“Hundreds of dead people in Israel are still unidentifiable because of what Hamas terrorists did to their bodies.”
Video and images slowly being released by Israel show torture and abuse of Israeli living and dead during the initial Hamas attack, including a deceased victim having poles shoved deep into his eye sockets.

Israeli is historically bad at public relations. It doesn’t parade the bodies of its dead and wounded in front of the cameras to show the depravity of its enemies.
Israel also has almost the entire international media against it, as well as Islamists around the world and western leftists, all of whom pump out propaganda to delegitimize Israel’s self-defense.
During this current Hamas attack, there are widespread claims denying that Hamas committed the brutality to which there have been numerous testimonies not only by Israelis, but also foreign journalists, diplomats, and U.S. military, who have seen the scenes firsthand or in images/video. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that from what he’s seen, it’s worse than ISIS.
Testimonies by Israeli first responders are horrific.
'I saw a mother holding her baby, and one bullet went through both of them together…I saw 20 children together with their hands tied in the back, and they were shot and burned in a pile' Yossi Landau Commander, Zaka South tells our @davidmatlin pic.twitter.com/lSfWCf5H5h
— i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) October 12, 2023
Israel very slowly, too slowly IMO, has started to release images and video. Even those images spawned an new industry of denial. An image of a dead and charred Israeli baby was subjected to unreliable and manipulated “AI” detectors by these ghouls, with the false result then used to deny Hamas’ crimes.
@AJArabic is amplifying a debunked claim that a photo of a burnt corpse of an Israeli baby is in fact an AI generated image of a dog. Their source? 4chan.
Experts have debunked the claim per @404mediaco.
Daily reminder: Al Jazeera is not a trusted source of information. pic.twitter.com/arN7xPgPZa
— Alex Goldenberg (@AlexWGoldenberg) October 15, 2023
Israel is struggling to identify its dead because of the abuse of the corpses by Hamas. The creator and producer of the hit show FAUDA writes:
“Hundreds of dead people in Israel are still unidentifiable because of what Hamas terrorists did to their bodies. Think about that next time you refuse to call them ISIS.”
Hundreds of dead people in Israel are still unidentifiable because of what Hamas terrorists did to their bodies. Think about that next time you refuse to call them ISIS.
— avi issacharoff (@issacharoff) October 15, 2023
Israel has released more information, as published in this Jerusalem Post article, Israeli forensic teams describe signs of torture, abuse:
Military forensic teams in Israel have examined bodies of victims of last week’s Hamas attack on communities around the Gaza Strip and found multiple signs of torture, rape, and other atrocities, officers said on Saturday.
Around 1,300 bodies have been brought to an army base in Ramla in central Israel where forensic checks to determine the identity of the dead and the circumstances of their death are carried out by specialist teams.
Around 90% of the military dead have been identified and teams are halfway through identifying civilians, said Rabbi Israel Weiss, former army chief rabbi, one of the officials overseeing the identification of the dead. He said many bodies showed signs of torture as well as rape.
“We’ve seen dismembered bodies with their arms and feet chopped off, people that were beheaded, a child that was beheaded,” a reserve warrant officer identified only by her first name of Avigayil told reporters.
She said multiple cases of rape were found by forensic examination of the bodies, which have been stored in refrigerated containers.
“We do the identification with all the means that we have,” said a military dentist, identified as Captain Maayan. “We see them in severe stages of abuse. We see gunshots and we see signs that are purely torture.”
Here is a video of some of the abuse. Some of the images and video we’ve seen before, some are new. I had trouble sleeping after watching it last night. I’m not squeemish at all, but I almost threw up after watching Palestinians abuse the living and the dead, including long poles being shoved deep into the eye sockets of a dead Israeli.
(WARNING: Graphic content)#Hamas murdered over 1,300 civilians and soldiers and kidnapped over 150 people during its attack on #Israel last week.
These are just some of the horrific scenes from the assault.
Watch and Share
https://t.co/Ftg85pOFDL pic.twitter.com/fo6BoFGnB6
— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) October 15, 2023
(Video also here in case it disappears from social media.)
Private Israeli citizens are also beginning to document the crimes.
They say it didn't happened. They say there is no evidence.
Here is the evidence!
A Google doc with links, video, photos. And it's continuing to update.
Share it! Use it!
We must not allow them to erase and deny the horror! https://t.co/ujBiWUidzn— Imshin (@imshin) October 15, 2023
You can read the Google Doc here. (Here is a downloaded pdf. as of this writing in case it disappears)
This is ISIS-type tactics. Despicable and morally corrupt “Human Rights” activist Ken Roth (former head of Human Rights Watch) objects to comparing Hamas to ISIS, because Hamas has a political cause, not just “crazed love of violence.”
Watch these videos and images and its clear that Hamas, like so many other Palestinian groups, has a “crazed love of violence” against Jews.
Whatever has been released is just the tip of the Hamas iceberg – everything I’m hearing is that the abuse is much, much worse. Prof. Eugene Kontorovich’s statement, which we previously quoted, makes even more sense as more video and images are released.
Perhaps the greatest mercy Israel is showing to Gaza is not releasing to the public the full details of what was done by the invaders to their victims. Ostensibly for the sensitivities of the families, but also I think because what populace would be able to restrain themselves?

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Well, that one video above convinced me: turn Gaza into rubble. Total destruction. Put them down like the mad dogs they are.
Lather, rinse, repeat for any area launching missiles or attacks, be it the West bank or Lebanon.
And I hope there is woe unto Iran, but only the military and the azzaholas are to blame and should be eradicated.
Goldwater was spot on, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice”.
First video seen not blacked out of the bodies.
Not that avoided, seen many videos of it.
I read and seen past history of horrific atrocities around the world so not avoiding, just pointing out what isn’t seen is sometimes not believed.
The atrocities should be shown.
“Israeli is historically bad at public relations. It doesn’t parade the bodies of its dead and wounded in front of the cameras to show the depravity of its enemies.”
part of that, I believe is that Israel follows the law of God to respect the dead, care for the bodies as they are in the image of God. To release such pictures would be almost a second wound to their surviving family.
Also, perhaps, if they released everything, perhaps it would cause too much cognitive dissonance in people, causing them to reject everything already seen: “No one could be that depraved in real life. Israel must have some sick puppies in their media team to come up with that idea.”
Exactly so.
That too, but that’s a secondary consideration. The primary consideration is the dignity of the victims themselves.
This is also why they put so much emphasis on identifying each and every body, no matter how difficult that is. And the Zaka rescue organization started out as a group of volunteers that collect every scrap of flesh and every drop of blood from terror victims, so they can be buried with as much dignity as possible.
One of those subhuman savages is hacking off the head of an Israeli while yelling Allah Akhbar (God us great). This is the face of Islam. Death and destruction while actually besmirching the name of God. Where are the voices of the ‘good’ Muslims? The sounds of silence speak volumes.
Actually..”God is greater”….. it should be non-capped as Allah is a false god. Oh. And it’s also fun and games to kill Muslims who don’t go along with things…..taqfir. Label a Muslim an apostate and kill.
There are none
Yes, there are. You’re just ignoring them.
‘good’ Muslims are like good communist, dead.
I’m sure there are Muslims who are horrified by the actions of Hamas and other militant terrorist Muslims, but they are the “radicals.” Jihad and murdering their enemies is part of Islam. It is the peaceful ones who are not living true to their religion.
No question that Hamas is evil. Their own organizational documents, their mission statement makes very plain their desire to kill Jews and eliminate Israel. They have never been concerned about using barbaric methods. This video and others like it reinforce this reality.
The problem in the West is the wholesale adoption of a romanticized notion of ‘resistance’ among the leftists. From some hipster sporting a Che T-shirt to the most radical leftist University faculty member the entire spectrum of leftism is utterly corrupted with this crap. Antifa, eco extremists, BLM, trans ideology, ‘indigenous rights’ have alk adopted the same language. We see it in feminism where the focus of their misplaced ire is the ‘patriarchy’ and ‘toxic masculinity’.
Leftism writ large seems more and more to be a collection of cultists who reject objectivity and substitute their emotional reactions for logic. We saw this during the BLM riots. We saw this during Covid and hysterical karens. The left likes big govt, big labor, big corporations b/c with centralized power is much easier for them to influence, intimidate and ultimately infiltrate and grab the levers of power.
The left has no compunction about the use of that power. See Fauci and merry band of fascists. See Biden and others who prefer a State monopoly on the means of self defense. See the long list of abuses by our intelligence agencies. See the IRS bureaucracy leaking tax returns and running a two track system of reviews based on political affiliation. See the FBI/DoJ two track system.
The problem here in getting leftists who are willing to open their eyes and see reality is that they have invested so much emotional and psychological energy into their echo chamber worldview that they truly do have sunk costs. They would have to simultaneously admit, at least to themselves, that their core beliefs are wrong, that they supported totalitarian policies, supported eugenics, supported truly evil terrorists and they alienated family and friends, demonized everyone around them who dared to disagree. In sum that their beliefs are a total lie. Not gonna be a whole lot of folks willing to do that.
Thank you Mr.Chief. I just think they are hollow.. a big empty where their morality used to be.
This vacancy also includes their intellect. I don’t think this can be rectified.
Can’t wait for the US propaganda machine to say this was a mostly peaceful protest.
Wrong….Hamas and Islam consider the whole world as theirs so there will always be grievance. As for brutal violence….it’s fun and games encouraged by Allah against infidels. Nothing has changed in Islam’s justification to do whatever it wants.
Dr. Bill Warner’s “Why We Are Afraid, 1400 Years of Fear”, history is Islamic violence, on YouTube.
History of
Welcome back to the 13th Century.
As horrible as it is, everything should be shown. All of it. Soon we’ll start to hear apologists deny it happened. Show the proof. Make their supporters own it. Make the rubble bounce.
Already happening.
Not only that..but the videos and photos.. all that will begin to disappear.. Professor Jacobson mentioned this in another article. He is saving as much as possible on a private server.
Dementia Joe is the useful idiot of muslim terrorists.
Iran and hamas are smiling.
It was reported that an American woman – who spent her life advocating for Palestinian rights – was killed by Hamas terrorists in Israel. It just goes to show how utterly stupid these Palestinian sympthizers are.
So does ISIS.
None of this is new. These “Palestinians'” grandparents are documented doing the exact same thing in the 1920 and 1929 massacres, the 1936 jihad, and the 1947-49 Israeli independence war.
Also doing such things in the 1800’s.
And across the Muslim world, all the way back to the Muslim conquest some 1400 years ago.
No one should trust anything released by Al Jazeera or spoken by any of its former employees now working for the legacy media
For years the West has been asking Israel to live in a completely untenable situation. Hamas and Hezbollah have been perpetrating war. At one time the West knew how to handle such things. It was called total and complete surrender, something we have not witnessed since 1945. Hamas and Hezbollah must go and their territory occupied as was Germany and Japan. There is no other choice. Proportionality be damned. No choice other than complete and total victory.
The Palestinian Authority will pay nearly $3 million to the families of slain Hamas terrorists who slaughtered civilians in Gaza border communities on Oct. 7, Palestinian Media Watch reports. Some are calling these “Obama Awards.”
Islamists don’t want to assimilate into other cultures. They want to change them or destroy them.
If you remember the Paris nightclub attack a few years ago, the torture the Islamists did to their victims on the second floor were astonishing and hideous. The police were mum about it for months, but when they did quietly disclose what the morgue knew, it included “rape” by knives and weapons, and disemboweling of the living conscious victims.
When I read of the horrors, the artist in me wanted to see the truth of it, wanted the bodies laid out in the morgue to be known. I imagined careful full-size renderings of a dozen of those individual bodies as they lay be lovingly made and displayed at the Louvre, or on an american college campus.
But I have no courage and less talent. and here we are.