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House Republicans Leave After Jordan Falls Short to Win Speaker

House Republicans Leave After Jordan Falls Short to Win Speaker

He only has 124 votes, though.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan emerged as the Speaker of the House nominee with 124 votes.

Rep. Austin Scott, a late addition, received 81 votes.

But Jordan’s 124 votes are insufficient to win on the House floor. He needs 217 Republican votes on the House floor.

That could explain why they all went home tonight. We know none of the 212 Democrats won’t cross the aisle.:

But while Mr. Jordan won the contest, his quest for the speakership still faced serious challenges. A second secret-ballot vote revealed that a sizable chunk of Republicans did not intend to support him on the floor, where he needs 217 votes to win the gavel. It was a continuation of the bitter party infighting that has broken out in recent days, paralyzing the House.

It was evident immediately that Mr. Jordan’s candidacy would get no help from Democrats, who view him as a loyal foot soldier for Mr. Trump who helped instigate the attack on the Capitol.

“At every single turn, Jim Jordan has prioritized politics, power, fear, division, hate over the American people,” said Representative Katherine M. Clark of Massachusetts, the Democratic whip. “Every Republican who casts their vote for him is siding with an insurrectionist against our democracy.”

The Republicans might try to get interim Speaker Patrick McHenry more power so the chamber can finish some work.


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Alexander Scipio | October 13, 2023 at 7:18 pm

If America is lucky, they won’t be able to fill the Speaker until after the CR expires, thereby saving the country from the profligate havoc unleashed on us and our gr-gr-gr-great grandkids every time they are in session. Just shut it all down. No more to Ukraine, no more to trannies, no more to colleges, no more to gender-victim studies students, no more to gay goldfish studies, no more to sanctuary cities.

    CommoChief in reply to Alexander Scipio. | October 13, 2023 at 7:33 pm

    Yeah. This is the actual reality of the alternative path. The CR expires in a few weeks so about a month and half between the expiration and Jan 1st. Why is Jan 1st important? If no budget has been passed then an automatic mini sequestration of a 1% reduction from FY23 goes into effect.

    I can live with that. I doubt the d/prog want to embrace that. Nor does the neocon/establishment portion in the HoR GoP want their own gravy train interrupted, which is why their core group is digging their heels in. I would point out that they are doing so in a secret ballot where their constituents back home don’t see it. My suggestion would be come back next week, hold another round behind closed doors with the expectation that whomever gets the majority will have their name submitted on the floor. That will shake some votes loose and begin the process of imposing public consequences. Whatever else Matt Gaetz may be he was willing to act in full public view knowing he would get all the slings and arrows. Let’s see if the neocon/establishment goons are willing to do likewise.

      healthguyfsu in reply to CommoChief. | October 13, 2023 at 8:29 pm

      Dems will be just fine with it if they can blame it on GOP…which they will and they can because of this mess.

        CommoChief in reply to healthguyfsu. | October 13, 2023 at 10:06 pm

        For what? We don’t need a Speaker to reach any agreement for new budget and the committees are still able to function. We had Speaker from mod January till last week so 9 months available to work out a budget. Didn’t seem to make a difference. The WH can negotiate with the HoR GoP leadership as can Schumer or …not as has been the case so far.

        Of course the d/prog gonna try and shift blame to the GoP. The corporate media, some of them, Heck most of them, will assist in that effort to one degree or another. That’s not a new phenomenon created by the motion to vacate which I would remind you 208 d/prog voted for v 8 GoP. Gonna be a little tougher than normal to explain why lack of Speaker is bad and totes the 100% fault of the GoP given those votes.

          healthguyfsu in reply to CommoChief. | October 13, 2023 at 11:34 pm

          It’s not even tough. If Republicans can’t even agree on a speaker, how can they agree on a budget? They’ve successfully worked with a whole lot less in the Obama years.

          November is going to suck for us.

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | October 14, 2023 at 11:39 am

          What you keep ignoring is that on Jan 1 a budget automatically takes effect. A budget that has 1% less funding than the previous budget. In addition for the six (ish) weeks between the end of the current CR and Jan 1 there won’t be any authorized funding.

          That’s the reality here. The overwhelming majority of GoP/lean voters as well as Indy voters and more than a few d/prog voters who recognize the problem is out of control spending are happy to accept this.

          The folks who want increased spending, primarily d/prog but more than a few GoP establishment goons as well, do not want that. It’s up to the folks who don’t want the coming reality of cuts, even a 1% cut, along with furloughed non essential Fed employees for six weeks to bargain in good faith to reach a compromise to avoid it.

          Eff the legacy media who always put their thumb on the scale to support more spending, bigger and more intrusive Federal govt. You may have noticed that many legacy, corporate media entities are getting roasted for similar lies as they seek to prop up Hamas. Just as they did with trans ideology, just as they did with BLM. People, even people who lean left, have taken note. More every day beginning to see the naked propaganda of the legacy media for what it is.

        FSU is dying to return to the days when the right just rolled over and no one noticed.

          healthguyfsu in reply to Paddy M. | October 13, 2023 at 11:35 pm

          No, I just don’t believe in playing the short game to the neglect of the long game. This will cost a whole lot more than you will admit.

          Paddy M in reply to Paddy M. | October 13, 2023 at 11:38 pm

          And which long game is that? The one where the left doesn’t control the federal government? Your method failed 15 years ago.


Yeah, thank you Matt Gaetz for fucking everything up when the world is about to enter WWIII.

“It was evident immediately that Mr. Jordan’s candidacy would get no help from Democrats, who view him as a loyal foot soldier for Mr. Trump who helped instigate the attack on the Capitol.

What attack on the Capitol? Oh, it’s from the NY Times…

    gonzotx in reply to gospace. | October 13, 2023 at 7:56 pm

    But always repeated as if true

    “It was evident immediately that Mr. Jordan’s candidacy would get no help from Democrats, who view him as a loyal foot soldier for Mr. Trump who helped instigate the attack on the Capitol.”

    There is absolutely no evidence that Trump helped instigate the events of Jan. 6 in fact quite the opposite.

    I expect it from the NY Slimes but not this site.

Goodbye to Donald Trump and all Republicans in 2024. And welcome to Joe Biden for another 4 years. You Trumpers wanted this, and now you have it.

    RandomCrank in reply to JR. | October 13, 2023 at 7:52 pm

    Most Americans are in the broad center, and for us Job #1 is to have a functioning government.

      healthguyfsu in reply to RandomCrank. | October 13, 2023 at 8:29 pm

      Now we have neither.

      Paddy M in reply to RandomCrank. | October 14, 2023 at 12:08 am

      And yet the federal government is captured by hard leftists. What happened, independent?

        RandomCrank in reply to Paddy M. | October 14, 2023 at 10:53 am

        Great! You didn’t get everything you wanted, so you kick and scream and stamp your little feet. Just what how in hell do you think the 75% of the country that’s not Republican will react to that shit, genius?

          CommoChief in reply to RandomCrank. | October 14, 2023 at 3:06 pm

          Probably not by embracing Biden and the d/prog who:
          1. Support open borders
          2. Support out of control spending/caused Cray Cray rapid inflation
          3. Support trans ideology and mutilated kids
          4. Embrace identity politics as paramount over merit or basic competence
          5. Tacitly endorse Hamas and in some cases openly

          Like it or lump it, whatever problems the GoP has and they do have them for sure, the d/prog are working to undermine Western Civilization, our Constitution and wreck our ability to sustain modern society. Choose wisely.

          RandomCrank in reply to RandomCrank. | October 14, 2023 at 5:45 pm

          Well, just wait until the next election. Unless the Rs get this sorted out, you’ll be crying hard.

          CommoChief in reply to RandomCrank. | October 15, 2023 at 1:43 pm

          I won’t shed a single tear over the foolish actions of wishy washy Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots who would indirectly support our political opposition by staying home refusing to vote or worse yet directly support our political opposition b/c their ego got bruised when their plan was rejected.

          Frankly I would rather all those not committed to doing the difficult task of defeating our political opposition got out of the way. Discussions about political strategy and tactics are contentious and should be. When leaders promise X but fail to deliver they should expect to be challenged.

    jmt9455 in reply to JR. | October 13, 2023 at 9:06 pm

    Your tds meds are covered by your demon-rat obummercare insurance…stop by your local mslsd or cnn outlet

    Paddy M in reply to JR. | October 13, 2023 at 10:44 pm

    Nah, JR. It’s milquetoast losers like you, FSU, and crank that brought us here. You’ve been whining with your lefty pals since TV told you to in 2017.

      Paddy M in reply to Paddy M. | October 13, 2023 at 10:58 pm

      You’ve been happy to support feckless leadership from 20+ years. Well, quite a few of us lowly GOP voters have grown tired of that and are stating as much. The Tea Party was the initial salvo. Trump was the 2nd. We’ll see what happens next.

Most Americans want closed borders, send back ilegals, and be safe. We also want to have good jobs and fossil fuels

We don’t want our children fighting foreign shit show wars

We can have that when we elect President Trump and not have it stolen


    diver64 in reply to gonzotx. | October 14, 2023 at 7:17 am

    Wife had a bunch of Afghan “refugess” show up, couple of men and several women, for work that the government promised to pay all salary for a year. Only one speaks broken english and when told they need safety boots for the job they all had to leave because the women were not allowed to drive.

Jim Jordan’s idea of reforming the FBI was just to move it to his state, all about that gravy train

    thad_the_man in reply to geronl. | October 13, 2023 at 8:33 pm

    I won’t argue about whether his state is worthy or not, but any place in the US that is not DC is an improvement.

    diver64 in reply to geronl. | October 14, 2023 at 7:18 am

    I rather think that breaking up the DC monopoly is a good thing. Dept of Interior to Wyoming or Montana, HHS to Nebraska, FBI to Wisconsin and so on. No reason they have to all be concentrated in one target rich environment for lobbyists.

      CommoChief in reply to diver64. | October 15, 2023 at 1:52 pm

      Plus moving these agencies out of DC/NOVA mitigates one of the key problems; bureaucrat X at Agency/Dept A marries bureaucrat Y who works at Agency/Dept B. Or they marry lobbyists or other influence keeping hacks. All of which reinforces the creation and expansion of the vast Federal leviathan.

      Moving these agencies to widely separated geographical locations helps to mitigate the creation and maintenance of our class of DC Mandarins.

Let me point out several important things. First look at how Germany, Italy, Poland and a lot of other country have trouble forming governments because of their need to form a coalition government. They get by.

On to the topic at hand. Mary is a bit of an idiot because she thinks that the caucus vote for nominee has anything to do with the actual speaker vote.
I don’t remember what the vote was for Scalise was but it was pretty close to Jordan’s. A speaker isn’t chosen when most of the caucus suddenly give him a vote for speaker in a caucus meeting. Whoever the speaker is then needs to whip up the votes needed.

Does Jordan have the votes. I don’t know, but it will tough. I think he should force a floor vote, make the congressmen put their name on the record.

    healthguyfsu in reply to thad_the_man. | October 13, 2023 at 8:40 pm

    Here’s an important thing. Mary is not an idiot for reporting what has happened. It’s a reasonable leap that the reason the GOPers left is because they wouldn’t get a resolution to the issue by staying.

    Also, it sounds like they aren’t interested in more failure theater despite your suggestion.

    “”House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan emerged as the Speaker of the House nominee with 124 votes.””

    “”But Jordan’s 124 votes are insufficient to win on the House floor. He needs 217 Republican votes on the House floor.””

    If you want to see an idiot, look in the mirror. She’s exactly correct.

      thad_the_man in reply to txvet2. | October 14, 2023 at 12:21 am

      Well in Mary’s case I give her credit by calling her an idiot, and not a liar. I said I don’t know if Jordan can get the votes. But he certainly does not have only 124 votes. In fact as Commo pointed out ( I am assuming he is correct I haven’t heard anything. ) a second vote netted him 150 votes. How many he would get on the floor, or he can negotiate — that’s to be seen.

      So Mary is either a liar by advancing spin or an idiot by buying into spin. But make no mistake, it is spin. Scalise had 113 votes and the implication was that he could get the speakership with some hard wrangling, but Jordan has already failed despite getting more votes on the first go around.

      You on the other had are both. You pretend that spin are facts despite having been shown it’s spin. You are also an idiot if you think all Tea party/MAGA are going to but your bullshit.

    CommoChief in reply to thad_the_man. | October 13, 2023 at 10:17 pm

    It’s not idiotic to point out facts. Th fact is in closed door secret balloting Jordon got 124 votes round one and 150+ round two. The remaining fifty ish votes are establishment goons like Mike Rogers throwing the same sort of tantrum they accused Gaetz of which is more than a little bit of hypocrisy. Of course these were behind closed door votes and the public does have a record of who voted which way. Bring it to the floor and hold it in public and lets all see who is willing to take one for the team and achieve unity and who is only demanding unity from others but are unwilling to bow to unity when their own ox is gored.

      thad_the_man in reply to CommoChief. | October 14, 2023 at 12:45 am

      Let me begin by saying I accepted Scalise ( subject to another vacate motion) though I’m not sure I would have been happy with him.

      Jim Jordan about the same, I’m a bit more optimistic maybe he is who he said he was. Certainly he’s smart enough to deal in a way that avoids a motion to vacate.

