indies, and 14 % Repubs vote for Jr.
he will run for a while and then he will quit and endorse Biden
he’s a dim
do not trust dims
Kennedy comes from a Democrat family. He’s been a Democrat all of his life. He walks like a Democrat and thinks like a Democrat. He wants to be president and thinks he can do a better job than Biden, but the powers that be won’t allow him run as a Democrat. So he woke up this morning and said, “Hey, I’m an Independent.”
He’s about as Independent as Elizabeth Warren is an Indian.
Best News I seen all day
Odds on Trump rise sharply.
Irrelevant. The Left has already stolen the election. There will never be another fair, valid Federal election in the former United States. And I’m not too sanguine about state or local elections, either.
This could be real interesting.
What if RFKJr wins a couple of states ( probably in New England ).
Aside from the states that Biden already has, he steals Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia but it is not enough and the election gets thrown to the House.?
In the House IIRC it is voted by state. Will the pretend Republicans , the Cheney’s and the Romneys ( I know he is not a Representative, but he is the best example of the mindset ) back Trump, or will they be trying to get their representatives to change their votes with some specious arguments?
Lol. He’s not stealing MI, WI, AZ or GA. The last Indie (Dixiecrat) candidate to win any state was Wallace in 1968, a very strange election that isn’t going to be repeated here for obvious reasons. In 1992, Ross Perot won the highest percentage of the popular of any Indie candidate since Teddy Roosevelt in the early 20th Century. Perot won 18% of the NPV…and won zero states and zero Electoral Votes. Because of the way the country is divided geographically, there is no window of opportunity for a candidate to win. But, in reality, there really isn’t any window for a candidate to any single state; the GOP is too strong in the GOP states and the DNC is too strong in the DNC states. In an evenly split state – like Georgia – Kennedy would have to win no less than a third of the vote to have any chance, and that presumes he would draw equally from both candidates, which isn’t going to happen.
It’s only going to be interesting because while Kennedy can’t win and almost certainly can’t win any state, he could easily influence any state where the difference between GOP/DNC nominee is less than 5-points…roughly a dozen states….just like John Anderson did in 1980 and Perot did, particularly in 1992.
In that scenario they would have no other choice. The House would only have three candidates to choose from: Trump, Biden, and Kennedy. Since no Republican delegation is going to vote for Biden or Kennedy, they would have to vote for Trump.
Liz Chenney would find an excuse yo vote for Biden.
She’s not in Congress. (Though if she were, she’d be one of the few members to actually get a vote, since she would make up her state’s entire delegation.)
RFK isn’t running to win, he’s running to help the Democrats by stealing votes from the Republican candidate (most likely Trump) and give cover to Democrat vote manipulation.
He’s running because he’s a narcissistic egomaniac. Let the consequences be damned.
RFK, Jr published a full-page promotion of his candidacy for President in an SC newspaper this past week. There was no mention of the U.S. border, illegal aliens, transgender agenda in gov’t policy and schools, Biden’s influence peddling. etc. It didn’t look like someone who holds strong convictions about Biden’s weakest issues. Overall, very unmoving.
Maybe he needs to start calling people derogatory fifth-grader names. It’s worked for DJT.