More Chaos: House Republican Speaker Nominee Rep. Emmer Drops Out of Race
Just a few hours ago, Trump went off on Emmer: “RINO Tom Emmer…never respected the Power of a Trump Endorsement, or the breadth and scope of MAGA—MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Majority Whip Tom Emmer won the Republican nominee for Speaker of the House this morning after five rounds of voting.
Emmer only received 117 votes when the Republicans took another vote to gauge how many Republican votes he would get on the House floor.
The winner needs 217 Republican votes to win the Speakership. He can only lose four votes.
Hours later…Emmer drops out.
Emmer Drops Out as Speaker nominee
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 24, 2023
Emmer also dropped out after President Donald Trump railed against him on social media.

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Too late three people alredy reported it in the previous thread.
MAGA has the party by their balls. RINOs begone.
You mean republicans begone. Trump supporters really don’t understand how much the left hates him and how tired many on the right and the center are of him. MAGA has become a personality cult.
Sounds like you have a personal problem.
There is definitely a cult, but it ain’t Trump supporters who are in it. Look in the mirror.
You guys are starting to remind me of Obama supporters.
Well, the media has you believing this.
Oh they know. Many glory in how much the left hates him.
Truth about lots of rinos hating on Trump.
My buddy always gives me a bunch of schiff about how he hates Trump, can’t stand him, Trump needs to shut his stupid mouth. Wants to know if I’m going to vote for him again.
But then again, he watches cnn. He’s somewhat brainwashed.
Not sure how he came to this point, he won’t vote for any democrats and he’s an ardent gun owner.
Truth is a lot of people hate Trump “just because”.
I heard similar BS before Trump was elected.
That the communists hate him so much is how we know he’s the right guy.
You haven’t read on this site long enough to know about my support for Trump. If you did, you would know I dragged him over the coals for his sorry response to the Wuhan BS.
Your hatred blinds you, just like an actual cultist. Look in the mirror, chump.
Dude, I’ve been on this site since 2009. Remember all the media coverage of Obama as the messiah that we all laughed about back in the day? Yeah… this is a repeat of the same mentality.
So, was it the peace or the prosperity of the Trump Presidency that you hated?
No one on the right has a problem with Trump.
If you side with the left, you ARE the left.
Being even 99.999999% in agreement is worth exactly garbage if that .000001% means you can’t get the other 99.999999% done.
And that’s EXACTLY where the RINOs, the GOPe, and the Nevertrumpers stand.
In the way of the right.
That’s true, but outside of the Republican Party (which comprises 75% of the voters), it’s a very different story.
Should have been over in a week. Bit here we are, because NeverTrumpers in the GOP didn’t want to get behind Jim Jordan.
Oh well.
Might never have started, because Gaetz’s merry band didn’t want to get behind McCarthy. See? We can play this game all day. The fact is, you can’t turn back the clock. We’re here, and we’ll be here until one side or the other gives up.
Get behind a Democrat?
Tell me, what has the Republican led house done for 10 months
Still waiting
The only one who got behind a Democrat is you, Hillary fan.
Well, they’ve investigated the shit out of… something. Maybe several somethings. Of course, none of them are finished. More investigation is always needed.
Yeah, but it did happen and because of 25 intransigent Republicans, this farce is going on longer than it has to.
You’re right, you can’t turn back the clock so you should stop blaming Matt Gaetz and accept that the longer this goes on, it is the fault of NeverTrumpers who just don’t want to get behind Jim Jordan.
I don’t have a vote, but apparently you missed the part where Gaetz and his thugs blew up the House without noticing that the bomb was between them and the door.
I noticed that we went the whole weekend without a speaker and we’re still here and not dead.
I did see an X post of some rino dancing and bowling in the WH basement over the weekend though.
Except Gaetz didn’t blow anything up, and this all dragged longer than expected because you NeverTrumpers are pansies. I lump you all in the same pool, so take it and own it.
By the way, some guy did get the job, but only because you NeverTrumpers hate actual conservatives than you hate Leftists so wrong had to settle on a guy who is slightly less conservative than Jim Jordan.
And so with the insults. The last refuge.
Gaetz got behind McCarthy –in exchange for some concessions that people on the right wanted.
McCarthy chose to betray those concessions at the behest of his left wing masters and foolishly believed that they would save him from any attack from those evil right wing Republicans.
He was wrong.
Gaetz was right.
Because Gaetz IS right.
Try it. Side with the right.
This is just as well — Mr. Emmers was the RINO candidate. Now the RINOs understand just how behind they are. Not that they’ll do the correct thing and support a legit conservative for Speaker.
And who would that be? Someone Gaetz approves of?
And why are you worried about Matt Gaetz? Are you basically admitting the NeverTrumpers are keeping this going to spite Matt Gaetz? You sure are petty.
You know, Trump is not the center of the universe and this personality cult bullshit is really tiring.
It is tiring, so stop.
Yeah, so why do you keep concentrating on Trump? Look in the mirror.
The list IS infinite and has always been. The people who go into politics are not generally on the conservative side of the political spectrum, so it’s always going to be an uphill struggle to get them to do the right thing.
How did that get here? That was supposed to be a response to stephenwinburn, below.
The reason for worrying about Gaetz is that he’s demonstrated that he’ll blow things up without a clue as to what the result might be. He’s already proven it.
