Hamas Battle Plan Ordered Terrorists to Target Elementary Schools, “Kill as Many as Possible” and “Capture Hostages”

As Israel gears up for a possible ground offensive in terrorist-controlled Gaza, more details are emerging about Saturday’s terror attack that killed at least 1300 Israelis. Hamas meticulously planned out the cross-border attack to maximized Israeli civilian casualties, particularly women and children, documents recovered from dead terrorist infiltrators reveal.

Maps and instructions found in possession of dead terrorists reveal that “Hamas had been systematically gathering intelligence on” communities it planned to target in southern Israel, and had made “specific plans of attack for each village that included the intentional targeting of women and children,” the NBC News exclusively reported Friday night, citing Israeli sources.

The documents, which include detailed maps of schools, super markets and medical centers, prove that Gaza-based masterminds of the terrorist attack wanted to kill and kidnap as many women, children and civilians possibile.

The NBC reported Hamas’ detailed plan to maximize Israeli civilians deaths:

Documents exclusively obtained by NBC News show that Hamas created detailed plans to target elementary schools and a youth center in the Israeli kibbutz of Kfar Sa’ad, to “kill as many people as possible,” seize hostages and quickly move them into the Gaza Strip.The attack plans, which are labeled “top secret” in Arabic, appear to be orders for two highly trained Hamas units to surround and infiltrate villages and target places where civilians, including children, gather. Israeli authorities are still determining the death toll in Kfar Sa’ad.The documents were found on the bodies of Hamas terrorists by Israeli first responders and shared with NBC News. They include detailed maps and show that Hamas intended to kill or take hostage civilians and school children.One page labeled “Top Secret” outlines a plan of attack for Kfar Sa’ad, saying “Combat unit 1” is directed to “contain the new Da’at school,” while “Combat unit 2” is to “collect hostages,” “search the Bnei Akiva youth center” and “search the old Da’at school.”Another page labeled “Top Secret Maneuver” describes a plan for a Hamas unit to secure the east side of Kfar Sa’ad while a second unit controls the west. It says “kills as many as possible” and “capture hostages.” Other orders include surrounding a dining hall and holding hostages in it.The detailed plan to attack Kfar Sa’ad is part of a trove of documents that Israeli officials are analyzing, according to one source in the Israeli army and one in the government. Surveillance video of Hamas terrorists entering a kibbutz on Oct. 7 shows tactics similar to those laid out in the documents obtained by NBC News.The Israeli officials said that the wider group of documents show that Hamas had been systematically gathering intelligence on each kibbutz bordering Gaza and creating specific plans of attack for each village that included the intentional targeting of women and children.

The Israeli military and security forces eliminated around 1500 terrorist intruders as they cleared communities throughout southern Israel. Thousands of armed and trained Hamas infiltrators swarmed into Israel, killed and raping as they went door to door looking for their victims.

A group of Hamas paragliders descended on a music festival attended mostly by young women, killing at least 260. They raped women next to the corpses of their friends — murdering some and carrying others as sick war trophies to be humiliated and paraded in the streets of Gaza, where crowds greeted the returing terrorists with the chants of ‘Allahu akbar’. Between 150 t0 200 Israelis, including women, children and elderly, are feared to be in Hamas captivity.

Hamas claims IDF strike ‘killed’ 9 hostages

Hamas on Saturday afternoon claimed the IDF strikes against terrorist targets in Gaza ‘killed’ nine hostages. The announcement comes after Hamas threaten to execute civilian hostages of Israel hit Gaza terror sites.

“The military wing of Hamas terror group says nine hostages, including four foreigners, were killed over the past 24 hours as a result of the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip” Times of Israel reported. “The Qassam Brigades say the hostages were killed when Israel’s military hit areas where they were being held.

IDF targets masterminds, culprits of Hamas’ mass-murder

With the aim of bring terrorist culprits to justice for massacre, the IDF stepped up operations targeting Hamas’ Nukhba special force, which led last Saturday’s multi-pronged terrorist attack into Israel.

The Israeli military on Friday night also took out the head of the Hamas’ Aerial System. “Merad Abu Merad who was the head of the Hamas Aerial System in Gaza City and was largely responsible for directing terrorists during the massacre on Saturday,” the Ynet reported Saturday.

On Saturday morning, the IDF issued a summery of its overnight counter-terror strikes:

Last night (Friday), IDF fighter jets conducted wide-scale strikes throughout the Gaza Strip. These included dozens of Hamas terror targets as well as “Nukhba” terrorist operatives that were in a staging ground in the Gaza Strip. “Nukhba” terrorist operatives were one of the leading forces that led the infiltration into Israel last Saturday.Furthermore, over the last day, IDF fighter jets struck operational headquarters used by the Hamas terrorist organization from which the terrorist organization’s aerial activity was managed. During the strike, IDF fighter jets killed Merad Abu Merad who was the head of the Hamas Aerial System in Gaza City, and was largely responsible for directing terrorists during the massacre on Saturday.The IDF will continue to operate as required in order to defend the State of Israel against the Hamas terrorist organization.

UN chief tells Israel to ‘reconsider’ Gaza anti-terror op

United Nations chief Antonio Guterres on Friday told Israel to ‘reconsider’ its military offensive against terrorists holding Israeli hostages in Gaza. “As secretary general of the United Nations, I appeal to Israeli authorities to reconsider,” Guterres wrote in a op-ed for the New York Times.

The UN chief, formerly head of Portugal’s Socialist Party (SP), equated Israel’s defensive actions with Palestinian genocidal attacks, and called for a end to the ‘cycle’ of violence. “This horrifying cycle of ever-escalating violence and bloodshed must end. It is clear that the two sides in this conflict cannot achieve a solution without concerted action and strong support from us, the international community,” he claimed.

The fact remains that the IDF has been urging the Gaza residents in the designated areas of the north to move to south. Whereas Hamas is stopping and misleading civilians from evacuating as its fighters hide in tunnels and residential buildings.

Islamic countries ‘condemn’ Israel for going after Hamas in Gaza

Muslim countries, which largely stayed silent on the last week’s massacre of innocent Israelis, are now ganging up to ‘condemn’ Israel for launching a military operation to take out the Hamas leadership and free the hostages. Saudi Arabia-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) rebuked Israel on Saturday for large-scale Gaza anti-terror strikes.

The condemnation came a day after Muslims across the world stage violent protests following Hamas’ call to observe a ‘Day of Rage’ over Israeli retaliation and rescue operations in Gaza. Pro-Hamas riots and protests were reported throughout European and Western cities.

In the French city of Arras, a pro-Hamas Muslim migrant stabbed a professor to death and wounded two others as he screamed ‘Allahu akbar’. German police has increased security around synagogues and Jewish institutions fearing Muslim antisemitic attacks, Der Frankfuter Rundschau newspaper reported Saturday.

The Associated Press reported:

The 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation issued a blistering statement Saturday expressing what it describes as “its absolute rejection and condemnation of Israel, the occupying power’s calls for the forced displacement of the Palestinian people.” The OIC broadly reflects the thinking of Saudi Arabia’s rulers.

Update: Hezbollah shells Israeli border posts

On Saturday afternoon, Hezbollah fired mortars at IDF border posts in northern Israel amid fears that the pro-Iranian terrorist militia may be trying to open a second front against the Jewish State.

“According to the Israel Defense Forces, the clashes Saturday afternoon began after some 30 mortars were launched at military positions in the contested Mount Dov area on the Lebanon border,” The Times of Israel reported. “Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it had launched mortars and anti-tank guided missiles at the sites.”

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, IDF, Israel