      But I’m being pushed into a corner being made to look like I’M supporting him 100%.

      I’m not saying she is an idiot for pointing out facts, but for buying into the spin that Jordan can’t win because he got 124 vote. nevermind the opposite spin a while ago that Scalise would likely get the Speakership when he got fewer votes.

      I agree with the floor vote. We are not mushrooms. Shame Rush isn’t still around. If he believed as I do about Jordan he would tell people to call their congress critters and the vote likely would be easy.

      Fact is even now people should let their congress critters know what they want. It’s called democracy.

        CommoChief in reply to thad_the_man. | October 14, 2023 at 11:48 am

        Fair enough. But why feel backed into a corner? Whomever is selected as Speaker is a politician. While politicians don’t exactly wear the mark of Cain….they are all in the business of getting and staying elected first and foremost. Any delivery of their campaign promises and their public policy pronouncements in office is secondary.

        ‘Put not your trust in earthly princes’ is still a very sound admonition.

          thad_the_man in reply to CommoChief. | October 14, 2023 at 7:46 pm

          My original stance is simple : Jordan has a good chance to become speaker, and is the odds on favorite ( at this time), But people here implying that Jordan doesn’t have a chance, pushing me to say he will become Speaker. Spin does that. Pushes you to extremes.

          Mee I’m into estimating the odss, and seeing what happens. To quote Peter Sellers ” I like to watch.”

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | October 15, 2023 at 1:57 pm

          Meh. IMO within a narrow range of legit contenders it doesn’t matter who is Speaker until the occupant of the office makes it matter through their action or inaction. If they fail to do what they assured their colleagues and the public they would do then they should be challenged.

    diver64 in reply to thad_the_man. | October 14, 2023 at 7:27 am

    You show a stunning lack of knowledge on current events in DC and how things work. Mary is quite correct. I listened to, I think it was Dan Crenshaw, talking with another Congressman. He explained that the caucus needed to put someone on the floor that was going to get all the Republican votes because the Dems would not cross the aisle. They want it done before putting it on the floor. This is always done when electing a Speaker for the new session of Congress. Dems caucus and select their guy or gal and so do the Republicans. When McCarthy was thrown out, the Republicans went into Caucus to select their new Speaker Candidate just like normal. The Dems are also picking a candidate and you can bet all the Dems will vote for him or her. If the Republicans are not united it might leave a scenario where the Dem candidate, due to Dems voting in block, will get more votes than the Republican and we would have a Dem Speaker.
    Why do I have to explain such basic Government to you?

Interim Speaker Patrick McHenry is a pure RINO. Don’t expect anything helpful from him.

    Ironclaw in reply to Q. | October 13, 2023 at 11:51 pm

    Thankfully all he can do isThankfully all he can do is Speaker Pro Tem Is to oversee the seating of the next speaker.

      thad_the_man in reply to Ironclaw. | October 14, 2023 at 12:24 am

      Ironclaw I think what Q is implying is Mary’s suggestion that he be made temporary speaker.

      I don’t buy that either as there is nothing more permanent then a temporary solution to a problem. Worse I don’t think he can be subject to a motion to vacate after that.

      It’s sort of like a continuing resolution.

    diver64 in reply to Q. | October 14, 2023 at 7:29 am

    The Family Research Council gives him a 100. The Freedom Index has him at 65, Not great but not RINO territory either

I would just like to point out something obvious, that the reasons stated why Democrats oppose Jordan for speaker are 100% lies.

Young Cannibals, how do you expect that 50% of Americans not affiliated with either party to support a Republican Party that can’t even choose its own leadership?

    CommoChief in reply to RandomCrank. | October 15, 2023 at 7:26 pm

    If that’s such am important prerequisite to this bloc of voter please tell us who the leadership of the Indy voters are? Oh wait they don’t have any party leaders b/c they ain’t willing to join and support a particular party.

    Which means they can have an opinion about the leaders of the various political parties but not any meaningful input into who is selected/removed from leadership nor into the process/manner of the selection/removal.

    Appeasement of groups outside the core GoP base voters is a big part of why McCarthy was removed. The GoP should stop listening to the siren call of the elusive Indy voter, the TV talking heads, the denizens of the DC cocktail party circuit and reaffirm their commitment to deliver on what they promised their primary voters.

    Then at election time let everyone decide if they would prefer d/prog policies of open borders, rampant inflation, high energy cost, escalating mort rates, over regulation, crime, trans ideology, identity politics and other failed ideas instead of the policies offered by the GoP.