Paris: Jewish Homes, Stores Marked With Stars of David
“It makes me think of before, when Hitler was in control.”

I repeat: This is not about Palestine. This is not about Israel.
It’s about exterminating Jews around the world.
Everything we’ve seen is what happened before the Holocaust.
The latest? Jewish homes in Paris have been marked with the Star of David.
Translated via Google & me:
Aubervillliers, Saint Ouen, 14th District of Paris. Same procedure, same Star of David stencil.
Some want to terrorize French Jews by using the methods of the 1930s. They must be quickly found and severely punished.
Aubervillliers, saint Ouen, 14eme arrondissement de Paris. Même mode opératoire, même pochoir d'étoile de David.
Certains veulent terroriser les français juifs en reprenant les méthodes des années 30. Ils doivent être rapidement trouvés et sévèrement punis.
— UEJF (@uejf) October 31, 2023
In Paris, Jewish stores have been labeled with Stars of David.
As if 80 years have not passed.The distance between the massacre in Beeri Kibbutz and the streets of Paris is shorter than you think.
Yes, the west is next.
Israel is fighting radical Islamic terror on its…
— Naftali Bennett בנט (@naftalibennett) October 31, 2023
France has opened an investigation into the graffiti:
French Jews live in fear:
Many Jews say they have felt unsafe in Paris since the violence flared in Israel.
Jacques Isaac Azeroual, a kosher butcher in the city’s 19th district, which has a large Jewish community, said his customers had fallen by half.
“People are demoralised. They are scared of going out to shop,” he told AFP, adding that he shuts an hour early and covers his kippa with a hat when he leaves for fear of aggression.
People have registered over 800 Anti-Semitic incidents since Hamas invaded Israel on October 7. I wonder how many have gone unreported.
One journalist, who remained anonymous, told The Jewish Chronicle that the area does not have a large Jewish population.
The journalist asked the concierge at one building if any Jews lived there.
“She did not know,” he said. “I suppose it was because whoever did it had looked at the names by the Intercom and believed they were Jewish.”
Another woman said: “It makes me think of before, when Hitler was in control.”
Meanwhile in France: buildings belonging to French Jews in Paris were marked with a Star of David
— Emily Schrader – אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر (@emilykschrader) October 31, 2023

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Why would you invite people who want to kill you to come and live in your country?
France: Je ne sais pas
USA: Duh, I dunno
“Eurabia” was written in 2005. Precient. France was one of the instigators. Europe is about to go through hell and, of course, Jews are enemy #1, the easiest scapegoat, to divert all blame for self-created wrongs.
In the large metropolitan areas absolutely. Both in the EU and in the USA. That’s where the concentration of imported folks are who can’t restrain themselves from acting out on their decidedly NOT multicultural, egalitarian beliefs. In rural areas it won’t be as pronounced IMO. Folks there still have ties to the land, are closer to the natural cycle and remain more grounded in common sense and the traditional Western Civ societal values of the post WWII era. The cities gonna slip even further away from Western Civ norms unless these a holes get much more pushback than at present both from gov’t and from grassroots, average Citizens.
Like I have said many times, cities are mostly circling a cesspool vortex. Most have no economic reason to exist.
The Camp Of The Saints, by Jean Raspail was written in 1973….50 years ago, and is even more prescient. Read it. It will curl your toenails.
Looks like Vichy France never really went away.
The French in occupied France were very good at pointing out Jews to The Authorities as it is.
Oh, don’t you know that every single Frenchman was in the Résistance? The entire population, I tell you! At least that’s what every single Frenchman claimed after the War. Apparently there was nobody collaborating with the Bosche; they must have imagined it.
Because open borders lefties have allowed mass migration of muslims to france.
Now the black flag of islam flies over paris.
French culture will only continue elsewhere, consumed by Muslim locusts.
You’re not wrong but let’s not forget that L’affaire Dreyfus predated that by about a century & led the previously assimilationist Theo. Herzl to realize that Jews wd never be safe or fully accepted in Europe.
France is a lost cause. I propose moving French Jews to repopulate Gaza.
England and the Scandinavian countries are also a lost cause and have fallen (or, will shortly fall) to the scimitar and Islamic crescent. All of Europe in fact, is lost, save the Visegrad nations (Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia), and, Switzerland.
Return flights could move Pale’s to France, but France probably would not want them, it appears that no one wants them. Perhaps we can setup an exchange program, where we expel 2-4 illegals for each French or other European who wants to escape the Muslim onslaught?
The future of Europe is an endless civil war that they enabled by importing millions upon millions of hostile people who are culturally incompatible with western ideas. Over the next few decades we’re going to see a further breakdown, and most likely a return to the outright fascism that Europeans are so comfortable with.
Wow, letting in thousands of Moslem “refugees” turned out to be a really bright idea!