Protests Erupt at Israeli Embassy in Jordan After Gaza Hospital Blast
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Protests Erupt at Israeli Embassy in Jordan After Gaza Hospital Blast

Protests Erupt at Israeli Embassy in Jordan After Gaza Hospital Blast

Jordan blames Israel for the strike on the Gaza hospital.

Protesters who believe Israel bombed a Gaza hospital marched to the Israeli embassy in Amman, Jordan:

Dozens of people are storming toward the Israeli embassy in Jordan in the wake of the hospital blast in Gaza.

The Foreign Ministry has yet to respond.

Videos on Twitter show an angry crowd surrounding the building and attempting to force their way inside.

Jordan King Abdullah condemned Israel for the attack, which we have learned likely happened due to a misfired Hamas rocket:

The IDF has said that Palestinian Islamic Jihad was responsible for firing an errant rocket that struck the hospital, but Abdullah insists in a statement that Israel was behind the “heinous massacre.”

Abdullah considers this a “heinous war crime that cannot be tolerated. Israel must immediately stop its brutal aggression against Gaza, which is inconsistent with humanitarian and moral values ​​and constitutes a flagrant violation of the rules of international humanitarian law,” says a statement from Jordan’s Royal Court.

But since when has the truth mattered?

President Joe Biden was supposed to visit Jordan during his trip to Israel.

It has been canceled:

He was supposed to hold a summit in Amman with the leaders of Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority, but Jordan announced that it was scrapping the meeting following the bombing of a Gaza City hospital that killed hundreds.

Israel says an errant Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket was responsible for the blast but much of the Arab world had blamed the IDF.

A White House official says in a statement that the decision to scrap the Amman summit was made after Biden consulted with Jordan’s King Abdullah “and in light of the days of mourning announced by” Abbas following the hospital blast.

Biden sent Abdullah “his deepest condolences for the innocent lives lost in the hospital explosion in Gaza, and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded,” the White House official says, being careful not to place blame on a particular party as the US works to determine who was responsible.

“Biden looks forward to consulting in person with these leaders soon, and agreed to remain regularly and directly engaged with each of them over the coming days,” the White House official adds.


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They are as easy to mislead as wokesters and TDSers.

“They are burning down the Israeli embassy in Jordan.”

Doubtful. Nobody builds flammable embassies in Arab countries. Something is on fire on the street in front of the embassy perhaps.

Rubbish bin? Car?

    Wade Hampton in reply to Gosport. | October 17, 2023 at 5:21 pm

    Boy, where’s the condemnation, by Abdullah on the Hamas atrocities? Where’s the pressure on Hamas to stop or free the hostages?

      Gosport in reply to Wade Hampton. | October 17, 2023 at 5:44 pm

      Abdullah did use tanks and tear gas to turn back the last ‘grassroots’ move of Jordanian protestors/rioters towards the Israeli border.

      Not sure how serious the supposed protestors were though as none seemed to be carrying food, water, or even sleeping gear, Much less weapons or ammo.

One week Jews are killed and they protest against Israel.
The next week Palestinians are killed and they protest against Israel.

It will go on like this forever as long as one side makes all the rules.

Biden trip cancelled. Good. Abdullah believes it because he knows he must because of the make up of Jordan’s population.

Is at any wonder that the King of Jordan does not want MORE Hamas sympathizers in his nation? Imagine the pressure the’s under knowing that these sympathizers would just as soon topple him as Israel.

Can you imagine his fear?

Why it’s almost as bad as what the leaders in London or Paris feel with their Jew-Hating populations! 🙂

They know it’s not true, they just hate Israel.

There’s literal video from Al Jazeera reporters of the rocket being fired from Gaza and errantly striking the hospital.

“Protests suddenly broke out in various Arab countries, including Lebanon, where protesters march on the US and French embassies, following the hospital bombing.”

Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Qatar and Tehran. Somehow those riots don’t sound grassroots to me…

“heinous war crime that cannot be tolerated.” I thought only semiconductor memory lasted 1 millisecond without refresh.