Prof Glenn Reynolds to Law School Dean Noticing Campus Antisemitism: “Welcome to the Party, Pal”

Professor Glenn Reynolds recently channeled “Die Hard” character John McClane in his response to the Berkeley Law School Dean now just noticing his campus has an antisemitism problem.

Reynolds, along with Legal Insurrection and other independent conservative groups, has covered the increasingly toxic atmosphere in higher education for many years.  Reynolds cites 6 specific examples, which go back to 2002, of Jewish worship services being disrupted, Jewish students being pelted with eggs, and hate-speech directed at Jewish speakers and their audience….all on the campus of UC Berkeley.

As he says to UC Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky: “Welcome to the party, pal.

….If Chemerinsky read my blog, he’d have known about happenings there, and elsewhere throughout the higher education world, that apparently are news to him.Well, to be fair, deans have more important things to do than read blogs. On the other hand, well, welcome to the party, pal.Pointing out the flourishing, toleration, and even encouragement of antisemitism in the higher education sector has largely been the function of “right wing” outlets. Mainstream and left-wing media (but I repeat myself) have had little desire to air the dirty laundry in public. And, anyway, they’re increasingly staffed with recent graduates from elite schools, steeped in Critical Race Theory, “decolonization” talk, and the like, who see this antisemitism (along with prejudice against Asians and “whiteness”) as natural and laudable, instead of as what it is, which is evil and un-American.The truth is that support for antisemitism and mass murder isn’t an aberration for the far left that dominates American campuses now. As Ilya Somin notes, it’s baked in: “It’s rooted in a long history of defending horrific mass murder and other atrocities.”We who have been writing about this stuff warned higher education leaders for years that sooner or later there would be a reckoning, and that it would be a costly one for elite institutions in terms of lost donations, public support, and overall legitimacy. Well, that reckoning is here.

Read the whole thing.

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Gaza, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel