Over 100 Colleges and Universities (But No Ivy League Schools) Form Coalition to Stand With Israel Against Hamas
Noteworthy that no Ivy League schools are included. It seems like the vast majority are smaller and religious schools. “Murdering innocent civilians including babies and children, raping women and taking the elderly as hostages are not the actions of political disagreement but the actions of hate and terrorism.”

A coalition of more than 100 colleges and universities have joined together to show support for Israel and to stand against Hamas. This is obviously a departure from the abysmal performance of schools like Harvard, Stanford, and UPenn in response to the horrific terror attacks.
The group took out a full page ad in the Wall Street Journal:
The group also put out a press release:Encourage Others to Join Growing Coalition Against Terrorism
A broad coalition of more than 100 institutions of higher education, including public and private, faith-based, and historically Black colleges and universities today issued a statement standing with Israel, the Palestinians who suffer under Hamas’ cruel rule in Gaza and all people of moral conscience.
Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, President of Yeshiva University and convener of the coalition, said “The massacre in Israel put a spotlight on campuses and the role university presidents have in articulating the values that higher education represents. There is unparalleled strength in presidents joining together to lay the moral groundwork on which all civil dialogue is naturally based. I am honored to stand with the signatories of this statement who are committed to bringing clarity and truth to these tumultuous times, and protecting our campus communities from violence and hate.”
We Stand Together with Israel Against Hamas
We are horrified and sickened by the brutality and inhumanity of Hamas. Murdering innocent civilians including babies and children, raping women and taking the elderly as hostages are not the actions of political disagreement but the actions of hate and terrorism. The basis of all universities is a pursuit of truth, and it is times like these that require moral clarity. Like the fight against ISIS, the fight against Hamas is a fight against evil. We, the presidents and chancellors of universities, colleges and higher education associations across the United States of America and the world, stand with Israel, with the Palestinians who suffer under Hamas’ cruel rule in Gaza and with all people of moral conscience.
It seems noteworthy that no Ivy League schools are included. It seems like the vast majority are smaller and religious schools.
It’s certainly a sharp departure from what we have seen on college campuses for the last two weeks.

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I think the biggest surprise: many SUNY schools.
I sent them a note suggesting Hillsdale.
I called and wrote to Rutgers President Holloway to ask why Rutgers which has the second largest population of Jewish students in the U.S. has not signed on. So far, a deafening silence! I’m a graduate and deeply disappointed.
No Davidson College, Mars Hill, or other good small colleges in NC. Of course, no UNC-CH or Duke.
I didn’t see any “academic” institutions from Massachusetts. Too blue or too much peer pressure, the result is the same.
Not one of my alma maters made the list, and neither did they make my donation list.
Be sure to let them know about no donations.
President of UMass is listed as one of the Founders
Notre Dame, Miami, Arizona and Arizona State. Lots of Baptist colleges. No Ohio institutions, although we have a lot of them. This seems to be a list of the most courageous schools. Universities used to pride themselves on their leadership. Today … not so much.
Quite a few HBCUs, putting the so-called “historically anti-black and antisemitic and presently anti-Asian and pro-terrorist elite schools to shame.
No Oberlin.
Colleges should stick to their knitting and TEACH. I couldn’t care less about their stands, failure to take stands, outrage, insouciance or open letters on any issue whatsoever.
Really? Our children spend their early adult years listening to these people 8 hours. The ‘educators’ in these institutions have enormous power to shape the minds of our children. You don’t think their standing on important social and moral issues is relevant?
When you have Muslim staff, or leftist staff, that’s not on offer. They’ll say they are just teaching the subject, but what they call the subject and what you would call it are two different things.
Woke math and physics isn’t really math or physics. But they “teach” them.
They need to protect Jewish students against Muslim oppression and violence on campus.
You are 100% WRONG about that ! When it comes to being on the RIGHT side, against a brutal
and evil massacre of men women, and children there can only be ONE side, and that side is WITH Israel.
Colleges and Universities should have a moral compass to pass on to their students, those 100+ smaller Colleges and Universities PROVED that they DO have both a Moral Compass and a “Backbone” !
Get out. Get out now. Forthwith!! I actually think it was written in a very old Chinese or Aztec text:
“When they start chanting for you to be gassed or murdered some other way, maybe just maybe it is a propitious time to reassess your priorities and Life Choices.”
To the prisonyard mentality, this statement will be understood as an open invitation to commit more atrocities.
The West is in deep trouble.
The west should be mitigating these problems now, start deportation, revoke naturalization’s, capital punishment for terrorists, fast tracked appeal process so that their case is closed within 5 years.
100 is a great start, but there are over 4000 degree-granting institutions in the US.
Exactly spot on.
And that is why this statement — well-intentioned though it may be — will be understood by the prisonyard/gang mentality of those who carry out these atrocities …
to carry out more atrocities.
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The absolutely hilarious aspect to all this is all the middle-class and upper-middle-class “protestors” out there who do not realize the violent changes that are coming in the weeks and months ahead
(Hilarious in a tragicomic sense.)
It’s like wealthy Europeans who pay big bucks to get close to African wildlife — “Oh so majestic creatures etc” — and meanwhile the Africans who have to live around such “gorgeous beautiful graceful “ predators cannot stand them. And kill them on site. Without a moment’s second thought.
The massacre of 7 October 2023 in Southern Israel is just a small foretaste of what’s coming in the months ahead. Nobody is going to be opt out of what’s coming
No Claremont Colleges.
My school isn’t listed. Not a big surprise as they’ve gone woke since I graduated in 1989.
None of Iowa’s state-funded institutions either, that I could see.