Law Students Say No One Should be Surprised by Campus Support for Hamas

National Students for Justice in Palestine

Jill Jacobson and Rachel Chiu are law students at Boston College and Georgetown. They have written an excellent opinion piece explaining why no one should be surprised by what we’re seeing on campuses.

From the New York Post:

We law students aren’t surprised campuses are so pro-HamasAmericans are shocked and horrified as university and law-school students nationwide show support for the terrorist group Hamas after its heinous attacks against the Jewish people.“Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life,” declared the NYU Student Bar Association president.Israel is “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” more than 30 Harvard student groups stated.“The apartheid regime is the only one to blame.”These statements do not feature geopolitical commentary, just brazen support for terrorism.As law students who have witnessed firsthand the ideological takeover of American universities, we aren’t surprised — not by the statements or administrations’ slow response to them.Admissions offices have prioritized demonstrations of activism from potential applicants, and professors teach power struggle among groups as the primary analytical lens through which to view the world.The end result is an ideological pressure cooker where students, armed with misapplied academic theory, support terrorist groups and expect to be praised for their views.Make no mistake, students’ behavior should not be excused — it is repugnant and paints a frightening image of the future of academic institutions and our country.But surely these statements exist because those making them felt confident their views would be accepted, if not praised.Those outside academia should know these students are likely shocked that wider society is not applauding their actions.They don’t see these statements as particularly heterodox — in fact, the opposite.Why?Schools have, by their own design, become devoid of free inquiry and exchange, adopting instead a homogenous set of viewpoints, many of them extremely radical.An elite American institution’s average student body is no longer a representative sample of adolescents with top GPAs and test scores.For years, admissions offices across the country have deliberately prioritized passion for social justice and activism in potential applicants — to their detriment.

Tags: College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel