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Maher: Social Justice Warriors Love Land Acknowledgement Except For Israel and Jews

Maher: Social Justice Warriors Love Land Acknowledgement Except For Israel and Jews

“And if that land acknowledgment means like we honor who originally had the land, why does this work for Indians but not Jews?”

HBO host Bill Maher pointed out more leftist hypocrisy on his show Real Time.

Social justice warriors want to give American Indians back the American land.

They call non-Indians “colonizers.”

They’ve started applying “colonizers” to Jews in Israel. But are they correct?

Of course not. Maher knows it, too:

MAHER: A Berkeley professor said ‘Understanding that Hamas and Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the left is extremely important.’ They are ‘social movements that are progressive that are on the left.’ So for those of you who like to ‘Bill, you make fun of the left more than you used to,’ yeah – because this is how you define it! That’s why. Because you think this is the left? Your moral compass is broken! …

Again, students. The idea that these are the young people who should be truly on the left instead of where they are with this. And I don’t think it’s because they are anti-Semitic, although that is — I agree. I think it is they want to be social justice warriors. It’s not about the issue, it’s about them. They want to be warriors.

There’s a big conflation with African American rights and Palestinian rights as if they’re anything like the same.

JAMES KIRCHICK, TABLET MAGAZINE: That is so insulting to Black people because Black people in this country suffered immense injustice far worse, I would say, than anything that he Palestinians have suffered at the hands of the Israelis. And how did Black people respond to that? They didn’t go around beheading babies, and raping women in mass numbers, and slaughtering people. They launched the non-violent civil rights movement that was the most successful in human history. One more thing. If there was a Palestinian Martin Luther King, this conflict would have been over decades ago. It would have been over decades ago.

MAHER: And he would have gotten shot…

History and language matter and there are a lot of words that get thrown around. Again, I think because these kids don’t know anything. They learn it from Instagram. They are indoctrinated in these colleges. It’s true. These elite colleges put out a bunch of America-hating ahistorical hysterics…

They never did this. They never took the side of the mass murderers right after it happened, okay? It would be as if after the Mi Lai massacre they went like, ‘Oh, well, good, Lt. Calley, we love him.’

Colonizers. Okay, this is, again, this has become like in the media we just call the Israelis colonizers. It’s not a colonizing, okay. Colonizing is when one country had nothing to do with another country, like the British or the Dutch in South Africa, marched in with an army and took over a place they had no connection to. Israel has quite a connection to Israel…

If you did a land acknowledgment like we do in this country. I’m standing on the ground that 3,000 years ago was King David’s capital of Jerusalem… And if that land acknowledgment means like we honor who originally had the land, why does this work for Indians but not Jews?


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Making a land acknowledgment are even dumber than cultural appropriation. I bet the leftists of the Alsace-Lorraine area in Europe really struggle with them.

What the left does is some mental gymnastics so that they don’t have to deal with Jews being indigenous to the area.

The gymnastics is to only consider Jews who were born overseas. That way they can just say those Jews aren’t natives while just ignoring the history of the land as if it never happened.

The simple fact is Jews are indigenous to the area and it is Muslims who are the colonisers here, being that their religion and people spread out of Saudi Arabia nearly a thousand years AFTER Judaism had established itself in Israel.

    guyjones in reply to mailman. | October 17, 2023 at 5:17 pm

    You summed it up, nicely. The vile Dhimmi-crats can’t bring themselves to acknowledge the salient fact that Jews were living in the middle east for millennia before the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission” was founded; millennia before such a thing as a “Muslim” ever existed.

    The utterly evil and dishonest conceit propagated by Muslim supremacists/terrorists and lazily/stupidly parroting by Dhimmi-crats — that Jews only arrived in the middle east after World War II and allegedly “stole” Arab Muslim “Palestinian’s” land is a despicable slander and a brazen attempt at historical revisionism that aims to erase Jews’ historical and cultural ties to the middle east

    Ironclaw in reply to mailman. | October 17, 2023 at 7:58 pm

    Not to mention that the first person who called that land Palestine was the Roman Emperor Hadrian. That’s a little more recent than Biblical times

    Milhouse in reply to mailman. | October 18, 2023 at 12:35 am

    The gymnastics is to only consider Jews who were born overseas.

    But they champion the alleged right of “Palestinians” born overseas to “return”, and consider them indigenous. And they would never say that Oklahoman Cherokees are not native or indigenous to Tennessee and deserve no acknowledgment.

    If there was a movement among Cherokees to return to Tennessee and Georgia, buy back land where their ancestors lived, and settle there peacefully, they would enthusiastically champion it, and donate money to support the effort. And if the returned Cherokees’ white neighbors were to react by taking potshots at their children and grandmothers, and bombing their markets and buses, these people would champion their right and duty to defend themselves, and if necessary to remove the terrorist neighbors.

Just more leftist drivel.

The entire idea of ‘land acknowledgement’ is insane.

Israel took the land after winning a war that the Arab nations started.

If you want to try and demand countries give land back taken in wars, Europe is gonna be absolutely LIT.

Steven Brizel | October 17, 2023 at 3:09 pm

land acknowledgements are social justice drivel

So by resistance, intersectional oppression and decolonization what they mean is raping, torture and hacking people to death.

Actually, God is the colonizer. He gave the Promised Land to Abraham when he was living in the Land of Chaldea.

God said, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;

I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing. a

I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

The claim I’ve heard is that the Jews are not the indigenous people of the Holy Land, the Canaanites were.

Well, first of all if that’s how we’re defining “indigenous” then that isn’t correct because the Canaanites were not the first nation there; they took the land from earlier inhabitants. Second, the same is true of all American Indian tribes, as well as Australian Aborigines and most other so-called “indigenous” peoples; almost all of them took their land from someone who was there before them.

The best working definition I can think of for “indigenous” is “the people whose claim predates that of any other claimant”. Extinct people are not claimants, so they are not taken into consideration. And in that sense the Jews are indeed the Holy Land’s indigenous people.

Anacleto Mitraglia | October 18, 2023 at 5:23 am

Tablet: If there was a Palestinian Martin Luther King, this conflict would have been over decades ago.

Real world: If there was a Palestinian Martin Luther King, he would have lived way shorter than MLK.