House Republicans Nominate Majority Whip Tom Emmer for Speaker
Emmer only got 117 votes. Can he get 217 Republican votes on the House floor?

The House Republicans spent all morning voting for a Speaker nominee.
Majority Whip Tom Emmer won each round. But he only won with 117 votes.
Emmer needs 217 Republican votes on the House floor to win the Speaker role. I doubt any Democrats cross the aisle.
I do not know if the House floor vote will happen today.
First Round:
First round Spkr balloting:
Emmer – 78
Donalds- 29
Johnson – 34
Hern – 27
Scott – 18
Bergman – 16
Sessions – 8
Others – 5
Present – 1— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 24, 2023
Second Round:
Votes on 2nd round for Speaker:
Emmer – 90
Hern – 31
Donalds – 33
Johnson – 37
Scott – 14
Bergman – 7
Present – 2
Others – 3— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 24, 2023
Third Round:
From colleague Kelly Phares. Votes on Round 3 for Speaker. Scott is now out:
Emmer 100
Johnson 43
Donalds 32
Hern 26
Scott 12
Others 3
Present 3— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 24, 2023
Fourth Round:
4th round of voting totals. Per colleague Liz Elkind, they are down to the final 2. Emmer – 107
Johnson – 56
Donalds – 25
Hern – 25
Others – 4— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 24, 2023
Fifth Round:
Emmer officially becomes GOP Speaker nominee. Finally tally:
Emmer – 117
Johnson – 97
Others – 5
Present – 1— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 24, 2023

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One person voted present on a secret ballot. Wow! That takes real courage.
Probably Scalise
Go to hell. Scalise took a bullet just for being a Republican. What the hell have you ever done?
Being present at a baseball game hardly constitutes a patriotic act.
Well, what the hell have you ever done in your pitiful wasted life that did anything to support our country other than sitting on your fat ass every day and posting comments on LI?
That makes no sense. In a secret ballot, courage isn’t an issue. In a secret ballot everyone votes how they really think; so an abstention is genuine, and doesn’t indicate a lack of courage. What’s wrong with abstaining? If you have no preference among the candidates, isn’t abstaining the right choice?
I’m ashamed to say it but I’ve never heard of him. But, with some give a ways I’ll bet he makes 217.
We have not heard much about him because the GOP have not had a Whip worth beans in many years.
He was a Soros spokesperson.
No, he was not.
He was ( or is ) a spokesman for the National Popular Vote Initiative, which is funded by Soros.
He was briefly a spokesman for a nonpartisan public policy initiative, which received a lot of donations from Democrats, including one large donation from Soros’s son. It was not “funded by Soros”.
Even if Soros himself makes a donation to a cause, that does not justify claiming that he “funds” it, or that anyone working for it now works for him. In this case it was his son who made a donation. Not Alex, who’s even more odious than his father; it was Jonathan, whom I really know nothing about. Maybe he is odious too, maybe not. In any event, even he did not “fund” the initiative merely because he made one donation, albeit a very large one.
It’s not a crime to support an initiative that most Republicans oppose. But Emmer soon came to understand that it was against Republican interest, so he stopped supporting it.
reportedly he used to be the spokes shill for George Soros..time to vacate the chair,….again
No, he was not. Time to get your head out of the fever swamp.
Democrats want him. That should say all you need to know about him.
If that is the case and he doesn’t make it, then my bet is McHenry is ‘persuaded’ to stay on as Speaker PT. He says no, but pols generally like more power and press even for a short time.
Democrats want him?! Where the hell is that coming from? Which Democrat wants him? Name them. Do you think he’ll get any Democrat votes in the House?!
Depressing, demoralizing and any other similar descriptive one cares to add. Count on democrats supporting him, after all he’ll support all of their initiatives once he’s speaker. And I mean everything. All their open border, relocation crap. All their lawfare. All their Ukraine monies. All their economy killing climate fraud garbage. And more. Hard to imagine how the Republican establishment could say F you louder to its base, unless it nominated Hakim Jeffries, which in essence it has. I’m done with them.
Same. They disgust me as much as the Progressives do. One and the same.
Oh, and he openly wanted the elimination of the electoral college.
Which would let the Democrat cheat factories of New York and California enshrine Democrat ‘Presidents’ forever.
When the Suicide Caucus blocked Scalise and then Jordan, what in hell did they think would happen? What a pack of toddlers!
What do you call Buck? He voted against both McCarthy and Jordan.
“Count on Democrats supporting him”?! You’re nuts. Not one Democrat will support him. Look at his ACA and Heritage ratings. He’s about as conservative as they come. And no, he never worked for Soros.
It’s a big club and conservatives ain’t in it.
Now they are starting to turn on Matt Gaetz saying he is helping Emmer.
If they mean to start a war….
Soros plant
Meh. They couldn’t pick somebody that isn’t NeverTrump could they?? At this point, what difference does it make. It’s one big Uniparty.
Would prefer Johnson off the final slate and someone not in currently Leadership. Lets face it this dude was Whip and didn’t see the motion to vacate coming or if he did was unable to convince McCarthy and establishment to avoid it.
This hasn’t fully played out yet, but if Emmer gets in, Gaetz may have some ‘splaining to do.
Emmer gets a Liberty rating of 69% by Conservative Review, better than McCarthy’s 54%. I’d much prefer Byron Donald’s, who gets and EARNS his 100% rating.
Some Democrats including Phillips of Minnesota have already said they will support him and others say they will not vote to lower the threshold needed.
I agree with other posters that this is the uniparty showing their loyalty to their donors and globalist agenda. I see the House and Senate now voting in lockstep.
reports are that even though he got the most votes there are 22 Republicans hat voted against him
If you’re referring to their precious ‘secret’ ballot, he barely won that with 117 votes.
If you’re referring to the ‘roll call’, then 26 Republicans voted ‘no’, meaning they will oppose him on the floor.
But that’s fine, because apparently the Democrats are magically willing to ‘sit out’ and let him be Speaker.
The RINOs would rather let the Democrats pick the Speaker than vote for Jim Jordan.
The idea that either Scalise or Jordan aren’t conservative enough would be hilarious if it wasn’t go tragically juvenile.
I won’t be shocked if what’s at the link happens. Both parties have their lowest rankings in decades. The voting majority is thoroughly turned off, and looking for an alternative. I’d have preferred DeSantis, but that won’t happen.
If the alternative comes to pass, the Rs will have no one but themselves to blame. This is what happens if you f*** around. The idea espoused by too many people here that no government is the best government is a resounding “No Sale” in this country, as it well should be.
As far as my personal preference, I eliminated Emmers immediately because he’s been a lousy whip. I haven’t changed my mind.
Let me make a prediction.
Those who called the people who did not vote McCarthy speaker children
— who then did not vote for Jordan
— who then complained that their voters were calling them up telling
them to vote for Jordan, calling it intimidation, cause God forbid they
actually do what their constituents want.
— who then acted like Democrats by complaining about fake death
threats ( police reports or it didn’t happen ).
Those same people will now call those who don’t vote for Emmer children.
What do you call the people who called anybody who didn’t vote for Jordan “children”, among other things? Hypocrites.
Emmer drops out. Wanted Johnson back when there were 9. He would be a good face for the Republicans, is polished, and always seemed to be saying and doing the right things. Any skeletons?
And Emmer drops out.
Yet another RINO that has no base of support to actually win.
Just like Scalise, why the hell would you run in the first place if you were just going to drop out before the first actual vote on the floor?
Did this idiot actually think he was just going to be crowned Speaker because he won a bare majority of votes in a secret backroom vote, and not actually have to negotiate for the full votes?
“”But that’s fine, because apparently the Democrats are magically willing to ‘sit out’ and let him be Speaker.
The RINOs would rather let the Democrats pick the Speaker than vote for Jim Jordan.””
Bad guess.
Breaking News Emmer drops out.
Apparently Trump called him a RINO and but hurt he dropped out.
Well, we can always go back to the other 8 and start again. What the hell. It’s not as if there’s anything going on in the world that might need some Congressional attention.