New Hampshire Governor Will Tackle Northern Border After Silence From Biden Admin

Do you think the southern border is the only border crisis? Nope.

The northern border is not much better.

New Hampshire Republican Gov. Chris Sununu will secure the state’s northern border after the Biden administration ignored his concerns:

Sununu announced on Thursday that he’ll use $1.4 million in funding from New Hampshire’s current budget to boost tenfold patrols by state and local law enforcement along the 58-mile border.While acknowledging that the deteriorating situation along America’s northern border is overshadowed by the crisis along the southern border with Mexico, the governor emphasized that “there have been more apprehensions along our northern border in just this past year than in the last ten years combined.””Encounters with individuals on the terrorist watch list at the ports of entry on the northern border have doubled since 2017,” Sununu highlighted.

In fiscal year 2023, the border patrol encountered 5,906 people along the border of New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont.

The same region only saw 1,065 encounters in 2022.

Tags: Biden Administration, Border Crisis, New Hampshire