Pretty sure Gaetz was aware that the motion to vacate the chair would result in the chair being vacated. Now McCarthy, he seems not to have realized what the result of the motion would be. That was the whole point of demanding the rule allowing the motion be reinstated in January.
McCarthy was reportedly somewhat surprised that the d/prog in the HoR didn’t help defend him when he had just made a bunch of overtures about budget concessions to them.
And the country kept going as though it didn’t matter. It’s political hogs like you who concentrated on it so much and made something meaningless more important than it needed to be.
This lasted longer than it needed to because you NeverTrumpers dragged it out. Could have had this settled in a week, but nah! Jim Jordan too conservative! He’s too pro-Trump. Look how stupid you NeverTrumpers look.
You brought up Trump first with your nevertrumper comment. You guys can’t read a damned comment without running it through your Trump filter first. It’s a damned cult.
you’re right Trump/America Haters are a cult.
Well, that’s a fair assessment of Emmers, coupled with an overestimation of Republican integrity.
Emmer dropping out is the exact opposite of chaos.
That’s what i was thinking. This is the sorting out of candidates in a perfectly orderly process.
He puts his name in, he tries to get votes, he can’t get the votes, he drops out.
I’m okay with the process and okay with everything shutdown until the process is done.
The usual media and RINO cries of “wolf!” (Or “dysfunction!” or “unprecedented!”) don’t bother me.
Apparently he found out that 117 was his high water mark. Good riddance.
I like the House being closed for business. I hope it stays closed past the expiration of that horrible, dem-loving CR and the feral government has to start shutting down. Less money to pay CBP people to cut razor wire in Texas to bring illegals in. Works for me. Every cent that goes to this executive branch and its agencies goes to the destruction of the United States. Let it all grind to a halt for a bit.
The guy is farther left than McCarthy, what were they thinking?
My guess is this was a feint by McCarthy supporters to send a message to both the caucus and their constituents that essentially says: “See, this is how bad things can get if we don’t reinstall McCarthy as Speaker.’
I won’t be shocked if in the coming days, McCarthy comes back to the floor for a vote; not endorsing or criticizing this plan, just pointing out that it’s very possible this is what’s happening right now.
The very next day….
It may be time to take a long look at somebody currently not in the House and I don’t man Trump for the position.
Not sure if Zeldin is interested but several of the New York delegation voted for him during the Jordan vote. I do not want Gowdy or Doug Jones either.
Gowdy is was a big talker while in the House, but he never actually accomplished anything.
all bark
Call me a mysoginist, but I like this tweet suggesting Boebert for Speakers because some Dems might vote for her thinking that she might let them touch her breasts.
This is hilarious!
I have no faith in the Republicans to work out their differences and settle on someone who will actually do a good job. In the meantime, the entertainment value is fantastic!
The trouble is that so much time is being wasted.
I agree that most of the Republicans are not truly committed to good government, but there ARE a few good things they might be willing to do, and as bad as the Democrats are, the failure by the Republicans to actually accomplish something worthwhile will not help them keep this slim majority following next year’s elections.
What’s not to like?
“No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.”
Well, now it ain’t.
I’d be happy for the whole gummint to grind to a halt.
One house is barely an appetizer.
All of this could’ve been prevented if McCarthy honored his pledges.
I relish in emmer’s defeat.
He made too many promises to too many people and there was no way he could honor them all. He needed an aide just to keep track of whose ass was supposed to be kissed in what order.
They’ll settle on someone eventually, if just out of desperation. That CR will be up a few days before Thanksgiving, and I bet they don’t want to leave town without that buttoned up.
Good luck with that.
These a**hats should have voted Jordan in, but they are too hooked on their grift with the democrats. FFS. Grow a pair and stick together.
I agree they should have, but there’s a lot of hard feelings there. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Everybody is doing it. The situation has hardened into a couple of small factions holding the entire caucus hostage and it won’t end until THOSE TWO FACTIONS resolve their differences and let things move forward.
Yes indeed, very accurate description IMO. All the bad blood and hard feelings gotta get worked out in this. Probably every member of the Caucus has something to get off their chest about one or more of their colleagues.
IMO it’s better to keep at it and as the process goes along folks can get their bitch, gripes and complaints off their chest, tell Rep X he/she is a sack full of SoB and eventually get past the vitriol. This conflict has been brewing for some time, well before McCarthy was selected as Speaker. It’s a shifting of the relative power dynamics between establishment types and more populist types at least for now. Might be a different balance in the GoP caucus when the next Congress is seated in Jan ’25 but that’s then and this is now and for now the populists hold the key swing votes. That’s critical b/c the caucus leadership pledged not to bring legislation to the floor that required any d/prog votes for passage.
McCarthy, Ryan, Romney,…the list seems infinite.
Posted above in error:
The list IS infinite and has always been. The people who go into politics are not generally on the conservative side of the political spectrum, so it’s always going to be an uphill struggle to get them to do the right thing.
Personally, I could live with Sessions. or a couple of others. Donalds talks the talk, but he’s far too junior to get any real respect.
So now it’s Johnson. He should be at least adequate. Get over the egos on both sides and get him elected.
Some ‘pub ought nominate Rashida Tlaib just to make the dems vote for or ag’in her. They won’t censure the beyotch, but would they vote for her as speaker?
I’m starting to believe the McCarthy will return.
in the meanwhile, the Democrats are on record creating a crisis 220-8.
The best part is that no legislation has been passing, so no harm.