“Pro-Palestinian” Mobs Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Hunt Jews At Makhachkala, Dagestan (Russia) Airport
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“Pro-Palestinian” Mobs Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Hunt Jews At Makhachkala, Dagestan (Russia) Airport

“Pro-Palestinian” Mobs Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Hunt Jews At Makhachkala, Dagestan (Russia) Airport

The beast has been unleashed. Coming to a campus and city in the U.S. It already has.

Dagestan is a mostly Mulsim province of Russia, in the Caucus region.

There were reports that a flight from Israel would be landing with Jewish refugees. It appears it was a flight of children and their families from Dagestan who obtained medical treatment in Israel.

A enraged mob of Muslims shouting “Allahu Akbar” stormed the airport going from plane to plane, and office to office, hunting for Jews, just like Hamas did in Israeli communities near Gaza. The crowd didn’t find any Jews, but there would have been carnage if they had.

Israel National News reports:

Muslim rioters came to the international airport in Makhachkala, the capital of the Russian republic of Dagestan, in order to harm Jewish Israelis.

The crowds waited for an Israeli flight that was supposed to arrive and checked vehicles leaving the airport to try and find Israeli or Jewish passengers.

Footage from the scene shows crowds chanting “Allahu Akbar,” and according to reports, they also chanted antisemitic chants.

The flight, which took off from Ben Gurion International Airport in Israel and was scheduled to land in Makhachkala, was rerouted and landed at a different airport.

Numerous videos have been posted on Twitter (X) showing the bloodthirsty mob:

The beast has been unleashed. Coming to a campus and city in the U.S. It already has.



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To some haters it’s a crime to be Jewish. And then there are their enablers, riddled with guilt, hardly better. Their moral certainty is bounded only by their ignorance. Sickening. They will not be spared by the haters, who will not stop at Jews, even if they pretend, for the benefit of their peers, otherwise. The show must go on.

“An enraged mob of Muslims shouting “Allahu Akbar” stormed the airport going from plane to plane, and office to office, hunting for Jews, just like Hamas did in Israeli communities near Gaza.”

How long before this starts happening here?

    gonzotx in reply to Peabody. | October 29, 2023 at 4:22 pm

    It already has

      Peabody in reply to gonzotx. | October 29, 2023 at 4:29 pm

      All American Jews who are still Democrats at this point are hanging out with the enemy. Yet the 26 Jews in the House of Representatives and 9 who are in the Senate are acting as if it were business as usual. They fail to see they are playing with fire and that their inaction is putting the lives of fellow Jews in mortal danger.

        Nathan Shiba in reply to Peabody. | October 29, 2023 at 5:07 pm

        That’s simply not true. I can’t stand Schumer, Wasserman-Shultz or the new Senator from PA, but none of them – none – are acting as if it is business as usual.

        natdj in reply to Peabody. | October 29, 2023 at 5:13 pm

        This is the point that I hand been making consistently. There are those liberal Jews who will not change but there are others who have had their eyes open and are quite aware that they’re “friends” in politics, universities, the media, organizations etc. were never really supporters of Israel let alone peace for Jews.

F-king monsters

This will not end well
Mi live near a mosque

Was a church that was very full and popular and bam, one night the crosss came off and the monsters rolled in

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to gonzotx. | October 29, 2023 at 5:23 pm

    Depending on the immediate tactical position you live in, being near a mosque in the event the organic waste impacts the rotating airfoil may not be literally viable. I hope you have a plan for a quick transfer of you and yours to a more operationally secure position to operate from.

    Subotai Bahadur

      I very much want to move, the area has turned from a small conservative town north of Austin to a third world country , even with the increase in house pricing

      You can’t even go to the parks, filled with Muslims , they take over all the park shelters, tables, maybe 200 of them all the time
      Then there are the illegals…

      Austin is a sanctuary town, also have thousands upon thousands of panhandlers and tent cities

      Fortunately here we passed an ordinance against panhandlers and vagrants, it’s the only thing keeping us from being Austin

      All the farm land has been bought up, the farms and horse ranches are gone. I could literally walk my kids to fields with long horns a few blocks away

      My husband still is working , his business is in Austin, but in 2 years time , I will be gone, he will sell or if he drags his feet, live by himself.

      2 years is a long time but I’ve been remodeling and have a few things to do. Nice place, on a creek, 5 acres next to me parkland with deer and other animals, really one neighbor next door and one across the street.

      I m not sure where the Muslims live but I think it’s in a cheaper neighborhood, but like north Dallas, we have a size-able amount.

Years ago, I participated in ‘blogging the koran’ with Robert Spencer. I think it took many months to complete, and was quite the revelation (no relation). The koran is about 100 chapters, organized from the largest to the smallest, devoid of logical narrative, or historical arc, yet one persistent, pernicious imperative screamed from page after page of the first 3 chapters: Kill. The. Jews. And ‘people of the book’ (christians) fared only slightly better.

Our ancestors waged bitter war against the Ottoman Turks in Eastern Europe for hundreds of years until the Turks were finally turned back at the Gates of Vienna in 1683. Nowadays, we bare our azzes to open our borders to these invaders because ‘tolerance’. Death of the West stupidity.

    alaskabob in reply to LB1901. | October 30, 2023 at 6:50 pm

    Add to that that chronology is everything when abrogation is being used. The “Medina Years” and the “Mecca Years” must be understood in context. Islam as a “religion of peace” may have roots in the Medina years, but subjugation and death are the outcome of the Mecca years … and now.

You don’t have to be Jewish (which I am not) to be frightened by seeing this evolve. Unfortunately, this is happening here in the U.S. and even in states that are predominantly friendly to Jews like my state of Florida.

The fanatic aspect is disturbing.
How much longer until it escalates into a racial war?

Remember — according to the vile Dhimmi-crats and European, Leftist dhimmis, it is the contrived and phantom propaganda conceit of “Islamophobia” that we all need to be concerned about.

To all the military men and women of Israel:
(1) I’ll say a prayer for you all tonight.
(2) Stay safe
(3) Good hunting.

It takes no imagination to see the same thing happening to Europeans, Americans, Christians, Hindus, etc.

Dementia Joe is the useful idiot of islamic terrorists.

Iran and hamas are smiling.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | October 29, 2023 at 9:26 pm

This is all happening because the world is getting the signal from Traitor Joe and the America-haters in the WHite House that the US loves Iran and is perfectly fine with the muzzies destroying the world. The world gets Biden’s signals towards Israel loud and clear.

The flight, which took off from Ben Gurion International Airport in Israel and was scheduled to land in Makhachkala, was rerouted and landed at a different airport.

But the rest of the article is full of reports saying it did land there.

JackinSilverSpring | October 30, 2023 at 10:08 am

The religion of peace (of the grave) doing what it does best: being monsters.